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has and had
Wisman, who has had the chief controller's job for four years, calls the signals for a team operating three rows of dull-gray consoles studded with lights, switches and buttons.
One girl describes her past, her succession of broken marriages, the abortions she has had and finally confesses that she loves sex and sees no reason why she must justify her passion.
It had a bucolic atmosphere that it has lost long since.
Instead it means that the thinking in which decision issues has the power to determine the morality of the decision, as in this instance the pressure for renewed practical or legislative attention to the constitutional problems the decision had uncovered might have done.
`` We were possessed by visions of a new civilization to come, very pure and elevated '', he has said, `` in fact some ideal form of socialism such as we had dreamed of since the war of 1914-1918 ''.
The myth of the Southern plantation has had only a tangential relation with actuality, as Francis Pendleton Gaines showed forty years ago, and I suspect it has had a far narrower acceptance as something real than has generally been supposed.
The publication of Father Connolly's The Man Has Wings has made more of the group available in print so that a general picture of what it contained can now be had without difficulty.
His wife, Katie, `` as gay as a lark and as lively as a gazelle '', -- she was then seventy-six, -- had `` a sense of humour that has been denied S.K., but neither has any aesthetic perceptions.
Both abolition of war and new techniques of production, particularly robot factories, greatly increase the world's wealth, a situation described in the following passage, which has the true utopian ring: `` Everything was so cheap that the necessities of life were free, provided as a public service by the community, as roads, water, street lighting and drainage had once been.
He had read his poetry with musicians as early as 1951, and his entire career has been characterized by radical experiments with the form and presentation of his poetry.
Even the Distilled Spirits Institute has long had a specific prohibition.
Mr. Truman has only to recall the `` hopeless '' campaign of 1948 to remember what a loyal partisan he was and the first experience of Mr. Kennedy with Congress would have been sadder than it was had not Mr. Sam been there.
The board of suspension of the Interstate Commerce commission has ordered a group of railroads not to reduce their freight rates on grain, as they had planned to do this month.
He jammed it this spring and has had to rest it, but he says the old injury hasn't bothered him.
In addition, he said, he has answered more than 400 messages of congratulations which led him to the comment that he himself had decided he wouldn't send another congratulatory message for the rest of his life.
-- No doubt there have been moments during every Presidency when the man in the White House has had feelings of frustration, exasperation, exhaustion, and even panic.
The Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children, which for 20 years has had the responsibility of coordinating the services of tax supported and voluntary organizations serving handicapped children, of studying the needs of handicapped children in Illinois, and of promoting more adequate services for them, indeed welcomes this new important resource which will help the people of Illinois toward the goal of providing an education for all of its children.
If this capacity had not failed them, they would see that their enemy has made a disastrous miscalculation.
But a realization that each group has much of substance to learn from the other also developed, and a strong conviction grew that each had insights and dimensions to contribute to ethically acceptable solutions of urgent political issues.

has and more
The race problem has tended to obscure other, less emotional, issues which may fundamentally be even more divisive.
But in our case -- and neither my wife nor I have extreme views on integration, nor are we given to emotional outbursts -- the situation has ruined one or two valued friendships and come close to wrecking several more.
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
In a mere half-century the South has more than tripled its urban status.
Faulkner culminates the Southern legend perhaps more masterfully than it has ever been, or could ever be, done.
I believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I have learned, in a way, to commune with drunks, but certainly my actions seem to resemble more nearly the performance of a rain dance than the carrying out of an experiment in physics.
The major effect of these advances appears to lie in the part they have played in the industrial revolution and in the tools which scientific understanding has given us to build and manipulate a more protective environment.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
In fact, the recent warnings about the use of X-rays have introduced fears and ambiguities of action which now require more detailed understanding, and thus in this instance, science has momentarily aggravated our fears.
The Charles Men has a tremendous range of characters, of common folk even more than of major figures.
The fact that he has cast over those materials the light of a skeptical mind does not make him any the less Southern, I rather think, for the South has been no more solid than other regions except in the political and related areas where patronage and force and intimidation and fear may produce a surface uniformity.
It may be that in this comment he has broken from the conventional pattern more violently than in any other regard, for the treatment in his books is far removed from even the genial irony of Ellen Glasgow, who was the only important novelist before him to challenge the conventional picture of planter society.
Now this concern for the freedom of other peoples is the intellectual and spiritual cement which has allied us with more than forty other nations in a common defense effort.
The observer of television or other products for a mass audience has only a permit to be, like the models he sees, even more like everybody else.
My own stern hand has rent the ancient bond, And thereof shall the ending not have end: But not for me, that loved her, to be fond Lightly to please me with a newer friend Then hold it more than bravest-feathered song, That I affirm to thee, with heart of pride, I knew not what did to a friend belong Till I stood up, true friend, by thy true side ; ;
Everyone is more or less sceptical and virtually no one has been willing to accept Lappenberg or Kemble's position on that point.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
and we must attend to it more closely than has usually been done.
For the sad truth is that while one might write well without having read Bartleby The Scrivener, one is more likely, to write well if one has `` read it, and much else.
Actually it would be more accurate to say that the leader of the alliance now has swung fully behind the British policy of seeking to achieve a neutral Laos via the international bargaining table.
In 18 months, no more grisly incident has been reported from that jungle.
But preservation of the natural beauty of the Cape is of more than regional concern, for the automobile age has made it the recreation spot of people from all over the country.

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