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Page "Cornmeal" ¶ 27
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Some Related Sentences

Generally and agent
Generally an agent doesn't intend to catch a cold or engage in bodily movement to do so ( though we might be able to conceive of such a case ).
Generally, fees are less if using the website rather than using a partner agent location.
In the United States, it is a Generally Recognized as Safe flavoring agent ( FEMA GRAS 3732 ).
Generally, a drug or other therapeutic agent with a narrow therapeutic range ( i. e. having little difference between toxic and therapeutic doses ) may have its dosage adjusted according to measurements of the actual blood levels achieved in the person taking it.
* Generally placing a " For Sale " sign on the property indicating how to contact the real estate office and agent.
Generally a person undergoing will be manually ventilated for a short period of time before a neuromuscular blocking agent ( for example succinylcholine or rocuronium ) is administered and the patient is intubated.
Generally the leaves are not used whole, but rather a juice ( or extract ) made from the leaves is used to make the broth, primarily as a thickening agent rather than for its flavor.

Generally and such
Generally, however, in such marriages as those cited, the husband is at his wife's mercy.
Generally, Morgan used technology ( such as bowmaking or pottery ) as an indicator of position on this scale.
Generally, there is no trial in an appellate court, only consideration of the record of the evidence presented to the trial court and all the pre-trial and trial court proceedings are reviewed — unless the appeal is by way of re-hearing, new evidence will usually only be considered on appeal in " very " rare instances, for example if that material evidence was unavailable to a party for some very significant reason such as prosecutorial misconduct.
Generally the visible spectrum ( vmag ) is used for the apparent magnitude, but other spectrums such as the near-infrared J-band magnitude are also used.
Generally this is in a very small detail, such as the number of leaves on the ear of corn on the recent US Wisconsin state quarter: File: 2004 WI Proof. png.
" Generally, comics are not allowed to include such words as " damn ", " sucks ", " screwed " and " hell ", although there have been exceptions such as the September 22, 2010 Mother Goose and Grimm in which an elderly man says, " This nursing home food sucks ," and a pair of Pearls Before Swine comics from January, 2011 with a character named Ned using the word " crappy ".
Generally, punitive damages, which are also termed exemplary damages in the United Kingdom, are not awarded in order to compensate the plaintiff, but in order to reform or deter the defendant and similar persons from pursuing a course of action such as that which damaged the plaintiff.
Generally regarded as the most pleasant taste, sweetness is almost always caused by a type of simple sugar such as glucose or fructose, or disaccharides such as sucrose, a molecule combining glucose and fructose.
Generally, with catenation comes the loss of the total amount of bonded hydrocarbons and an increase in the amount of energy required for bond cleavage due to strain exerted upon the molecule ; in molecules such as cyclohexane, this is referred to as ring strain, and occurs due to the " destabilized " spatial electron configuration of the atom.
Generally, such an insurance company must submit its rates and policy forms to the state's insurance regulator to receive his or her prior approval, although whether an insurance company must receive prior approval depends upon the kind of insurance being written.
Generally, the Inquisition movement was concerned only with the heretical behaviour of Catholic adherents or converts, and did not concern itself with those outside its jurisdiction, such as Jews or Muslims.
Generally, invertebrates like camel spiders and even earthworms, but mainly sizeable insects such as beetles, orthopterans and winged termites are eaten with delight whenever the birds happen across them.
He started by saying, " Generally it appears to me that any such scheme is dangerous to us, because it will create a sense of security which is wholly fictitious ".
Generally, this means the skeletal muscle and associated fat and other tissues, but it may also describe other edible tissues such as offal.
Generally such children could have no official place in the tribe because their fathers did not belong to it, unless they were adopted by a male and made part of his family.
Generally, handling such input gracefully with hand-written rules — or more generally, creating systems of hand-written rules that make soft decisions — is extremely difficult, error-prone and time-consuming.
Generally it is fig and olive trees which seem to be depicted Later the cult of Dionysos was closely associated with trees, specifically the fig tree, and some of his bynames exhibit this, such as or ( dendron, " tree ").
Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from discrimination in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain races to vigilante violence ( such as lynchings, e. g. ) Generally, a situation that arises when members of different races mutually prefer to associate and do business with members of their own race would usually be described as separation or de facto separation of the races rather than segregation.
Generally, understanding grew about the contribution of environment to test-taking and results ( such as having English as a second language ).
Generally, the proper standard of review for employee benefit decisions, such as the denial of benefit claims, is de novo.
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland ; the Danes to England and France, settling in the Danelaw ( northern / eastern England ) and Normandy ; and the Swedes to the east, founding the Kievan Rus, the original Russia.
Generally speaking, more mafic magmas, such as those that form basalt, are hotter and less viscous than more silica-rich magmas, such as those that form rhyolite.

Generally and baking
Generally, the pie crust is lined with aluminium foil or parchment paper, then filled with pastry-or pie-weights to keep the crust's shape while baking.

Generally and soda
Generally, seltzer water has no added sodium salts, while club soda still retains the sodium salts.

Generally and is
Generally, however, there is an abundance of available machinery of coordination -- in NATO, in O.E.C.D., in the U.N. and elsewhere.
Generally, throughout the South, there is a growing impatience with the pattern of violence with which every step of desegregation is met.
Generally, it is necessary to mark distances on a specimen ( or garment ) in both lengthwise and widthwise directions and to measure before and after laundering.
Generally the first salvo of a tsunami is a rather sharp swell, not different enough from an ordinary wave to alarm casual observers.
Generally, an answer is a reply to a question or is a solution, a retaliation, or a response that is relevant to the said question.
Generally speaking in private, civil cases there is no plea entered of guilt or innocence.
Generally speaking, negation is an automorphism of any abelian group, but not of a ring or field.
Generally, however, northern Alberta ( and areas along the Alberta Rockies ) is forested land and logging is more important than agriculture there.
Generally it is a battery, but sub-divided batteries are quite common, and in some armies very common.
The body of rules that governs financial accounting in a given jurisdiction is called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP.
Generally the absent zee-rhyme is not missed, although some children use a zee pronunciation in the rhyme which they would not use elsewhere.
Generally it is impossible to close two or three transactions at the same instant ; therefore, there is the possibility that when one part of the deal is closed, a quick shift in prices makes it impossible to close the other at a profitable price.
Generally, a battle is a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants.
Generally Heinz Guderian is attributed as creating the military doctrine later described as blitzkrieg.
Generally, information currently available as of January 1 of the current year is used in preparing the Factbook.

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