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Page "Commercial Revolution" ¶ 26
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Even and though
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Even though headquarters actually have been moved into the Chatham building, do they believe that they can make the new name stick??
Even though he would later be resurrected, he was at this moment dead indeed, the expression on his face reflecting what he had gone through on the cross.
Even though I have always had a genius for `` throwing myself '' into every role and `` playing it for all it's worth '', no actress can be expected to do her best work when her fortune, her reputation, her livelihood, her home and her nation itself are all imperilled.
Even though the registers may have an incomplete record of persons present in a particular area or include persons no longer living there, they contain precise information on ages, by date of birth, for some of the persons present ( especially children in relatively stable communities ) and supplementary information ( such as records of marital status ) for many others.
Even though in civil rights legislation in 1957 and 1960 the provision for the Attorney General to act was eliminated, should we nevertheless support such a clause??
Even though we did not see many of your faces, it appears now quite evident that a considerable number of your profession heard, from those whom we had the fortune to encounter, that we had been in your midst.
Even though the bondage of his verse is not so great as the writing poet can manage, it is still great enough for him often to be seriously impeded unless he has aids to facilitate rapid composition.
Even though it was known that the Luftwaffe in the north was now being directed by the young and energetic General Peltz, the commander who would conduct the `` Little Blitz '' on London in 1944, a major raid on Bari at this juncture of the war was not to be considered seriously.
Even though we had walked miles in Kyoto that day, we started out again to see Nara at night.
Even though his theological theses have become, to us, commonplaces, the fundamental interrogation he phrased is very much with us.
Even though the boy could not see them, he knew they were clouded by distance.
Even though this is my rock, you can use it sometimes.
Even though they had the advantage of fighting on the defensive, the Confederate forces had " almost as high a percentage of casualties as the Union forces ".
Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion.
Even though it's not up to him / her to make laws ( only to promulgate them and make edicts ), the President is the leader of the winning party.
Even though scientific research is not their main goal, many amateur astronomers make a contribution to astronomy by monitoring variable stars, tracking asteroids and discovering transient objects, such as comets.
Even though they do not compete directly with cultivated plants, sometimes winter annuals are considered a pest in commercial agriculture, because they can be hosts for insect pests or fungal diseases ( ovary smut – Microbotryum sp ) which attack crops being cultivated.
One might say, " Even though the usual ordering of the real numbers does not work, it may be possible to find a different ordering of the real numbers which is a well-ordering.
Even though this element is not abundant, it is found in over 100 mineral species.
Even though this period-known in its earlier part as the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period-in its latter part was fraught with chaos and bloody battles, it is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely.
Even in Athanasius ’ Orations against the Arians, Arius hardly emerges consistently as the creative individual originator of the heresy that bears his name, even though it would have greatly strengthened Athanasius ’ case to present him in that light.
Even touching an alpha source is usually not harmful, though many alpha sources also are accompanied by beta-emitting radio daughters, and alpha emission is also accompanied by gamma photon emission.
Even though the parentheses were rearranged ( the left side requires adding 5 and 2 first, then adding 1 to the result, whereas the right side requires adding 2 and 1 first, then 5 ), the value of the expression was not altered.
Even though the stone had been around centuries and was known to both the Sumerians and the Egyptians, both who used the gem for decoration and for playing important parts in their religious ceremonies, any agate of this color from Sicily, once an ancient Greek colony, is called Greek agate.

Even and ruling
Even so, he led the ruling Social Democratic Party of Lithuania for one more year, until May 19, 2007, when he passed the reins to Gediminas Kirkilas.
Even the ruling AK Party, although its core cadres come from the Islamist current, tends to identify itself with the " tradition " of the Democratic Party ( DP ).
Even for members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ), the constitution was advantageous.
Even Socialist president François Mitterrand, who denounced de Gaulle's way of ruling as a permanent coup d ' état, was very intent on keeping the nuclear deterrent and asserting France's independence.
Even in a democratic capitalist republic, the ruling class never relinquish political power, maintaining it via the “ behind-the-scenes ” control of universal suffrage — an excellent deception that maintains the idealistic concepts of “ freedom and democracy ”; hence, communist revolution is the sole remedy for such demagogy:
Even though Ietsuna was now ruling in his own right, these former regents now became his official advisors, and in some cases, acted for him.
Even though it may be determined that the pain is non-cardiac in origin, this is often a diagnosis of exclusion made after ruling out more serious causes of the pain.
Even murders and Homicides were carried out by anti-social and hoodlum elements directly under the patronage and protection of the ruling Congress ( I ) and the main opposition the CPI ( M ) party, to discredit the Movement.
Even though this legally freed him, political opposition parties and many Thai people did not accept the court ruling on this matter.
Even the Austrian Kuenringer noble family, which had so far been faithful to the ruling house, started an insurgency as soon as his reign began.
Even though the premise for the split was its opposition to allying with the National Democratic Alliance, Deve Gowda stayed equally away from the Indian National Congress from the outset. The 2004 elections in Karnataka witnessed the revival of the party ’ s fortunes with Janata Dal ( Secular ) becoming part of the ruling coalition in the state.
Even the ruling Justice and Development Party ( AK Party ) tends to identify itself with the " tradition " of Democrat Party ( DP ).
Even though the ruling gradient in the tunnel was ( slightly ) less than that on the tracks on either side, the first Cascade tunnel soon proved to have problems with fumes, which was later tackled by electrification.
Even so, Franjo Tuđman and his ruling Croatian Democratic Union expressed great interest in taking even more direct control over the newspaper through privatisation.
* Even though the power elite itself as a ruling force is constant, the individuals who constitute it and occupy positions in the dominant hierarchies of the state, the economy, and the military is not.
Even the invalidation of such a covenant by the U. S. Supreme Court in the 1940 case of Hansberry v. Lee did little to reverse the trend because the ruling was based on a technicality and failed to set a legal precedent.
Even though the loss was immediately overturned and changed to a " No Contest " ruling, Kerr admitted that the initial loss had been a difficult decision for him to face.

2.287 seconds.