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Page "Urbanization" ¶ 34
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is and called
The one apparent connection between the two is a score of buildings which somehow or other have survived and which naturally enough are called `` historical monuments ''.
The central concern of Erich Auerbach's impressive volume called Mimesis is to describe the shift from a classic theory of imitation ( based upon a recognition of levels of truth ) to a Christian theory of imitation in which the levels are dissolved.
To this end political authority is called upon to exercise its negative and coercive powers.
Even when he is called upon for impromptu remarks, he has notes written on the back of handy envelopes.
Within this frame of reference policies appropriate to claims advanced in the name of the Jews depend upon which Jewish identity is involved, as well as upon the nature of the claim, the characteristics of the claimant, the justifications proposed, and the predispositions of the community decision makers who are called upon to act.
Therefore, what we must prove or disprove is that there were Saxons, in the broad sense in which we must construe the word, in the area of the Saxon Shore at the time it was called the Saxon Shore.
The work as it stands is not the entire book that Malraux wrote at that time -- it is only the first section of a three-part novel called La Lutte avec l'Ange ; ;
And by a skillful and unobtrusive use of imagery ( the enclosure is called a `` Roman-camp stockade '', the hastily erected lean-to is a `` Babylonian hovel '', the men begin to look like `` Peruvian mummies '' and to acquire `` Gothic faces '' ), Malraux projects a fresco of human endurance -- which is also the endurance of the human -- stretching backward into the dark abyss of time.
His very honest act called up the recent talk I had with another minister, a modest Methodist, who said: `` I feel so deeply blessed by God when I can give a message of love and comfort to other men, and I would have it no other way: and it is unworthy to think of self.
RCA Victor has an ambitious and useful project in a stereo series called `` Adventures In Music '', which is an instructional record library for elementary schools.
Where then is the sound planning and cooperation between agencies within the community that you have called for in other editorials??
The `` fruitful course '' of metropolitanization that you recommend is currently practiced by the town of East Greenwich and had its inception long before we learned what it was called.
Here, then, is what Swift would have called a modest proposal by way of a beginning.
The Act further provides for a `` floor '' or minimum allotment, set at the 1954 level, which is called the `` base '' allotment, and a `` ceiling '' or maximum allotment, for each State.
And, given probable public attitudes -- about which reasonably good estimates can be made -- what action is called for to insure necessary support??
Cathy J. Hanover ( Tar Heel-Kaola Hanover ), formerly called Karet Hanover, has been rather a problem child, but is getting better all the while and can pace a twice around in about 2:31.
Ordinary politeness may have militated against this opinion being stated so badly but anyone with a wide acquaintance in both groups and who has sat through the many round tables, workshops or panel discussions -- whatever they are called -- on this subject will recognize that the final, boiled down crux of the matter is education.
This meeting was called to determine how these groups might cooperate to launch what is known as the Outdoor Education Project.
Sixty miles north of New York City where the wooded hills of Dutchess County meet the broad sweep of the Hudson River there is a new home development called `` Oakwood Heights ''.
At the same time, however, I availed myself of the services of that great English actor and master of make-up, Sir Gauntley Pratt, to do a `` quickie '' called The Mystery of the Mad Marquess, in which I played a young American girl who inherits a haunted castle on the English moors which is filled with secret passages and sliding panels and, unbeknownst to anyone, is still occupied by an eccentric maniac.
I called the other afternoon on my old friend, Graves Moreland, the Anglo-American literary critic -- his mother was born in Ohio -- who lives alone in a fairy-tale cottage on the Upson Downs, raising hell and peacocks, the former only when the venerable gentleman becomes an angry old man about the state of literature or something else that is dwindling and diminishing, such as human stature, hope, and humor.

is and variously
For we have said, in effect, that of the two alternatives to his position variously represented by the other participants in the demythologizing discussion, only one is really an alternative.
The most famous such organism is Amoeba proteus ; the name amoeba is variously used to describe its close relatives, other organisms similar to it, or the amoeboids in general.
Whilst Anah has thus retained its name for forty-two centuries the site is variously described.
It is variously interpreted as either the language used by God to address Adam ( the divine language ), or the language invented by Adam with which he named all things ( including Eve ), as in.
Armageddon ( from Harmagedōn, Late Latin: ) is, according to the Bible, the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location.
This is written variously as
It is variously argued that Fuller's wartime plans and post-war writings were an inspiration, or that his readership was low and German experiences during the war received more attention.
Charles Hodge writes that " The subjective change wrought in the soul by the grace of God, is variously designated in Scripture " with terms such as new birth, resurrection, new life, new creation, renewing of the mind, dying to sin and living to righteousness, and translation from darkness to light .< ref name = Hodge1 > Hodge, Charles.
Central Europe, sometimes referred to as Middle Europe, is a region of the European continent lying between the variously defined areas of Eastern and Western Europe.
One blurry area is in segments variously called semivowels, semiconsonants, or glides.
It is thought of variously as a malevolent cannibalistic spirit that could possess humans or a monster that humans could physically transform into.
This is a reasonable assumption in practice — throughout history, there are countless examples of secret algorithms falling into wider knowledge, variously through espionage, betrayal and reverse engineering.
Also known as the K – T extinction event, it is associated with a geological signature known variously as the K – T boundary, the Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary or the K – Pg boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation visible wherever rocks of this age are exposed.
In the simplest cases, the measure of central tendency is an average of a set of measurements, the word average being variously construed as mean, median, or other measure of location, depending on the context.
Clausewitz had many aphorisms, of which the most famous is that " War is the continuation of Politik by other means " ( Politik being variously translated as ' policy ' or ' politics ,' terms with very different implications ), a description that has won wide acceptance.
Published in 1985, it is also known variously as Chapterhouse Dune, Chapter House Dune, and Chapter House: Dune, and rose to # 2 on The New York Times Best Seller list.
The historical accuracy and dating of many of the events in the later Anglo-Saxon Chronicle have been called into question, and his reign is variously listed as lasting seven, seventeen, or thirty-two years.
# The term chakra also is used to denote yantras or mystic diagrams, variously known as,, etc.
The modern sense of the term first appears sometime around the 12th century ; its popularity spread in the medieval period along with the terms isle, ylle, inis, eilean, oileán There is some confusion on what the term crannog originally referred to, the structure atop the island or the island itself The additional meanings of crannog can be variously related as " structure / piece of wood ; wooden pin ; crow's nest ; pulpit ; driver's box on a coach and vessel / box / chest " for crannóg.
For example, the Yemeni city of Mocha is written variously in English as Mocha, Al Mukha, al-Mukhā, Mocca and Moka.
Clark's middle name is given variously as either Joseph or Jerome, the latter in allusion to creator Jerry Siegel.
This feature, which is not supported by all DHCP servers, is variously called Static DHCP Assignment by DD-WRT, fixed-address by the dhcpd documentation, Address Reservation by Netgear, DHCP reservation or Static DHCP by Cisco and Linksys, and IP reservation or MAC / IP binding by various other router manufacturers.

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