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Page "Mishnah" ¶ 43
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one and case
Don't like to bother no one unless we have to, which I figger we do, in your case.
But in our case -- and neither my wife nor I have extreme views on integration, nor are we given to emotional outbursts -- the situation has ruined one or two valued friendships and come close to wrecking several more.
( There are two receivers in case one should be dropped and damaged.
There may be a case of this sort, but it is not one we wish to argue, here.
In any case, she told Thompson that she saw no reason why he might not see Katie again, `` now that this frank explanation has been made & no one can misunderstand ''.
Besides the lack of an adequate ethical dimension to the Governor's case, one can ask seriously whether our lead over the Russians in quality and quantity of nuclear weapons is so slight as to make the tests absolutely necessary.
Sets of reaction tubes containing 0.2 of an atmosphere of added oxygen in one case and added moisture in another, both gave reaction rates in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 of the chlorine exchanged per hour.
The one sure way to tell victim and villain apart is to examine the hind legs which in the case of the idler, Psithyrus, lack the pollen baskets -- naturally!!
If this is the case, one would expect that not only the various procedures just mentioned which alter the hypothalamic balance would influence emotional state and behavior but that emotion itself would act likewise.
Continuing with the case in which **zg is a Af curve on a quadric Q, we first observe that the second regulus of Q consists precisely of the lines which join the two free intersections of **zg and the planes through any one of the multiple secants.
In the rare case where a corporation's only substantial asset, or its most important one, is a claim for refund, perhaps its transfer should not be permitted, whether the reorganization takes the form of a statutory merger or of the acquisition of assets for stock.
But before discussing it, I should like to record one vote of thanks to them for the clarity with which they have stated their case.
As `` a matter of fact no such complete solution of the dream has ever been accomplished in any case,, and what is more, every one attempting such solution has found that in most cases there have remained a great many components of the dream the source of which he has been unable to explain nor is the discussion closed on the subject of the mantic or prophetic power of dreams ''.
In one extreme case, cited by a Pittsburgh psychologist, an office worker's wife refused to have sexual relations with her husband unless he bought her the luxuries she demanded.
But though this characterization in no way diminished Eichmann's guilt, the Prosecutor, more deeply involved in the tactics of a criminal case than a political one, would have none of it.
Six treatments cured one case which lasted a month and had defied other remedies.
Statistically this has represented a loss to the nation, although one must admit that in an individual case the decision in retrospect may have been a wise one.
One of the A.L.A.M. lawyers observed that if the Selden case had been tried under this simplified procedure, the testimony which filled more than a score of volumes, `` at a minimum cost of $1 a page for publication alone, could have been contained in one volume ''.
Then, when the case went to the jury, the judge excused one of the jurors, saying the juror had told him he had been accosted by masked men at his motel the night before the trial opened.
But in any case, one does not have to read very closely between the lines to realize that the situation is not regarded as a particularly happy one.
To make one nation out of these disparities would be a problem large enough in any case ; ;
two of those poetic adagios in Greek veils ( and superb esthetic acrobacy ) by Alla Osipenko and Igor Chernishev in one case and Inna Zubkovskaya and Yuri Kornevey in the other ; ;
But one wishes, when the appetite is whetted, as it was in the case of the all-too-brief excerpt from the Blomdahl opera, that further opportunity would be provided both for hearing the works in their entirety and for a closer analytical look at the sense and nature of the compositions.

one and she
When they reached their neighbor's house, Pamela said a few polite words to Grace and kissed Melissa lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these days -- that they might never see one another again.
But she was caught in it, and she faced the terrible possibility that, if it were a dream, it was one from which she might never awaken.
she directed all of her mental and physical energy toward achieving this one goal.
At one and the same time, she was within it but still searching for the drawbridge that would give her entry.
Seeming much relieved, she smiled one of those worth-waiting-for smiles, and I smiled all the way into the bedroom.
He already had that slow pace that comes over the elderly, while she herself had all the signs of one who appreciates the joys of living.
( Would she have been able to had she known that the blanket belonged to a young ballet dancer Nicolas had found his first night in one of Walter's marked bars??
Mary Jane might not be the most intelligent woman, but she was one of the most determined.
With one hand she held her skirt down while she took Jack's extended hand with the other.
At one time she felt impelled to make dances that `` moved all over the stage '', much as Pollock's paintings move violently over the full extent of the canvas.
She could not resist the opportunity `` of showing her superiority in argument over a man '' which she had remarked as one of the `` feminine follies '' of Sara Sullam ; ;
Their afflictions centered on one maddening difficulty: Miriam held up the divorce proceedings that she herself had asked for.
At this point Mrs. Frances Cupply, one of Wright's handsome daughters by his first wife, came from the house and tried to calm Miriam as she tore down a no visitors sign and smashed the glass pane on another sign with a rock.
Mama said she was one of the prettiest ladies she had ever seen.
Mama was very patriotic, and one of the duties she was proudest of was repairing the edges of the flag that flew above the White House.
Some, she knew, looked upon Thompson almost as a saint, but others read in `` The Hound Of Heaven '' what they took to be the confessions of a great sinner, who, like Oscar Wilde, had -- as one pious writer later put it -- thrown himself `` on the swelling wave of every passion ''.
She regretted what she described as the `` unwarrantable & unnecessary '' check to their friendship and said that she felt that they understood one another perfectly.

one and din
Early references to Wakf in India, can be found in 13th century CE work, Insba-i-Mahru by Aynul Mulk Mulltani, described by historian Ziauddin Barani as one of the officers of Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji ( r. 1290-1296 ) first Indian ruler of the Delhi sultanate and the founder of the Khilji dynasty.
The Mishnah commences with an account of the four beginnings of the religious and the civil year ( 1: 1 ); it speaks of the four judgement-days of the pilgrim festivals and Rosh ha-Shanah ( 1: 2 ); of the six months in which the messengers of the Sanhedrin announce the month ( 1: 3 ); of the two months, the beginnings of which witnesses announce to the Sanhedrin even on the Sabbath ( 1: 4 ), and even if the moon is visible to every one ( 1: 5 ); Gamliel even sent on the Sabbath for forty pairs of witnesses from a distance ( 1: 6 ); when father and son ( who as relatives may otherwise not witness together ) behold the new moon they must set out for the beth din ( 1: 7 ), since they do not absolutely belong to those that are legally unfit for this purpose ( 1: 8 ).
Johanan ben Zakkai established that the shofar trumpets be blown at Jamnia and the surrounding places even if the festival fell on the Sabbath, while at one time this was done only in the Temple ( iv. 1 ); he also fixed the lulav outside of the Temple for seven days, and forbade the eating of new grain on the second day of Passover ( iv. 2 ); he extended the time for examining witnesses until the evening, and had them come to Jamnia even in the absence of the av bet din ( iv. 3 ).
When TVB first began broadcasting, to distinguish it from the cable television broadcaster, Rediffusion Television, it was commonly known as " Wireless Television " ( Cantonese: mo sin din si ) in Chinese, although there is more than one terrestrial television station now.
For example, the Hindi words Ek din (" one day ") are changed to E kudin ( those kids ) in Dhivehi, and in this manner a new local song develops.
Even though normally an Orthodox beth din requires a minimum of three Jews knowledgeable and observant of Halakha ( Jewish Law ), in new communities and exigencies, providing a thorough search has proved unfruitful, halakhah provides that even one Orthodox Jew can establish a beth din, since every Orthodox community is required to establish its own beth din.
In Orthodox Judaism, a beth din consists of three observant Jewish men, at least one of whom is widely knowledgeable in Jewish law ( halakha ), to be capable of instructing the other members in any matters of halakha relevant to the case being heard.
The first single from the band was Ingen vill veta var du köpt din tröja (" No one wants to know where you bought your sweater ") in 2004.
Philippide, Originea românilor (" Origin of the Romanians "), I, Iaşi, 1925: „ Armata, dacă a înţeles rău cuvântul torna, ca şi cum ar fi fost vorba că trebuie să se întoarcă cineva să fugă, l-a înţeles ca un cuvânt din limba ţării, din limba locului, căci doar Theophylactos spune lămurit că « toţi strigau cât îi ţinea gura şi se îndemnau unul pe altul să se întoarcă, răcnind cu mare tulburare în limba ţării: retorna »” (" The army, if it understood badly the word torna, which also could have been the word that turned back someone who ran away, understood it as a word of the language of the country, of the language of the place, because only Theophylactos says clearly that ' everyone shouted it from mouth to mouth the gave one another the impetus to turn around, yelling with great concern in the language of the country: turn back < nowiki >'</ nowiki >")</ ref > as by the year 600, the bulk of the Byzantine army was raised from barbarian mercenaries and the Romanic population of the Balkan Peninsula.
Some say one who is not careful with the items in the tzavah will have to give a < i > din </ i > and < i > cheshbon </ i >.
However, regardless of the unpopularity of the move, the Vilna Gaon and the scholars of the Beth din (" religious court ") of Vilna went so far as to place at least one severe cherem upon the Hasidim, officially " excommunicating " them from Judaism, which they in turn copied and did likewise to the mitnagdim.
Following up their 2004 summer hit " Dragostea din tei ", " Despre tine " proved to be a smaller hit than its predecessor, but a big enough one to make number one in several European countries.
It is more probable, however, that the office of hakham was created in order to secure a majority in cases of difference of opinion between the nasi and the ab bet din in the affairs of the Sanhedrin ; one of the most eminent scholars was always chosen for the post.
It has been taught ; R. Jose said ; Originally there were not many disputes in Israel, but one Beth din of seventy-one members sat in the Hall of Hewn Stones, and two courts of twenty-three sat, one at the entrance of the Temple Mount and one at the door of the Court, and other courts of twenty-three sat in all Jewish cities.
If they had a tradition thereon, they stated it, if not, they went to the Beth din situated at the entrance to the Temple Mount ; if they had a tradition, they stated it ; if not, they went to the one situated at the entrance of the Court, and he differed from his colleagues declared, ' Thus have I expounded, and thus have my colleagues expounded ; thus have I taught, and thus have they taught.
The accompanying images of the animation are ostensibly Middle Eastern men in hats ; one of those hats floating among a party of people, who appear to be dressed in traditional Turkish or Middle Eastern clothing ; and visualizations of the Swedish lyrics such as " cool guy holding a soda " and " borrow the LP ' Hatten är din ' ".

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