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channelled and into
Since Roman times, the hot springs at Aachen have been channelled into baths.
The energy derived from the oxidation of nutrients is not used directly but, by means of a complex and long sequence of reactions, it is channelled into a special energy-storage molecule, adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ).
Because of this, their motor development was channelled into turning their bear crawl into a substitute for bipedality.
Money was also channelled into local-authority run colleges of education.
Thus, ignoring the second opinion offered by Sir Christopher Wren, the marsh was channelled into three small canal-like streams and across it rose a bridge of huge proportions, so huge it was reported to contain some 30-odd rooms.
Shivabalayogi explained that bhava samādhi awakens spiritual awareness, brings about healing, and deepens meditation. bhava samadhi " denotes an advanced spiritual state in which the emotions of the mind are channelled into one-pointed concentration and the practitioner experiences devotional ecstasy.
In complex societies, this tribalistic impulse can also be channelled into more frivolous avenues, manifesting itself in sports rivalries and other such " fan " affiliations.
Nonetheless any such frustrations were channelled into academia, which reaped him dividend later in life.
Apart from the international scandal surrounding his departure in 1956, Goossens was said during his directorship to have channelled the best players in the Conservatorium Orchestra into the Sydney Symphony Orchestra ( of which he was concurrently Chief Conductor ), leaving only a student group for the Conservatorium.
Funds which were made available from the Consolidated Fund were then channelled into OPG accounts, from where they were used by the relevant body.
Lana is able to get the Blue Kryponite close enough to Bizarro to cause his strength to grow exponentially, resulting in his body apparently imploding due to the scale of the power being channelled into him.
In some episodes, he channelled all of his evil into his left hand, to create a " hand of evil ", which would often embarrass him when he tried to express his view on something.
Also in 1991 it introduced the Side Impact Protection System ( SIPS ) on the 940 / 960 and 850 models, which channelled the force of a side impact away from the doors and into the safety cage.
During the time that the attackers are slowed down by the wire obstacle ( or possibly deliberately channelled into killing zones ) they are easy to target with machinegun and artillery fire.
After the end of the Battle of France and the evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk during Operation Dynamo, much of Britain's war production and effort was channelled into RAF Bomber Command and the strategic bombing offensive against Germany.
He channelled this ambivalence into Broadcast News.
The water could be heated by a log fire before being channelled into the hot bathing rooms.
Wilson spoke into two large horns mounted on his platform which channelled his voice into the microphone.
Post-9 / 11 Black 47 had started to play regularly at Connolly's Pub in midtown Manhattan, playing shows Kirwan described as intense in order to allow fans who had lost loved ones an outlet for their emotions, and this was channelled into making the album.
A two story house with three wings and a portico of Tuscan columns, built around a small basin of water, fed by rainwater from the roof, which channelled the water into a cistern, then into the drains which ran under the pavement of the street.
In the northern reaches, several rivers and creeks drain into the bay and flow through extensive mangroves, mudflats and sand banks before being channelled either side of French Island and into the open water in the southern reaches around Phillip Island.

channelled and buildings
The apartments were originally intended to house Romania's communist elite, but the completed complex is certainly not a preferred residence for the city's new capitalist elite, with the possible exception of buildings that look out on the now-bustling Unirea Square, where Centrul Civic bisects the Dâmboviţa River, which is channelled underground past the Square.

channelled and most
According to Small Faces drummer Kenney Jones, most of Immediate's assets and income were embezzled by one of the company's senior partners, who allegedly channelled the funds to offshore bank accounts.

channelled and them
Both Jewish parties operated independently also, using money from Jewish organizations abroad channelled to them by the Polish underground.
The area was hit by severe floods in 1794, as a result of which the Commissioners of Sewers obtained the Brue Drainage Act in 1801, which allowed them to improve the course of the River Brue by the straightening of major loops at Highbridge and East Huntspill, and to construct the North and South Drains, which collected water from the peat moorlands and channelled it into the lower River Brue.
Foremost among them is the development of the hypocaust, a type of central heating where hot air developed by a fire was channelled under the floor and inside the walls of public baths and villas.

channelled and described
In 1991, the Weekly Mail, together with The Guardian in London, broke the " Inkathagate " scandal, which described how police funds were being secretly channelled to the Inkatha Freedom Party to block the ANC.
The case became a curiosity in the Norwegian media as some of the money was channelled into the church internet site, which, among other things, contained a set of prayers for earthworms – described in such odd terms as " the blind subterranean workers ", " small sisters and brothers in the compost " and " members of the subterranean congregation ".

channelled and being
Her frustration at the prospect of years of being alternately patronised and ignored at Bayview is soon channelled into attempts to subvert the régime of the retirement home and taunting the staff regarding their flaws and corrupt nature.
It is often of a pale chestnut color, but varies considerably, being sometimes almost entirely greyish white ; and grows to a height of from 3 to 4 in., the branches being channelled or rolled into tubes, which terminate in flattened lobes with fringed edges.
Plants Brook used to drive New Hall Mill before being channelled away from the mill.
Crossing of the River Ribble north to south was always problematic and the first place a ' safe ' crossing could be made ' on foot ' was at Penwortham Holme ( much changed and channelled by the creation of Preston Docks ), once being three islands with separate river channels.

channelled and made
In the salad days of camera sales during the 60s and 70s, when the latter were made of satin chrome outside and brass inside and lenses had amber coating, the bargain basements for Japanese equipment were Hong Kong and Singapore, through which goods were channelled to European shop windows bypassing the often substantial levy of the official importers.

channelled and out
Cockerell's theory was that instead of just pumping air under the craft, as Thornycroft had, if the air were to be instead channelled to form a narrow jet around the perimeter of the craft, the moving air would form a momentum curtain, a wall of moving air that would limit the amount of air that would leak out.

channelled and some
Jasmuheen maintains that some of her beliefs are based on the writings and " more recent channelled material " of the Count of St Germain.
In some houses they are not channelled through possession in Vodou ritual, but served first after Legba.
By the end of the 20th century parts of the welfare system had been restructured, with some provision channelled through non-governmental organizations which became important providers of social services.
The South Manchurian Railway Company was headquartered in Dairen, and some of the profits from its operation were channelled into transforming Dairen into a showcase city of modern city planning and modern architecture, with hospitals, universities and a large industrial zone.
It is unclear how much money in total came from the European Union ( EU ), as although some money (£ 4 million ) is declared as coming directly, other money can be channelled indirectly through other organisations.

channelled and kind
It is long and was first channelled in the 16th century when a long canal was built from the village of Stra to the Adriatic Sea, bypassing Venetian lagoon ; a secondary channel, often named as Riviera del Brenta, was left to connect directly Venice and Padua ( which was a kind of second capital of Venice Republic ).

channelled and which
In December 2008, Bernard Madoff was arrested for running a US $ 50 billion Ponzi scheme which was thought to be a hedge fund, and several feeder hedge funds, of which the largest was Fairfield Sentry, channelled money to it.
On 10 January 2011 the band released their twelfth studio album, Red Barked Tree, which ( according to press release and BBC ) "... rekindles a lyricism sometimes absent from Wire's previous work and reconnects with the live energy of performance, harnessed and channelled from extensive touring over the past few years ".
Mastocarpus stellatus ( Stackhouse ) Guiry is a similar species which can be readily distinguished by its strongly channelled and often somewhat twisted thallus.
A relatively common variant of this configuration is the augmented railgun in which the driving current is channelled through additional pairs of parallel conductors, arranged to increase (" augment ") the magnetic field experienced by the moving armature.
Taylor's successor was Steve Morgan, and it later emerged that four donations were channelled through a non-operating think tank, the Progressive Policies Forum ( PPF ) which may be connected with Morgan, who was named as a donor.
The significant gold deposit at Mount Morgan to the southwest was discovered in the 1880s, and Rockhampton became the main port through which the wealth of Mount Morgan gold was channelled.
In 1998, Minitel generated € 832 million ($ 1, 121 million ) of revenue, of which € 521 million was channelled by France Télécom to service providers.
The Medici channelled all their energy on the Papacy, which Leo X held from 1513 – 1521.
This emotion is channelled to initially unlock and control her powers, which can only be focused by squinting her eyes for the majority of the first season.
Pausanias says: " It was Eurotas who channelled away the marsh-water from the plains by cutting through to the sea, and when the land was drained he called the river which was left running there the Eurotas.
Mostly channelled underground and only coming above ground at the western edge of town is the Neuer Graben, or “ New Channel ”, which branches off the Lauter.
Her many books ( which she says were channelled via Automatic writing from her spirit guides ) popularised spiritualist notions in public consciousness in the 1970s through the 1990s, and paved the way for what is now known as New Age religion.
The frieze is dominated by the triglyphs, vertically channelled tablets, separated by metopes, which may or may not be decorated.

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