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Page "Lex Luthor" ¶ 58
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Some Related Sentences

along and with
A brace of pistols, holstered on belts, hung from a peg, along with ammunition pouches.
Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags in her careworn face, Matilda leaned over the wheel and shouted to Hez, who was stumbling along in the heat and the dust on the opposite side of the wagon `` Pa!!
At these words of sympathy and understanding, Harmony said generously, `` I don't mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games ''.
Already a few hardy folk from their own train were zealously chipping away at the register rocks, leaving their own records along with those made by the earlier trains.
The only drawback now to the plan he'd decided on was that someone else might fail to do his work, too, and the teacher would have that person stay late along with Jack.
Probably a larger percentage of Virginians and South Carolinians remain unreconstructed than elsewhere, with Georgia, North Carolina, and Alabama following along after them.
When the Revolution broke out, he, along with Jefferson and Jay, abandoned his career at the bar, with considerable financial sacrifice.
Dictionaries, as we have seen, still cite this government, along with the Articles of Confederation of 1781, as an example of a confederacy.
In agriculture, for example, despite the advances in biology, elaborate rituals tend to persist along with a continued sense of the imminence of some natural disaster.
she filled the waste spots of the yard with common things like the garden heliotrope in a corner by the woodshed, and the plantain lilies along the west side of the house.
The first sentence, with its platitudinous irony, announces an emblematic intent: `` The way to the churchyard ran along beside the highroad, ran beside it all the way to the end ; ;
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
To you, for instance, the word innocence, in this connotation, probably retained its Biblical, or should I say technical sense, and therefore I suppose I must make myself quite clear by saying that I lost -- or rather handed over -- what you would have considered to be my innocence two weeks before I was legally entitled, and in fact by oath required, to hand it over along with what other goods and bads I had.
Swift, in the Dublin edition of A Preface to the Bishop of Sarum's Introduction, indicated his feelings by including Molesworth, along with Toland, Tindal, and Collins, in the group of those who, like Burnet, are engaged in attacking all Convocations of the clergy.
From his playmates in Savannah, Mercer had picked up, along with a soft Southern dialect, traces also of the Gullah dialects of Africa.
Much to Damon Runyon's amazement, as well as my own, I got along splendidly with the Hetman ; ;
In the range and variety of characters who, in their literary lives, get along all right with life styles one never imagined possible, there is an implicit lesson in differentiation.
In this essay, we are, along with most historians, interested in the more general or more inclusive ideas, that are so to speak `` writ large '' in history of literature where they recur continually.
A horse needed twenty pounds of food a day but the infantryman got along with two pounds.
along the Danube and among the Carpathians, in alliance with the Emperor Joseph's armies ; ;
Having done so, he began to experience all the frustrations of others who attempted to get along with Serenissimus and do a job at the same time.
The selective and directional qualities of basic value-orientations are clearly evident in these data: the `` success-oriented '' students choose vocational preparation, the `` other-directed '' choose goals of social adjustment ( `` getting along with people '' ), the `` intellectuals '' choose a liberal arts emphasis.
In all the talk of feudal rights, the knights and bishops must never forget the woolworkers, nor was it easy to do so, for all along the road to Italy they passed the Florentine pack trains going home with their loads of raw wool from England and rough Flemish cloth, the former to be spun and woven by the Arte Della Lana and the latter to be refined and dyed by the Arte Della Calimala with the pigment recently discovered in Asia Minor by one of their members, Bernardo Rucellai, the secret of which they jealously kept for themselves.

along and Lois
In the wake of John Byrne's reboot of Superman continuity in The Man of Steel, many traditional aspects of Clark Kent were dropped in favor of giving him a more aggressive and extroverted personality ( although not as strong as Lois ), including such aspects as making Clark a top football player in high school, along with being a successful author and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer.
In the 2009 retcon of the mythos, Lois Lane is fully aware from the beginning, along with Perry White, that the meek, pudgy and bumbling Clark Kent deliberately holds himself back: however, still far from associating him to Superman, they simply believe he's hiding his qualities as a good reporter.
The character is later given the civilized name of ' Clark ' by Lois Lane, and is captured along with his friends, and used for profit by Lex Luthor, who is also eventually slain.
She is an Inuit Native American and does not get along well with Lois likely because they are both rather controlling.
The series ended on a cliffhanger in which Lois and Clark find an infant in Clark's old bassinet, along with a note that claimed the child belonged to them.
The most notable is an episode of Family Guy entitled " Lois Kills Stewie " which turned out to be a simulation along with the previous episode " Stewie Kills Lois ".
In May 2010, Hinchey, along with two other Progressive democrats, Lois Capps and Jay Inslee, began a petition to ask Obama to delay Shell from beginning exploratory drilling near Alaska.
Lois and Ted Hole ran a successful market garden business from their farm which they, along with their sons Bill and Jim, incorporated as Hole's Greenhouses & Gardens Ltd. in 1979.
Hole's Greenhouse has continued to publish gardening books along with a successful annual magazine, Lois ' Spring Gardening.
Superman is forced to create and use a machine called the " Supermobile " to compensate for his weakened state, which shields him from the radiation and is able to imitate his powers, along with other attachments, with which he battles against Amazo and saves both Ivo and Lois Lane.
In 1934 Andre was part of the cast of School For Girls along with Toby Wing, Lois Wilson, Sidney Fox, and Dorothy Lee.
The Lois Perkins Chapel situated along the Academic Mall
In the limited comic series, DC Universe Online: Legends, Perry White was captured, along side Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, in the Daily Planet by Brainiac, but was saved by Superman, with Lex Luthor in possession of the canister containing them.
He then implanted false memories in Cir-El and had his servants, the Futuresmiths, send her out into the world ( along with the nano-virus, which was placed in " Yes " coffee to proliferate the virus and infect the population ) in order to unknowingly alter the future, and lead Superman to create a synthetic body to save Lois from her " Yes " infection in the future ( for Brainiac to inhabit ).
Lucy appears in season 10's seventh episode, as she surprises Lois along with General Sam Lane when they arrive on the Kent farm before Thanksgiving.
He is foiled by the Man of Steel, along with Batman and Robin as Lois Lane trips him.
Superman Family was an amalgamation of the titles Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane and Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, along with the first series of Supergirl.
Lois Griffin reserved a day at the family entertainment center, Cheesie Charlie's for her youngest son Stewie, who will soon become a 1 year old, and sends her husband Peter along with her older son Chris to drop off the deposit check at Cheesie Charlie's.
" Returning home depressed, Lois attempts to cheer up Brian by suggesting Peter take him to a laser rock concert that he was planning on attending, along with Quagmire and Cleveland.
Lois Griffin is concerned that her intelligent infant baby, Stewie, is not getting along with other children at the park ; so she decides to put him in daycare to be around other children his age.
The chase sequence between Lois and Joe is a reference to a sequence from Raiders of the Lost Ark as Joe is pulled along by the attached garden hose and pulls himself under the moving car.

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