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Some Related Sentences

had and particularly
Joyce had seen him like this once before -- more than once, actually, but on one particularly memorable occasion.
Both abolition of war and new techniques of production, particularly robot factories, greatly increase the world's wealth, a situation described in the following passage, which has the true utopian ring: `` Everything was so cheap that the necessities of life were free, provided as a public service by the community, as roads, water, street lighting and drainage had once been.
The greatest source of trouble was rain which had repeatedly flowed from openings above, soaking the surface and leaving streaks of dissolved lime, very conspicuous even after cleaning, particularly in the `` Landing of Columbus '', `` Oglethorpe and the Indians '', and `` Yorktown ''.
The place wasn't particularly busy at that time of night, and the girl who was waiting on me, who was clothed in the tightest-fitting pair of slacks I had ever seen on a woman and a sweater that showed everything there was -- and there was lots of it -- wanted to be sociable.
This atmosphere of understanding has been particularly noticeable where relations are concerned between the `` colonialist '' powers and those who have never, or not for a long time, had such problems.
He had never felt particularly close to her.
In 1982 – 83 Australia had Greg Chappell back from WSC as captain, while the England team was weakened by the enforced omission of their South African tour rebels, particularly Graham Gooch and John Emburey.
He was particularly fond of Drusilla, claiming to treat her as he would his own wife, even though Drusilla had a husband.
As a result, Sumer and Akkad had a surplus of agricultural products, but was short of almost everything else, particularly metal ores, timber and building stone, all of which had to be imported.
The Danish attacks had been particularly damaging to the monasteries, and though Alfred founded monasteries at Athelney and Shaftesbury, the first new monastic houses in Wessex since the beginning of the eighth century, and enticed foreign monks to England, monasticism did not revive significantly during his reign.
Ibn Idhari wrote that the name was suggested by Ibn Yasin in the " persevering in the fight " sense, to boost morale after a particularly hard-fought battle in the Draa valley c. 1054, in which they had taken many losses.
It is a striking fact that Ammianus, though a professional soldier, gives excellent pictures of social and economic problems, and in his attitude to the non-Roman peoples of the empire he is far more broad-minded than writers like Livy and Tacitus ; his digressions on the various countries he had visited are particularly interesting.
We are not certain that the word " democracy " was extant when systems that came to be called democratic were first instituted, but around 460 BC an individual is known whose parents had decided to name him ' Democrates ', a name which may have been manufactured as a gesture of democratic loyalty ; the name can also be found in Aeolian Temnus, not a particularly democratic state.
In 2001, an article by four doctors in Kidney International, the official journal of the International Society of Nephrology, noted that although to date there had been no controlled studies performed in patients with autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease with refractory pain, their personal observation in isolated cases indicated that the Alexander Technique helped relieve patients ' pain, particularly when accompanied with whirlpool treatments and massage therapy.
The term is rarely used by younger black people, but remained in use by many older black Americans who had grown up with the term, particularly in the southern U. S.
Together with earlier arrivals to the United States ( including the indigenous American Indians, Hispanic and Latino Americans, particularly in the West, Southwest, and Texas ; African Americans who came to the United States in the Atlantic slave trade ; and early colonial migrants from Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and elsewhere ), these new waves of immigrants had a pro profound impact on national or regional cuisine.
Encouraged, however, by letters signed by the rabbis of Argentière and Lunel, and particularly by the support of Kalonymus ben Todros, the nasi of Narbonne, and of the eminent Talmudist Asheri of Toledo, Ben Adret issued a decree, signed by thirty-three rabbis of Barcelona, excommunicating those who should, within the next fifty years, study physics or metaphysics before their thirtieth year of age ( basing his action on the principle laid down by Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed part one chapter 34 ), and had the order promulgated in the synagogue on Sabbath, July 26, 1305.
Artemis believed that she had been chosen by the Fates to be a midwife, particularly since she had assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin brother, Apollo.
But Sapir had since become influenced by a current of logical positivism, such as that of Bertrand Russel and the early Ludwig Wittgenstein, particularly through Ogden and Richards ' The Meaning of Meaning, from which he adopted the a view that natural language potentially obscures, rather than facilitates, the mind to perceive and describe the world as it really is.
He particularly criticized the Indo-European languages for promoting a mistaken essentialist world view, which had been disproved by advances in the sciences, whereas he suggested that other languages dedicated more attention to processes and dynamics rather than stable essences.
Russia and Botswana have had fruitful cooperation in a variety of fields, particularly in human resource development.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire had been expanding its influence in the Balkans and was particularly opposed.
Disraeli and Chelmsford had never got along particularly well, and Cairns, in Disraeli's view, was a far stronger minister.

had and important
He knew that anything a brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb important, as well as pleasin' to the ear, and he didn't want to miss a word of it.
I let up on the accelerator, only to gradually reach again the 60 m.p.h. which would, I hoped, overhaul Herry and the blonde, and as there were cars whose drivers apparently had something more important to catch than had I, Mrs. Major Roebuck settled down to practicing on Corporal Johnson the kittenish wiles she would need when making her duty call on Colonel and Mrs. Somebody in Sante Fe.
Author of the Albany Plan Of Union, which, had it been adopted, might have avoided the Revolution, he fought the colonists' front-line battles in London, negotiated the treaty of alliance with France and the peace that ended the war, headed the state government of Pennsylvania, and exercised an important moderating influence at the Federal Convention.
He had failed to realize that the Burmese were not really treating him as the important visitor he considered himself.
The Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children, which for 20 years has had the responsibility of coordinating the services of tax supported and voluntary organizations serving handicapped children, of studying the needs of handicapped children in Illinois, and of promoting more adequate services for them, indeed welcomes this new important resource which will help the people of Illinois toward the goal of providing an education for all of its children.
I put a lot more trust in my two legs than in the gun, because the most important thing I had learned about war was that you could run away and survive to talk about it.
When the telephone rang on the day after Hino went down to the village, Rector had a hunch it would be Hino with some morsel of information too important to wait until his return, for there were few telephones in the village and the phone in Rector's office rarely rang unless it was important.
All this was unknown to me, and yet I had dared to ask her out for the most important night of the year!!
One of the important and difficult decisions which had to be made in this budget concerned the role of the B-70, a long-range supersonic bomber.
departing, they stepped solemnly with knees lifted to the jaw, for they had been trained to drag at important funerals.
Under the circumstances, I had difficulty keeping up with the conversation on the phone, but when I hung up I was reasonably certain that Francesca had wanted to remind me of our town meeting the next evening, and how important it was that Hank and I be there.
He had almost forgotten them, although they had played such an important part in his early dreams.
Almost three decades ago Bertha Reynolds undertook a study of short-contact interviewing because of her conviction that short-term casework had an important but neglected place in our network of social services.
The tendency to treat elections as an instrument of self-interest rather than an instrument of national interest had two important effects on electoral planning in Morocco.
Since the details of the elections were settled the change of government had no direct effect on the technical aspects of the elections, and may have been more important as an indication of royal displeasure with the U.N.F.P.
But this fluent, enchanting utterance had, compared with important artists of the past, relatively little content.
They discovered that, although 42 per cent of a sample of Catholic students and 15 per cent of the Protestants believed it important to live in accordance with the teachings of their religion, only 8 per cent of the Jewish students had this conviction.
All this is simple enough, but in telling the story Porter did two important things that had not been done before.
About 100 of the most important items he had already given to the museum.
The important thing was that Burton had gone somewhere to meet a blackmailer with a gun in his pocket.
But from the start they had two important ingredients: sincerity and realism.

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