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Page "Horemheb" ¶ 22
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Some Related Sentences

However and form
However the exact relationship of the term Ahhiyawa to the Achaeans beyond a similarity in pronunciation is hotly debated by scholars, even following the discovery that Mycenaean Linear B is an early form of Greek ; the earlier debate was summed up in 1984 by Hans G. Güterbock of the Oriental Institute.
However, this does not apply to Emsam, the transdermal patch form of selegiline, which due to its bypassing of the stomach has a lesser propensity to induce such events.
However, when born, the cave dwelling form of A. mexicanus has eyes.
However, Beethoven did not retain this version, and kept rewriting until he had found its final form, with the words < em lang =" de ">" O Freunde, nicht diese Töne "</ em > (" O friends, not these tones ").
However, it reacts with molten metals, hydrogen, halogens, chalcogens and pnictogens to form various binary compounds.
However, there will be several terms of the form x < sup > n − 2 </ sup > y < sup > 2 </ sup >, one for each way of choosing exactly two binomials to contribute a y.
However, it may be in one form or another including the possible tradeoff of foreign control of assets.
However, the discrete and separate nature of the molecular concept usually requires that molecular ions be present only in well-separated form, such as a directed beam in a vacuum in a mass spectrograph.
However, as multimedia has largely shifted to digital media, the need for some form of SIMD in general-purpose CPUs has become significant.
However, the lack of notice of copyright using these marks may have consequences in terms of reduced damages in an infringement lawsuit — using notices of this form may reduce the likelihood of a defense of " innocent infringement " being successful.
However, the law of mass action is valid only for concerted one-step reactions that proceed through a single transition state and is not valid in general because rate equations do not, in general, follow the stoichiometry of the reaction as Guldberg and Waage had proposed ( see, for example, nucleophilic aliphatic substitution by S < sub > N </ sub > 1 or reaction of hydrogen and bromine to form hydrogen bromide ).
However, colloidal suspensions of higher-volume fraction form colloidal gels with viscoelastic properties.
However, some bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum or Bacillus cereus, can form spores that survive cooking, which then germinate and regrow after the food has cooled.
However, Croatia's first-past-the-post election system enabled Tuđman to form the government relatively independently.
However, the art form combining words and pictures evolved gradually, and there are many examples of proto-comic strips.
However, the earliest known civilizations had codes of law, containing both civil and penal rules mixed together, though not always in recorded form.
However, if none of the larger parties can receive enough votes to form their preferred coalition, a grand coalition might be their only choice for forming a government.
However, it is important to note that the patients in these studies received some form of spiritual healing ( i. e. not Christian Science ' treatment ') in addition to, not instead of, conventional medical care.
However in nature DNA can form three structures, A -, B-and Z-DNA.
However, this instance is as likely dishonoring to David because it involves a form of incest, as David's concubines would have been somewhat like step-mothers to David's children.
However, the church in communion with the Bishop of Rome, both in its Western form and in that of the Eastern Catholic Churches, has always considered itself to be the historic Catholic Church, with all others as " non-Catholics " and regularly refers to itself as " the Catholic Church ".
However, for Young Religious Unitarian Universalists ( YRUU ) programming in Canada, the " Central " and " Eastern " regions are combined to form a youth region known as " QuOM " ( Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes ), giving the youth only three regions for their activities.
However, only in the exclusive meaning is the following form valid:
However, the element was not isolated in relatively pure form until after the development of ion exchange techniques by Frank Spedding at Iowa State University in the early 1950s.
However, reduction in alkaline liquor produces the water soluble alkali metal salt of the dye, which, in this leuco form, has an affinity for the textile fibre.

However and writing
However, as a practicing historian, he, himself, has left few clues to the amount of professional scholarship that he used when writing history.
However, at eighty-five, he had still been busy writing articles, reviewing and speaking, and I had never before known an Englishman who had visited and lectured in three quarters of the United States.
However, in Kurdish, writing the vowels is mandatory, and full letters are used, so the script is a true alphabet.
However, in that decade, progressive reformers such as Alcott, influenced by Pestalozzi as well as Friedrich Fröbel and Johann Friedrich Herbart, began to advocate writing about subjects from students ' personal experiences.
< cite id = disputedinjunction > The Vatican archives contain an unsigned copy of a more strongly worded formal injunction purporting to have been served on Galileo shortly after Bellarmine's admonition, ordering him " not to hold, teach, or defend " the condemned doctrine " in any way whatever, either orally or in writing ", and threatening him with imprisonment if he refused to obey .</ cite > However, whether this injunction was ever properly served on Galileo is a subject of much scholarly disagreement.
However, phthalocyanine is more sensitive than cyanine to writing laser power calibration, meaning that the power level used by the writing laser has to be more accurately adjusted for the disc in order to get a good recording ; this may erode the benefits of dye stability, as marginally written discs ( with higher correctable error rates ) will lose data ( i. e. have uncorrectable errors ) after less dye degradation than well written discs ( with lower correctable error rates ).
However, writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father José Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, said in 2008 that intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.
However, nowadays she is focused on writing and directing.
However, not until the late 1980s or early 1990s did film theory per se achieve much prominence in American universities by displacing the prevailing humanistic, auteur theory that had dominated cinema studies and which had been focused on the practical elements of film writing, production, editing and criticism.
However, as their company remit also includes encouraging new writing, they have also staged several new plays in the Grand-Guignol style, including " Eating For Two ", " Penalty " and " Ways and Means ".
However, a number of writers of the novels and audio plays are also writing for the new television series, and Russell T Davies refers to the comic strips, audio plays and novels in an essay describing the Time War, written for the Doctor Who Annual 2006.
However, these names are now archaic, as the use of hanja in writing has become very rare in South Korea and completely phased out in North Korea.
However, the standard makes no provision for the scripts of East Asian languages ( CJK ), as their ideographic writing systems require many thousands of code points.
However, when writing in the Antiquities about the actions of Ananus which resulted in his demotion from the High Priesthood, the context required the manifestation of a negative aspect of Ananus ' character.
However, Keats's training took up increasing amounts of his writing time, and he was increasingly ambivalent about his medical career.
However, the odal hymn as used by others has a stronger unity among its parts, and Coleridge believed in writing poetry that was unified organically.
However, Gilliam, writing in The Pythons Autobiography by The Pythons, said he thought it should have stayed, saying " Listen, we've alienated the Christians, let's get the Jews now ".
However, because the writing field in ion-beam lithography is quite small, large area patterns must be created by stitching together the small fields.
However, none of this research and criticism was originally known to most of the English-language commentators, by function of the dates when they were writing and, to some extent, of the language in which it was written.
However Marx's theories at the time of his writing had little impact on academic thinking on the development of nation states.
However, the legitimacy of Gardner's rumored homophobia is disputable because Gardner showed much more evidence of an open and accepting attitude about practices in his writing which would not be characterized by the hatred or phobia which was common in the 1950s:
However, Newton and Cowper's writing clearly fitted its purpose.
However, when Charles Tutschek, writing in the mid-19th century, researched the Oromo, " his informants, according to their published letters, used Galla as a term of self-reference.
However, radiocarbon dating can often be used on the inks that make up the writing, since many of them contain organic compounds such as plant leachings, soot, and wine.

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