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George and Cammann
In 1851, Irish physician Arthur Leared invented a binaural stethoscope, and in 1852 George Cammann perfected the design of the instrument for commercial production, which has become the standard ever since.

George and perfected
Therefore there are now a huge variety of different styles and types of map-for example, one area which has evolved a specific and recognisable variation are those used by public transport organisations to guide passengers, namely urban rail and metro maps, many of which are loosely based on 45 degree angles as originally perfected by Harry Beck and George Dow.
Krazy George then perfected the method for initiating a wave cheer with the Edmonton fans, and carried the wave with him to other venues, culminating with the aforementioned televised Major League Baseball game.
There Belaney and his friend George McCormick perfected the arts of knife throwing and marksmanship.
Pell married the former Nuala O ' Donnell, great-granddaughter of George Huntington Hartford, owner of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company and granddaughter of Edward V. Hartford, who perfected the automobile shock absorber, and, as such, was one of the heirs to several fortunes.
** George Cadbury ( 1839 – 1922 ), younger brother, developed the firm and perfected the recipe for Dairy Milk
Sir George Arthur, during his administration of the affairs of the presidency, perfected the Deccan survey, the object of which was to equalise and decrease the pressure of the land assessment on the cultivators of the Deccan ; and gave his hearty support to the project of a railway line from Bombay to Cailian, which may be regarded as the germ of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, while during his administration the reclamation of the foreshore of the island of Bombay was projected.
By November 1924, after over 36 attempts to strengthen the flakes to withstand packaging, the process for creating the flakes had been perfected by the Washburn head miller, George Cormack, and the cereal was named Washburn's Gold Medal Whole Wheat Flakes.
Thomson's work was continued and perfected by FitzGerald, Heaviside ( 1888 ), and George Frederick Charles Searle ( 1896, 1897 ).

George and design
Then, sculptor George Stanley ( who also did the Muse Fountain at the Hollywood Bowl ) sculpted Gibbons's design in clay and Sachin Smith cast the statuette in 92. 5 percent tin and 7. 5 percent copper and then gold-plated it.
The site of the colony's capital was surveyed and laid out by Colonel William Light, the first Surveyor-General of South Australia, through the design made by the architect George Strickland Kingston.
William Baker Ashton was appointed Governor of the temporary goal in 1839, and in 1840 George Strickland Kingston was commissioned to design Adelaide's new Gaol.
Of this grand plan only the Edward VII galleries in the centre of the North Front were ever constructed, these were built 1906-14 to the design by J. J. Burnet, and opened by King George V and Queen Mary in 1914.
Based on George Griffith's Stories Of Other Worlds, it contains six stories, the illustrations from their original publication, a worldbook taking the story forward to 1920, a spaceship design spreadsheet, five adventures, plus the novelisation A Honeymoon In Space.
During World War II, he worked for the Admiralty Research Laboratory, from which emerged a group of many notable scientists, including David Bates, Robert Boyd, George Deacon, John Gunn, Harrie Massey, and Nevill Mott ; he worked on the design of magnetic and acoustic mines, and was instrumental in designing a new mine that was effective against German minesweepers.
Robert was very much responsible for the detailed design of Rocket, although he was in constant postal communication with George, who made many suggestions on the design.
This new design was issued on the bicentennial of George Washington's birth.
Thomas R. Bruce ( postmaster 1898 – 1928 ) was the first islander to design a postage stamp, the 1922 – 1937 George V ship-design — this significantly contributed to island revenues for several years.
In regard to fine-tuning, Kenneth Himma writes: " The mere fact that it is enormously improbable that an event occurred ... by itself, gives us no reason to think that it occurred by design … As intuitively tempting as it may be ...” Himma attributes the “ Argument from Suspicious Improbabilities ”, a formalization ofthe fine-tuning intuition ” to George N. Schlesinger: To understand Schlesinger ’ s argument, consider your reaction to two different events.
After an open competition, a design by the New York firm of George Lewis Heins and C. Grant LaFarge in a Byzantine-Romanesque style was accepted the next year.
A New Zealand ham, George H. Pritchard ( ZL3MH ), brought the design to attention in 1949 ( based on ideas of W5LHI and W0GZR ), hence the " ZL " part of the name given the 3MH beam by Fred C. Judd ( G2BCX ), who further developed variants
In 1755, following the Battle of Lake George, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, the governor of the French Province of Canada, sent his cousin Michel Chartier de Lotbinière to design and construct a fortification at this militarily important site, which the French called Fort Carillon.
Under George I six rooms were completed in 1717 to the design of John Vanbrugh.
Under George II and his Queen, Caroline, further refurbishment took place, with the architect William Kent employed to design new furnishings and decor including the Queen's Staircase, ( 1733 ) and the Cumberland Suite ( 1737 ) for the Duke of Cumberland.
It is not a replica, being of an ornate Victorian Gothic design based on George Gilbert Scott's Oxford Martyrs ' Memorial ( 1838 ).
To facilitate the transfer of cargo from the flat-bottomed bateaux above the fall line to the ocean-faring ships below, George Washington helped design the James River and Kanawha Canal in the 18th century to bypass Richmond's rapids, with the intent of providing a water route across the Appalachians to the Kanawha River.
* Othmar Ammann's Glory: A description of the design of the George Washington Bridge and Ammann's rivalry with Lindenthal
His break-through commission was the design of the Alexander Hamilton U. S. Custom House in New York City ( now housing the George Gustav Heye Center ).
Gilbert was one of the first celebrity architects in America, designing skyscrapers in New York City and Cincinnati, campus buildings at Oberlin College and the University of Texas, state capitols in Minnesota and West Virginia, the support towers of the George Washington Bridge, various railroad stations ( including the New Haven Union Station ), and the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D. C .. His reputation declined among some professionals during the age of Modernism, but he was on the design committee that guided and eventually approved the modernist design of Manhattan's groundbreaking Rockefeller Center: when considering Gilbert's body of works as whole, it is more eclectic than many critics admit.
Notable among them were Andrew Noble and George Wightwick Rendel, whose design of gun-mountings and hydraulic control of gun-turrets were adopted worldwide.

George and instrument
Various refinements were made to the instrument, including the use of a so-called position-sensitive ( PoS ) detector by Alfred Cerezo, Terence Godfrey, and George D. W. Smith at Oxford University in 1988.
The NCTE's publications resonate with George Orwell's name, and allusions to him abound in statements on doublespeak ; for example, the committee quoted Orwell's remark that " language is often used as an instrument of social control " in Language and Public Policy.
An early proponent of the electric Spanish guitar was jazz guitarist George Barnes who used the instrument in two songs recorded in Chicago on March 1, 1938, " Sweetheart Land " and " It's a Low-Down Dirty Shame ".
The first electric guitarist of note to use a seven-string guitar was jazz guitarist George Van Eps, who was a pioneer of this instrument.
It is not often recognized that in his earlier work on the " Sea clocks " Harrison was continually assisted both financially and in many other ways by George Graham, the watchmaker and instrument maker who lent him a large sum on the basis of trust even after Harrison's first visit to Graham in 1728 to explain how his timekeeper worked.
George Beauchamp was a vaudeville performer, violinist, and steel guitarist who, like most of his fellow acoustic guitarists in the pre-electric-guitar days of the 1920s, was searching for a way to make his instrument cut through an orchestra.
This 40-inch aperture instrument was also the second ( and final ) telescope made by famed optician, George Ritchey.
This instrument was first proposed in 1932 by George Gamow and Lev Mysovskii and was installed and running by 1937.
Scarlatti was already an eminent harpsichordist: there is a story of a trial of skill with George Frideric Handel at the palace of Cardinal Ottoboni in Rome where he was judged possibly superior to Handel on that instrument, although inferior on the organ.
An account of this instrument, and of the results of some early years of its operation, are given in Danjon's 1958 George Darwin Lecture to the Royal Astronomical Society ( in Monthly Notices of the RAS ( 1958 ), vol. 118, pages 411-431 ).
Their use of the instrument came as a result of George Harrison's taking lessons on how to play it from Shankar and Shambhu Das.
" At the end we did Corner's Piano Activities not according to his instructions since we systematically destroyed a piano which I bought for $ 5 and had to have it all cut up to throw it away, otherwise we would have had to pay movers, a very practical composition, but German sentiments about this " instrument of Chopin " were hurt and they made a row about it ..." George Maciunas
The organ was built by the firm of Grant, Degens, and Bradbeer in 1969, in a case designed by George Pace ; somewhat revolutionary at the time, the instrument remains no less remarkable and idiosyncratic today.
Other works in classical music for the instrument include " Ancient Voices of Children " by George Crumb and a number of pieces by Mauricio Kagel.
Tanner played it for the 1958 LP Music for Heavenly Bodies, the first full length album featuring the instrument, and played it subsequently on several television and movie soundtracks — most notably on George Greeley's theme for the 1960s TV series My Favorite Martian — and on an LP entitled Music from Outer Space.
Another is that the new King George VI brought up the idea of a title just after the abdication instrument was signed, and suggested using " the family name ".
Of Sarasate's idiomatic writing for his instrument, the playwright and music critic George Bernard Shaw once declared that though there were many composers of music for the violin, there were but few composers of violin music.
* George Adams, Jr. ( 1750 – 1795 ), his son, English optician and instrument maker
Originally a talented trombonist, he was forced to abandon that instrument after a jaw injury left him unable to play ( although he played brilliantly on the George Russell Sextet album Ezz-thetics after sustaining the injury ).
Cai Lun-Cai Wen-Cai Yuanpei-Caijing-Cairo Conference-Calligraphy-Callistephus-Cangjie method-Canidrome ( Shanghai )-Canidrome ( Macau )-Cantonese-Cantonese cuisine-Cantonese opera-Cantopop-Cao Cao-Cao Cao Unification of the North-Cao Fang-Cao Pi-Cao Rui-Cao Xueqin-Cao Yu-Cao Zhang-Cao Zhi-Caodong-Capitals of subnational entities of China-Carbon dioxide emissions in China-Cardamom-Casino Lisboa-Cathay Pacific-Cathedral Parish-Catholic Church in Taiwan-Causeway Bay-Celadon-Celestial globe-Cell Phone ( film )-Central Advisory Commission of China-Central and Western Democratic Power-Central and Western district-Central Asia-Central Bank of China-Central Committee of the Communist Party of China-Central-Mid-Levels escalator-Central Military Commission-Central Plain ( China )-Central Plaza, Hong Kong-Central University for Nationalities-Cha Chi Ming-Chagatai Khanate-Chahar Mongols-Chahar Province-Chai Ling-Chai Wan-Chán-Chang Chen-Chang Chong-chen-Chang E-Chang Jiang-Chang-Lin Tien-Chang Tso-lin-Chang ' an-Chang ' an Avenue-Chang ' an University-Changbai Mountains-Changchun-Changhua-Changsha-Changsha County-Changshan-Changyuan-Chanyu-Chaozhou-Chap Goh Mei-Charles Ching-Charles George Gordon-Charles K. Kao-Charlie Soong-Che Deng-Chek Lap Kok-Chen ( state )-Chen ( surname )-Chen Cheng-Chen Daoming-Chen Duxiu-Chen Dynasty-Chen Jingrun-Chen Li-an-Chen Ning Yang-Chen Shui-bian-Chen-style t ' ai chi ch ' uan-Chen Wu ( Fengshen Yanyi )-Chen Wu ( Han Dynasty )-Chen Xitong-Chen Yi ( composer )-Chen Yi ( communist )-Chen Yi ( Kuomintang )-Chen Yuanyuan-Chen Youliang-Chen Yun-Chen Yuen-Cheng ( musical instrument )-Cheng ( surname )-Cheng County-Classical Chinese writers-Cheng Han-Cheng Huang-Cheng Man-ch ' ing-Ch ' eng Mao-yün-Chengdu-Chenghai-Cheung Chau-Cheung Kong Holdings-Cheung Man Yee-Chi You-Chiang Ching-kuo-Chiang Fang-liang-Chiang Kai-shek-Chiang Kai-shek International Airport-Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall-Chiang Wei-kuo-Chiayi County-Chief Executive of Hong Kong-Chief Executive of Macau-Chien-Shiung Wu-Chin Na-Chin Tsi-ang
Turetzky first recorded in 1964, featuring the work of American composers George Perle, Edgard Varèse, Donald Martino, Kenneth Gabburo, Ben Johnston, and an early instrument and tape piece by Charles Whittenburg.
Musician George Beauchamp hired violin repairman John Dopyera to build an instrument with amplification.
In recent years, many comets have been discovered by instruments operated by large teams of astronomers, and in this case, comets may be named for the instrument ( for example, Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock ( C / 1983 H1 ) was discovered independently by the IRAS satellite and amateur astronomers Genichi Araki and George Alcock ).

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