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Page "Nanny Ogg" ¶ 11
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If and floors
If it had buckled or given way, I would have slipped to the roofing sheet and then fallen five floors to the street below.
If no response call for help by shouting for ambulance or EMS and ask for an AED ( which is available in offices and building floors ).
If the player presses the ' A ' button at just the right moment, the springboard will launch Kirby back up and out of the hole at varying levels of power, without losing a life — it is possible to reach any of the three floors, depending on the timing of the jump.
If the lots are empty, the player takes the property cards for those lots after " building floors.
If a player builds enough momentum, he can climb several floors at once in a single jump.

If and aren't
If those aren't enough for you, why not grow some just for winter blooming??
If the points aren't thrown all the way, the Turnout cannot be locked, and in turn, the signal cannot be cleared.
President Hugo Chávez has repeatedly expressed his disapproval of the practice of kidnapping stating on 14 April that, " If I were a guerrilla, I wouldn't have the need to hold a woman, a man who aren't soldiers ... Free the civilians who don't have anything to do with the war.
If the eggs aren't turned, the embryo inside may stick to the shell and may hatch with physical defects.
If I went on I'd have some things to say, not just about the bad jokes he's done about me, but bad jokes he does about everybody who can't fight back because they aren't there.
If naturopaths aren't to be judged " nonscientific practitioners ," the term has no useful meaning.
Another common argument is: " If you aren't doing something wrong then you don't have anything to fear.
He also said: " Even the willing buyers that we have find it incredibly difficult to get financing ... We can't keep a full workforce on at this point when people aren't buying planes ... If market conditions continue to deteriorate, it may be necessary for the company to take additional actions ".
If you aren't please tell me how you are going to help to not have a war.
If these particular bonds aren't hydrogenated during the process, they will still be present in the final margarine in molecules of trans fats, the consumption of which has been shown to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
If you start to break it then people aren't going to go.
If you destroy him in the long path rather than capture him the ending is slightly different: the people of all of the islands and Alexander's family aren't there for the wedding as they are if you capture him.
The reason for the usage of this animation was explained by the co-creator Chris Miller, " We like the snappy pose-to-pose animation, more for reasons of comic timing than anything else, things that aren't expected are funnier: If an anvil's going to fall on your head, it had better not take more than three seconds.
If these spirits aren't happy, it is believed that they will inhabit the larger household of the Thai, and cause chaos.
If all the domains aren't dormant it restores the processor to the state it had prior the interrupt entering the pipeline and execution continues where it had left.
Of course, they aren't men ... If you will listen closely crooners ' songs you will discern the basest appeal to sex emotion in the young.
If I see people who aren't giving it I'm not afraid to say so but that sometimes comes out a little brash.
If the bees aren't flying around the park, then pollination won't occur, which is an important aspect of keeping the park growing.
By concluding that complex life is uncommon, the Rare Earth hypothesis is a possible solution to the Fermi paradox: " If extraterrestrial aliens are common, why aren't they obvious?
If a significant number of black children aren't comfortable with them, it isn't by choice: It's because they were isolated from those norms.
If you could admire far more terrifying and repulsive types, why aren't you more merciful to this character, even if it is fictitious?
If the new changes aren't effective, the prototyper removes them.
Berry was quoted as saying " If you aren't able to be a good loser you're not able to be a good winner.
If you're hoping to enjoy this game because you really like Star Wars, you'll probably be satisfied for quite a while, but if your interest in the Star Wars property takes a back seat to your desire for a solid strategy experience, the few innovations aren't going to be enough to overcome the repetitive nature of the fights.

If and her
If he had married her, he'd have been asking for trouble.
If she sensed any unusual preoccupation on the part of her mother, she did not comment upon it.
If, as she walked, her steps fumbled from time to time, she chose to ignore that omen.
I showed her the shower and tub, and she said, smiling, `` If you really don't mind, I think I'll get clean in the shower, then soak for a few minutes in your tub.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
If you'd get out of your back yard once in a while you might even get her your ownself ''.
If there was ever a thought in her mind she might devote her life to religion, it was now dispelled.
`` If you become a Baptist, I will not '', Ann informed her husband, but sweeping her threat aside Adoniram continued to search for an answer to the personal dilemma in which he found himself.
If she wanted to borrow any sum of money in expecting the arrangements of Congress, it would not become a stranger, unknown to her, to offer himself for that purpose.
If he snatches a toy, she says, `` Caroline wants her own truck just as you do ''.
If he had any worries, it was only the small ones, about Mother in New York, and his daughter Edwina and what she might be doing at this hour, with her Aunt Asia, in Philadelphia.
If we manage to keep track of a Bombus queen after she has left her feeding place, we may discover the snug little hideout which she has fixed up for herself when she woke up from her winter sleep.
If anyone thought of the John Harvey, it was to observe that she was straddled by a pair of ships heavily laden with high explosive and if they were hit the John Harvey would likely be blown up with her own ammo and whatever else it was that she carried.
When the date would try to bid her good-night at the door, she would tell him, `` If you go home now, I'll scream ''.
If asked how she gets her impressions, she probably can only say that she `` just gets them '' -- some more vividly than others.
If she avoided the train and hired a buggy, the stableman might have recognized her.
If police had checked on her more thoroughly than is indicated, she would be completely eliminated as a suspect.
If this woman had delayed until after 11:20 to start her shopping, she would have had little time in which to prepare the substantial meal that was eaten at dinner in those days.
If Bridget did get any bundles of cash, the last person who would have rewarded her for services rendered would have been Lizzie Borden.
If dark came they would lose her.
`` If you expect her to show up '', she said, `` you'd better put ' and wife ' on there.
If anyone had asked her, she would have described herself only as nervous and worried.

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