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Some Related Sentences

folkloristics and myth
In folkloristics, a myth is a sacred narrative usually explaining how the world or humankind came to be in its present form, although, in a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.

folkloristics and is
The study of folklore is sometimes called folkloristics.
The study of folklore is sometimes called folkloristics.
For the purpose of the study of legends, in the academic discipline of folkloristics, the truth value of legends is irrelevant because, whether the story told is true or not, the fact that the story is being told at all allows scholars to use it as commentary upon the cultures that produce or circulate the legends.
was a Japanese scholar who is often known as the father of Japanese native folkloristics, or minzokugaku.
Ultimately, the term folkloristics is used to distinguish between the materials studied, folklore, and the study of folklore, folkloristics.
Before the term folkloristics can be fully understood, it is necessary to understand that the terms folk and lore are defined in many different ways.
Dundes is often credited with the promotion of folkloristics as a term denoting a specific field of academic study and applies instead what he calls a “ modern ” flexible social definition for folk: two or more persons who have any trait in common and express their shared identity through traditions.
In his essay, “ The Moral Lore of Folklore ,” Henry Glassie explains that because folkloristics is “ crucially important ,” he will “ prescribe action for the future " in what he calls " a friendly manifesto ”:
On the other hand, some folklorists apply folkloristic perspectives to literary and textual analysis, so they can emphasize that folkloristics is not limited to ethnographic or sociological concerns.
For example, Simon Bronner explains in his “ Historical Methodology in Folkloristics: Introduction ” that while he and other folklorists question the methods of their predecessors, their “ aim is constructive — to expand the limits of previous scholarship ” and to increase “ the maturity ” or folkloristics by “ critically looking inward ” and evaluate the methods of folkloristics as an academic discipline ( 1982, 29 ).
In spite of some continuing resistance to the term folkloristics, it is the preferred term of the field and has even been used by folklorists and academic institutions for more than one hundred years.
In folkloristics, it is considered an instance of the " poison dress " motif.
Ethnopoetics is considered a subfield of ethnology, anthropology, folkloristics, stylistics, linguistics, and literature and translation studies.
Fricis Brīvzemnieks ( Treuland ) is considered the father of Latvian folkloristics ; Barons later made the collection of dainas his life's work.
Applied folklore is the branch of folkloristics concerned with the study and use of folklore and traditional cultural materials to address or solve real social problems.

folkloristics and be
" Considering Murray's reputation to be " deservedly low " in academia, she argued that Murray's status as President of the Folklore Society had harmed the society's reputation and was a causal factor in the mistrustful attitude that many historians held toward folkloristics as an academic discipline.
Other terms that may be confused with folkloristics include the adjective “ folkloristic ,” to mean an academically oriented study and the term “ folkloric ” to mean materials having the character of folklore or tradition.
He quickly established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the field of folkloristics.
) ( 198 ), “ they represent the keystones for the comparative method in folkloristics, a method which despite postmodern naysayers and other prophets of gloom continues to be the hallmark of international folkloristics ” ( 200 ).

folkloristics and culture
In scholarly usage, folkloristics represents an emphasis on the contemporary, social aspects of expressive culture, in contrast to the more literary or historical study of cultural texts.

myth and is
`` Oh, it's that myth, about Orpheus and What is her name??
Whatever the psychological truth in the Oedipus myth, an Oedipus who is drawn to his fate by irresistible external forces can carry the symbol of humanity and its archaic crime, and the incest that is unknowing renews the mystery of the eternal dream of childhood and absorbs us in the secret.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
Mann understood better than most men the incest comedy at the center of the myth and the psychological truth in which dread is shown as the other face as longing was for him just the kind of deep and complicated joke he liked to tell.
Much of his earlier work was conceived in terms of a `` pseudo-anthropological '' myth reference, which is concerned with imaginary places and beings described in grandiloquent and travelogue-like language.
In addition to his experiments in reading poetry to jazz, Patchen is beginning to use the figure of the modern jazz musician as a myth hero in the same way he used the figure of the private detective a decade ago.
Eichmann himself is a model of how the myth of the enemy-Jew can be used to transform the ordinary man of present-day society into a menace to all his neighbors.
Whether or not Plato's tale of the lost continent of Atlantis is true, skeptics concede that the myth may have some foundation in a great tsunami of ancient times.
The statement is often made that when Bultmann argues in this way, he `` overestimates the intellectual stumbling-block which myth is supposed to put in the way of accepting the Christian faith ''.
If Bultmann's own definition of myth is strictly adhered to ( and it is interesting that this is almost never done by those who make such pronouncements ), the evidence is overwhelming that he does not at all exaggerate the extent to which the mythological concepts of traditional theology have become incredible and irrelevant.
Hence, if what is in question is whether in a given theology myth is or is not completely rejected, it is unimportant whether only a little bit of myth or a considerable quantity is accepted ; ;

myth and sacred
There are several reasons throughout myth for such wrath: in Aeschylus ' play Agamemnon, Artemis is angry for the young men who will die at Troy, whereas in Sophocles ' Electra, Agamemnon has slain an animal sacred to Artemis, and subsequently boasted that he was Artemis ' equal in hunting.
According to the standard modern text on the work, Lamar Ronald Lacey's The Myth of Aktaion: Literary and Iconographic Studies, the most likely original version of the myth is that Actaeon was the hunting companion of the goddess who, seeing her naked in her sacred spring, attempts to force himself on her.
In the study of mythology the term " myth " refers to a traditional story, often regarded as sacred, which explains how the world and its inhabitants came to have their present form.
According to Lorena Laura Stookey, many myths feature sacred mountains as " the sites of revelations ": " In myth, the ascent of the holy mountain is a spiritual journey, promising purification, insight, wisdom, or knowledge of the sacred ".
Neil Forsyth writes that " what distinguishes both Jewish and Christian religious systems [...] is that they elevate to the sacred status of myth narratives that are situated in historical time ".
The cosmogenic myth common in Sumeria was that of the hieros gamos, a sacred marriage where divine principles in the form of dualistic opposites came together as male and female to give birth to the cosmos.
This seems also implicated in the epic of the hieros gamos or sacred marriage of Enki and Ninhursag ( above ), which seems an etiological myth of the fertilisation of the dry ground by the coming of irrigation water ( from Sumerian a, ab, water or semen ).
In myth and cult, fragmentary references and archaic practices remain of the sacred marriage of Hera and Zeus, and at Plataea, there was a sculpture of Hera seated as a bride by Callimachus, as well as the matronly standing Hera.
Disconnected from its religious system, a myth may lose its immediate relevance to the community and evolve — away from sacred importance — into a legend or folktale.
* 1997: Folklorists define a myth as " a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form ".
Thus, when essential sacred mysteries and teachings are described as myth, in modern English, the word often still implies that it is " idle fancy, fiction, or falsehood ".
It is widely supposed that the rites inside the Telesterion comprised three elements: dromena (" things done "), a dramatic reenactment of the Demeter / Persephone myth ; deiknumena (" things shown "), displayed sacred objects, in which the hierophant played an essential role ; and finally legomena (" things said "), commentaries that accompanied the deiknumena.
A mythic element of a black dove that initiated the oracle at Dodona, which Herodotus was told in the 5th century BC may be an attempt to account for a folk etymology applied to the archaic name of the sacred women that no longer made sense ( an aitiological myth ).
Artemis ( to whom the Ceryneian Hind was said to have been sacred, causing her to draw an arrow at Hercules, just like the constellation Sagittarius appears to be doing ), is a key player in the myth discussing the origin of Scorpio and death of Orion, and so has an association with this area of sky.
Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, though archaeology has borne out the myth that the sacred site was older even than the Mycenaean city of Argos since Lerna was the site of the myth of the Danaids.
In the Greek myth, Procrustes was a son of Poseidon with a stronghold on Mount Korydallos at Erineus, on the sacred way between Athens and Eleusis.
" In addition, Knipe says that " a parallel to the theft of Iðunn's apples ( symbols of fertility ) has been noted in the Celtic myth where Brian, Iuchar, and Icharba, the sons of Tuirenn, assume the guise of hawks in order to steal sacred apples from the garden of Hisberna.
They are considered to be the oldest of all the gods of the Maya pantheon, and are identified by a number of names throughout the Maya sacred text, reflecting their multiple roles throughout the Mayan creation myth.
The myth cycle explains the origin of several traditions, including mourning customs, beliefs about the afterlife, and the creation of the sacred plant asemaa ( tobacco ).
For what generally is considered to be lauding purposes of the pharaohs, a later myth briefly was circulated claiming that Wepwawet was born at the sanctuary of Wadjet, the sacred site for the oldest goddess of Lower Egypt that is located in the heart of Lower Egypt.
There are people who believe California Condors were the origin of the Thunderbird myth, while some Western tribes regarded the California Condors as sacred beings, using feathers in religious ceremonies.

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