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From and 16
From the luggage, they learned that the two air pirates, far from being Cubans, were native Americans, subsequently identified as Leon Bearden, 50-year-old ex-convict from Coolidge, Ariz., and his son, Cody, 16, a high-school junior.
From September 10, 2001, to January 16, 2002, Ohio State University's Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum exhibited 36 of his Sunday strips.
From 16 June 1940-1942 the colonial administration remained loyal to Vichy France ( from 1942, under Free French ), but 25 September 1942-13 October 1946 they were, like Madagascar, under British occupation.
From September 8 through September 28, the Braves won 16 of 19 to pull from nearly 7 back to just 2 back in the season's final week.
From 16 May – 17 June 1955, Nikolai Bulganin and Anastas Mikoyan visited Yugoslavia and Khrushchev renounced the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Communist bloc.
From 16, 747 cellular phones in 2001, Greenland increased its usage to 66, 400 mobile cellular telephones in 2007.
From the ages of 11 to 16 he captained the Leicestershire Schools cricket team and had felt that he had a higher chance of succeeding at it rather than football.
From ages 11 to 16, the young " Jemmy " Madison was sent to study under Donald Robertson, an instructor at the Innes plantation in King and Queen County, Virginia in the Tidewater region.
From Ethnologue 16 ( 2009 ):
From Papadimitriou 1994, Theorem 16. 1:
From Napoleonic era to 1990s it was the city's jail, for which the 16 windows in the facade were opened.
From this point forward, Clemente reversed the trend, amassing 33 hits in his next 16 games, and, in the process, raising his average almost 100 points to. 326.
From 1 July 2008, anyone over the age of 16 is permitted to use a Segway on Dutch roads but users need to buy custom insurance.
From 1960 to 1970, student enrollment tripled, rising from 5, 600 to 16, 800.
From 1951 to 1970, it meant " Suitable for those aged 16 and over ," and from 1970 to 1982 it was redefined as meaning " Suitable for those aged 18 and over ".
* December 16 – Antonín Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 " From the New World " receives its premiere at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
From 1929 to 1932, the BBC transmitters were used to broadcast television programmes using the 30-line Baird system, and from 1932 to 1935, the BBC also produced the programmes in their own studio at 16 Portland Place.
From 1944 until 1948, between 13. 5 and 16. 5 million Germans were expelled, evacuated or fled from Central and Eastern Europe.
From there it proceeded northwest into Idaho up Stump Creek canyon for about ten miles ( 16 km ).
From September 14 to 16, filming of Indiana falling into the train carriages took place in Los Angeles.
From page 39: Ich nenne das neue Diamin C < sub > 5 </ sub > H < sub > 16 </ sub > N < sub > 2 </ sub >: " Cadaverin ", da ausser der empirischen Zussamsetzung, welche die neue Base als ein Hydrür des Neuridins für den flüchtigen Blick erscheinen lässt, keine Anhaltspunkte für die Berechtigung dieser Auffassung zu erheben waren.
* Moy-Population-2, 129 People ( 70 % Catholic 14 % Protestant 16 % From A Foreign Background )
From 1707 until 1963 Scottish peers elected 16 representative peers to sit in the House of Lords.
From May 8 through May 16, 1976, Brett had three or more hits in six consecutive games, a Major League record.
From February to April 16, 2006, she played the role of Roxie Hart in the Broadway play Chicago.

From and March
From March 3 to May 1, 1949, the patient was maintained on dexamethasone, 3 to 6 mg. daily.
From 8 November 2001-24 March 2002, The British Museum had an exhibit named “ Agatha Christie and Archaeology: Mystery in Mesopotamia ”, which presented a fascinating look at the secret life of Agatha Christie and the influences of archaeology in her life and works.
From Odo, the Ascanians inherited large properties in the Saxon Eastern March.
From 5 March 2012 Sports Bulletins come from the BBC Sport Centre in MediaCityUK in Salford Quays.
From 22 March 2010, Coronation Street was produced in 1080 / 50i for transmission on HDTV platforms on ITV1 HD.
From Friday 9 December 1960 until Friday 3 March 1961, the programme was shown in two episodes broadcast Wednesday and Friday at 19: 00.
From May 1243 to March 1244, the Cathar fortress of Montségur was besieged by the troops of the seneschal of Carcassonne and the archbishop of Narbonne.
From 1 April 1935 to 31 March 1936 was the period of greatest activity and work accomplished by the CCC program.
From the spring of 1813 until March 1815 about 6500 American sailors were imprisoned at Dartmoor.
Winds: From December through March, winds are generally westerly at approximately.
( Parton's March 1983 performance at London's Dominion Theatre from this tour was filmed and broadcast as a television special in the U. S .) From 1984 to 1985, she toured alongside Kenny Rogers for the Real Love Tour.
From the 5th century onward this cycle set its equinox to 25 March and fixed Easter to the Sunday falling in the 14th to the 20th of the lunar month inclusive.
From March to August 1595 Oxford actively importuned the Queen, in competition with Lord Buckhurst, to farm the tin mines in Cornwall.
From August until March 1542 he remained in Mozambique, having reached Goa, then capital of Portuguese India's on 6 May 1542, and also visiting Vasai.
From 60, 000-80, 000 Russian soldiers remained stationed in Finland at the beginning of 1918, but the majority of them were demoralized and unwilling to fight, and were withdrawn from Finland by the end of March.
From June 2009 to March 2011, the company had three chief executive officers and three chief financial officers.
From March 2003, Holden no longer held the number one sales position in Australia, losing ground to Toyota.
From 1 March 2009 the Harwich service will be departing at 2: 30 pm and 10: 45 pm and the Killingholme service at 9: 15 pm.
From its first years, government in the Soviet Union was based on the one-party rule of the Communists, as the Bolsheviks called themselves, beginning in March 1918.
From March 2007 to February 2010, he was Vice President of Emerging Platforms at Sun, until the company merged with Oracle and he resigned his position with the company.
From December 1851 to March 1852 Marx wrote The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, a work on the French Revolution of 1848, in which he expanded upon his concepts of historical materialism, class struggle and the dictatorship of the proletariat, advancing the argument that victorious proletariat has to smash the bourgeois state.
From 1 March 1926 to 30 June 1960, Ruanda-Urundi was in administrative union with the neighbouring colony of Belgian Congo.
From 22 March through 26 March 1991, mass pro-democracy rallies and a nationwide strike was held in both urban and rural communities, which became known as les evenements (" the events ") or the March Revolution.

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