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is and president
According to Friends, the unit was organized by John Snook, a former World War 2, commando who is vice president and general manager of the telephone company.
Mr. Sulzberger's successor as publisher is Mr. Orvil E. Dryfoos, who is president of the New York Times Co., and who has been with the Times since 1942.
A busy president, conversant with a problem and its ramifications and beset by pressures to meet deadlines, tends naturally to assume that others must be as familiar with a problem as he is.
The critical task for every president and his academic administrative staff is to assure that the college or university continually rebuilds and regenerates itself so that its performance will match changing social demands.
No one can be as effective as the president in inspiring older men to welcome imaginative new teachers whose philosophy or approach to their specialties is quite different.
On those rare occasions when a faculty member on tenure is not meeting the standards of the institution, the president must also bear the ultimate burden of decision and action.
A president is frequently besieged to serve in non-academic civic and governmental capacities, to make speeches to lay groups, and to make numerous ceremonial appearances on and off campus.
This two-part bridge is best described by Rev. Timothy Dwight, president of Yale College, in his `` Travels In New-England And New-York '', published in New Haven in 1821.
Its president is Otis M. Waters, partner in the law firm of Timen & Waters, 540-K Chrysler Bldg., New York City.
Ritter is the builder of Oakwood Heights and president of Kahler-Craft Distributors, Inc., Newburgh, N.Y..
The monthly cost of ADC to more than 100,000 recipients in the county is 4.4 million dollars, said C. Virgil Martin, president of Carson Pirie Scott & Co., committee chairman.
Sunday he had added, `` We can love Eisenhower the man, even if we considered him a mediocre president but there is nothing left of the Republican Party without his leadership ''.
His reference to ' discredited carcass ' or ' tattered remains ' of the president's leadership is an insult to the man who led our forces to victory in the greatest war in all history, to the man who was twice elected overwhelmingly by the American people as president of the United States, and who has been the symbol to the world of the peace-loving intentions of the free nations.
Mrs. Greenfield is president of the Westfield Women's Republican Club and is a Westfield county committeewoman.
Douglas M. Pratt, president of the PTC, who attended the meeting, said the transit company is reviewing the work on the El.
`` We are back with the ' Met ' again now that the ' Met ' is back in Chicago '', bulletins Mrs. Frank S. Sims, president of the women's board of the University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation.
Her husband, who is the son of Alton John Mason of Shreveport, La., and the late Mrs. Henry Cater Parmer, was president of Alpha Tau Omega and a member of Delta Sigma Pi at Lamar Tech, and did graduate work at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, on a Rotary Fellowship.
The Thrift Shop, with Mrs. Bernhard S. Blumenthal as president, is one of the city's most successful fund-raisers for the Federation of Jewish Agencies.
Stickney is a salesman for Plee-Zing, Inc., 2544 Green Bay Rd., Evanston, a food brokerage and grocery chain firm, of which his father, William L. Jr., is president.
A publicity release from Oregon Physicians Service, of which Harvey is president, quoted him as saying the welfare office move to Salem, instead of `` crippling '' the agency, had provided an avenue to correct administrative weaknesses, with the key being improved communications between F & A and the commission staff.
Tim Larson, a junior at Wilson High School and president of Spice-Nice, is the young executive who guided his firm to the top-ranking position over the 4,500 other Junior Achievement companies in the United States and Canada.
The new president is 37-year-old Dr. James McN. Hester, currently dean of the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

is and National
National responsibility for individual welfare is a concept not limited to the United States or even to the Western nations.
The Hearst men say that if Hearst is nominated, he and his immediate friends will contribute to the Democratic National Committee the sum of $1,500,000.
Starting with small stations not members of the National Association of Broadcasters, the firm apparently is seeking to break down the anti-liquor barriers in major-market stations.
The New Testament offered to the public today is the first result of the work of a joint committee made up of representatives of the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Methodist Church, Congregational Union, Baptist Union, Presbyterian Church of England, Churches in Wales, Churches in Ireland, Society of Friends, British and Foreign Bible Society and National Society of Scotland.
Since the obvious is not always true, the Republican National Committee wisely analyzed its defeat of last autumn and finds that it occurred, as suspected, in the larger cities.
The system is composed of three credit services, Federal Land Banks and National Farm Loan Associations, Federal Intermediate ( short-term ) Credit Banks, and Banks for Cooperatives.
National defense, like the continuing search for peace with freedom and justice for all, is `` everybody's business ''.
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C., is developing plans to utilize specially treated lumber for underground shelter construction.
The long-range objective is to hold the damage from destructive agencies below the level which would seriously interfere with intensive management of the National Forest System under principles of multiple use and high-level sustained yield of products and services.
In the 10-year period, it is proposed that insect and disease control on the National Forest System be stepped up to a level of prevention, detection, and control of insect and disease infestations that will substantially reduce the occurrence of large infestations toward the end of the initial period.
It is proposed that in 10 years all commercial timberlands, all critical watersheds, and other lands in the National Forest System developed or proposed for intensive use will be given protection from fire adequate to meet the fire situation in the worst years and under serious peak loads.
The transportation system which serves the National Forests is a complex of highways and access roads and trails under various ownerships and jurisdictions.
Because administration of the forest highway system is a responsibility of the Secretary of Commerce with maintenance provided by the States and counties, this Development Program for the National Forests does not include estimates of the funds needed to maintain the forest highway system nor to construct the additions to it that are needed.
It is estimated that about 70,000 miles of forest highways will eventually be needed to fully serve the National Forests.
These roads are largely of less than highway standards, and usually carry traffic which is related to use of the National Forests.
It is estimated that about 542,250 miles of forest development roads, and 80,000 miles of trails, constitute the system that will eventually be needed to obtain the maximum practicable yield and use of the wood, water, forage, and wildlife and recreation resources of the National Forests on a continuing basis.
The existence of road systems permits an intensity of management and use for all National Forest purposes that is not otherwise possible.
The long-range objective of this Department is to provide and maintain a system of forest development roads and trails which will adequately service the National Forest System at the levels needed to meet expected needs and optimum production of products and services.
Within the units in the National Forest System the pattern of land ownership is quite irregular.
In some units, National Forest ownership is well blocked together.
One consequence is the occurrence of occasional conflicts because private owners of some inholdings object to public programs of use on neighboring National Forest or other Federal land, or because such ownerships are developed for uses that are not compatible with use for the public of neighboring National Forest land.
The long-range objective is to bring about consolidation of ownership through use of land exchange authority and through purchase on a moderate scale of inholdings which comprise key tracts for recognized National Forest programs such as recreation development, or which are a source of damage to lands in National Forests and National Grasslands.

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