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Page "Carlos Mencia" ¶ 7
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took and part
The Prince took her with him on every tour around the area, and it was rumored he was utilizing her knowledge of Constantinople as part of his espionage network.
It seems that Khrushchev himself took a very special pride in having made a world-shaking contribution to Marxist doctrine with his Draft Program ( a large part of his twelve-hour speech at the recent Congress was, in fact, very largely a rehash of that interminable document ).
In the remainder of his speech Davis spoke of his admiration for Brown and warned those who took part in the meeting that they `` are liable to the charge that they are supporting traitors and upholding men whom the laws have condemned ''.
Pakistan was created in 1947 expressly as a Muslim state, but when the army took over eleven years later it did so on a wave of mass impatience which was directed in part against the inability of political and religious leaders to think their way through to the meaning of Islam for the modern political situation.
We know that in the early part of the century many Protestant congregations took positive action against members who transgressed the ethical codes to which the majority subscribed.
The Cuman mercenaries among the Byzantine forces immediately defected to the Turkish side ; and, seeing this, " the Western mercenaries rode off and took no part in the battle.
Bach's music, for whose concerts Schweitzer took the organ part regularly until 1913.
In 2006 a team of six people took part in the Ice Challenger Expedition.
Hence it took a prominent part in the Peloponnesian War until the crushing defeat at Idomene ( 426 ) which crippled its resources.
Persuaded in part by Lane's abolitionist views, Alcott took a stand against the John Tyler administration's plan to annex Texas as a slave territory and refused to pay his poll tax.
He took part in the subsequent campaign, but when the Peace of Passau was signed in August 1552 he separated himself from his allies and began a crusade of plunder in Franconia, which led to the Second Margrave War.
Three years he was occupied in campaigns against the Slavic Wends, who as pagans were considered fair game, and whose subjugation to Christianity was the aim of the Wendish Crusade of 1147 in which Albert took part ; diplomatic measures were more successful, and by an arrangement made with the last of the Wendish princes of Brandenburg, Pribislav of the Hevelli, Albert secured this district when the prince died in 1150.
In 392 BC he took a prominent part in the Corinthian War, making several successful expeditions into Corinthian territory and capturing Lechaeum and Piraeus.
The Battle of Mantinea, in which Agesilaus took no part, was followed by a general peace: Sparta, however, stood aloof, hoping even yet to recover her supremacy.
After finishing his education, Albuquerque first served in North Africa and in the Mediterranean where he took part in numerous successful campaigns against the Arabs and the Ottomans.
His older brother, Antimenidas, appears to have served as a mercenary in the army of Nebuchadnezzar II and probably took part in the conquest of Judaea and the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC.
He also took part in debates at Tusculum College in Greeneville.
In 1876, a vigorous campaign against the Carlists, in which the young king took part, resulted in the defeat of Don Carlos and the Duke's abandonment of the struggle.
* Hippo, an Amazon who took part in the introduction of religious rites in honor of the goddess Artemis.
After the death of Julian, he took part in the retreat of Jovian as far as Antioch.
) Given the exclusionary and ancestral conception of citizenship held by Greek city-states, a relatively large portion of the population took part in the government of Athens and of other radical democracies like it.
Alphonse took part in two crusades with his brother, St Louis, in 1248 ( the Seventh Crusade ) and in 1270 ( the Eighth Crusade ).
During that time he took a great part in the campaigns and negotiations which led to the Treaty of Paris in 1259, under which King Henry III of England recognized his loss of continental territory to France ( including Normandy, Maine, Anjou, and Poitou ) in exchange for France withdrawing support from English rebels.
During this time, his parents took part in the Spanish Civil War in supporting rather than fighting roles.
Events in the political world having come to a temporary lull, he returned to Rome ; but his health being impaired from arduous application, he took a journey through a part of Germany, in company with his friend Prince Rezzonico.

took and first
It took them an hour before they came to the first houses of Kelseyville.
When Fred Powell's brother-in-law, Charlie Keane, moved into the dead man's home, the anonymous letter writer took no chances on Charlie taking up where Fred had left off and wasted no time on a first notice:
But, in departing, Lewis begged Breasted that there be no liquor in the apartment at the Grosvenor on his return, and he took with him the first thirty galleys of Elmer Gantry.
In his first six weeks in office he presided over 96 conferences, attended 35 official breakfasts and dinners, studied and signed 285 official papers and personally took 312 telephone calls.
The first pretrial conference -- held to appoint amici curiae to represent the interest of the stockholders of Du Pont and General Motors and to consider the procedure to be followed in the subsequent hearings -- took place on September 25, 1957.
( Sanity, solvency and relations with our wine merchant took a beating that first summer as we inadvertently became the neighborhood free-drink stop.
They were stressed in the speeches of Si Mubarak Bekkai when the first Council of Ministers was formed and again when the Istiqlal took a leading role in the second Council.
but unfortunately the rabbit, on no grounds at all, took up toward this neutral object an attitude of disapproval and that made it for the first time, and in the only intelligible sense, bad.
but all too many observers have been misled by this fact into minimizing the degree of change which took place in the early first millennium.
To win her favors, her husband first took an additional job, then desperately began to embezzle from his employer.
As the first collective confrontation of the Nazi outrage, the Trial of Eichmann represents a recovery of the Jews from the shock of the death camps, a recovery that took fifteen years and which is still by no means complete ( though let no one believe that it could be hastened by silence ).
If the change, at first sight, seems minor, we may recall that it took the Italian painters about two hundred years to make an analogous change, and the Italian painters, by universal consent, were the most brilliant group of geniuses any art has seen.
Jim Gentile bounced a hard shot off Kunkel's glove and beat it out for a single, and when Lumpe grabbed the ball and threw it over first baseman Throneberry's head Brandt took third and Gentile second on the error.
The Bears took the lead in the first inning, as they did in Sunday's opener, and never lagged.
The first witness, Moses Winston Mardis, 5835 Michigan Av., a real estate agent and former bail bondsman, took the stand after opening statements had been made.
The first time the nurse took him out of the lung, she said if he got frightened, she'd put him back for a second.
Although this was the first time that Helva had seen unshelled people, she took this experience calmly.
It took Immanuel Kant 25 years to write one of the first major treatises on anthropology, his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.
Maj. Gen. Polk ignored the problems of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson when he took command and, after Johnston took command, at first refused to comply with Johnston's order to send an engineer, Lt. Joseph K. Dixon, to inspect the forts.
Australia made a mere 63 runs in its first innings, and England, led by A. N. Hornby, took a 38-run lead with a total of 101.
After Australia took a 1 – 0 lead in the first two Tests, Botham was forced to resign or was sacked ( depending on the source ).
While Parsons pursued his own solo career and took many members of the Project on the road for the first time in a successful worldwide tour, Woolfson went on to produce musical plays influenced by the Project's music.
The lawyer Thomas Egerton was praised through the anagram gestat honorem ; the physician George Ent took the anagrammatic motto genio surget, which requires his first name as ".
André-Marie Ampère took his first regular job in 1799 as a mathematics teacher, which gave him the financial security to marry Carron and father his first child, Jean-Jacques, the next year.

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