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I and didn't
I didn't understand why, Clay.
I didn't catch a wink.
He said in a studied voice, `` I didn't do it for you.
I almost didn't tell you ''.
I said that it didn't make any difference to me either, as far as I knew.
You thought I was a Mexican, didn't you, buddy ''??
`` I didn't know.
I didn't get a good look at him at all, his back was to me, and I was so scared It was just somebody in a man's suit.
`` Why '', he went on, `` when Rob asked me if he could make his dive on this trip, I didn't think twice about it.
I didn't mean to pull so hard ''.
Dr. Lalaurie and I didn't even know he was in the house until the night of our ball when he came down the stairs ''.
`` I didn't know I was gonna have company in this car ''.
I really didn't know what he meant.
Like the cowboy in Stephen Crane's `` Blue Hotel '', we run around crying, `` Well, I didn't do anything, did I ''??
A special guard was posted at my end of the bridge to make sure I didn't cross, the ludicrousness of the situation being revealed fully in that everyone else -- men, women, and children, dogs, cats, horses, cars, trucks, baby carriages -- could cross Kehl bridge into Kehl without surveillance.
When I informed her that I didn't, she said she would borrow her brother's and bring it to me later that evening.
In describing it to Professor Baker after it had been chosen for production, he defended his great array of characters by declaring that he had included that many not because `` I didn't know how to save paint '', but because the play required them.
I wanted to wipe my flint, but I didn't dare to, the state my hands were in, just as I didn't dare to do anything about the priming.

I and know
`` I know '', Jones said dejectedly.
I don't know yet, it's crazy ; ;
`` I know him.
I don't know what goes on around here, and I don't care.
I don't know what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business, and I don't care about that, either.
My future lay solely with the hall, yet what did I know about the hall at this point??
I wished to prepare myself but did not even know what sort of clothes I ought to be wearing.
`` I know you've got a grudge against me, and maybe I can't blame you.
`` I don't know, Tom.
`` I don't know, Mr. Brenner '', he said haltingly, beginning to get an inkling of Brenner's plans.
I don't know what you're up to, but when Brenner '' --
`` I don't know nothin' about him ''.
I suppose you don't know anything about a piece of two-by-four, either ; ;
`` I know you ain't ''!!
I said, `` Do we know each other, Miss ''??
He caught up with me once and grabbed me, but I was all covered with zing -- it's very slippery, you know ''.
`` How would I know??
True, she was my Aunt, married to an Uncle related to me only by marriage, but why she had married a man twice her age, and more, perhaps, I did not know or much care.
Why she married him I do not know.
`` I know.

I and if
I just can't take any chances on getting her pregnant, and if we were sleeping together ''
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
When I asked him what, if anything, I could do about it, he surprised me by referring me to the director of the hall.
`` Damned if I will.
Besides, 'tain't no more'n right for me to follow with my black oxen, so's I can unhook and pull up fast if either of you get in a pinch ''.
But Johnson couldn't quickly unwire the truck door, and if I escaped, he might suffer.
But I promised Joyce I would mention her name, if at all, only as a last resort.
You must forgive me if I seem to dwell too much on her physical aspects but I am an artist, accustomed to studying the physical body.
I felt that her eyes were undressing me as if she were a painter and I a nude model.
I quit work at my usual hour as if this day was no different from other days.
And I will greatly appreciate it if you will not tell your husband.
But a young American has a bath next to his room and I shall ask him if you might use it this once.
`` Or do you want to see if I can stand fever, too ''??
The big man with the whitened hair murmured something: his words sounded as if they were in the Manu tongue, which I recognized, having studied the dialect in my Anthropology 6, class at the University of Chicago.
`` If you will pardon, I think it would be better if not.
and if a poll had been taken immediately following the dispatch of troops to Little Rock I believe the majority would have been for the Old South.
I asked Wisman what would happen if he broke out the go codes and tried to start transmitting one.
I do not know if such a way of life can come to be a self-conscious challenge, but I suspect that it can.

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