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Page "Pathological science" ¶ 12
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is and still
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
He is still concerned, however, with a personal event.
nearby, another sits motionless, while still another is twirling an umbrella.
We are desperately in the need of such invention, for man is still very much at the mercy of man.
There is still the remote possibility of planetoid collision.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
Each is still glorified as a national hero.
This favorable image of America in the minds of Russian men and women is still there despite years of energetic anti-American propaganda ''
Incest is still a durable theme, but if it wants to get written about it will have to find ways to surprise the emotions, and there is no better way to do this than that of concealment and symbolic representation.
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
There is another side of love, more nearly symbolized by the croak of the mating capercailzie, or better still perhaps by the mute antics of the slug.
But still, the proposition is worth examination.
The other is that the charge for cabanas and parasols, though modest from an American point of view, still is a little high for many Athenians.
In spite of the armistice negotiated by Amadee two years earlier, the war between Bishop Guillaume of Lausanne and Louis of Savoy was still going on, and although little is known about it, that little proves that it was yet another phase of the struggle against French expansion and was closely interwoven with the larger conflict.
Behind him lay the Low Countries, where men were still completing the cathedrals that a later Florentine would describe as `` a malediction of little tabernacles, one on top of the other, with so many pyramids and spires and leaves that it is a wonder they stand up at all, for they look as though they were made of paper instead of stone or marble '' ; ;
On the other hand, the consensus of opinion is that, used with caution and in conjunction with other types of evidence, the native sources still provide a valid rough outline for the English settlement of southern Britain.
The image of man which enters into force with Aeschylus is still vital in Phedre and Athalie.

is and considered
Life is further characterized, in antithesis to Piepsam, as animal: the image of a dog, which appears at several places, is first given as the criterion of amiable, irrelevant interest aroused by life considered simply as a spectacle: a dog in a wagon is `` admirable '', `` a pleasure to contemplate '' ; ;
But he is more interesting than the others, the ones who come from the highroad to watch him, more interesting than Life considered as a cyclist.
a `` Double-Figure '', which went to the Chicago Art Institute, and is considered by him the most successful of his abstracts ; ;
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
After allowing for group exposures, it is apparent that other factors must be considered if we are to comprehend fanaticism.
If it is not one of his best books, it can only be considered unsatisfactory when compared with his own Garibaldi.
This is not to assume that his work was without merit, but the validity of his assumptions concerning the meaning of history must always be considered against this background of an unprofessional approach.
The national average is more than $4 and that figure is considered by experts in the mental health field to be too low.
A recent study on radiation exposure by the AEC's division of biology and medicine stated: `` The question of the biological effect of ( radiation ) doses is not considered '' herein.
The latter matter is considered in detail in a later section.
This agreement is considered very good for such short time intervals.
As was said in Gonzales, `` it is the Appeal Board which renders the selective service determination considered ' final ' in the courts, not to be overturned unless there is no basis in fact.
the Athletic program at Carleton is considered an integral part of the activities of the College and operates under the same budgetary procedure and controls as the academic work.
Whether considered alone or in relation to other editions, COLH 40 is a document of prime importance.
Biological warfare is considered to be primarily a strategic weapon.
The following information on snakes varying greatly in size ( but all with less than a 10-foot maximum ) shows, when considered with the foregoing, that there is probably no correlation between the length of a snake and the time required for it to mature.
It is hypothesized that fertility is a function of the social system when the population as a whole is considered and a function of the subsystems when the two-fold division of core families and marginal families is considered.

is and traditional
William Styron, while facing the changing economy with a certain uneasy reluctance, insists he is not to be classified as a Southern writer and yet includes traditional Southern concepts in everything he publishes.
One reason is, of course, that the new scepticism has been willing to maintain the general picture of the invasions as portrayed in the traditional sources.
If man is actually the product of his environment and if science can discover the laws of human nature and the ways in which environment determines what people do, then someone -- a someone probably standing outside traditional systems of values -- can turn around and develop completely efficient means for controlling people.
Rexroth is a longtime jazz buff, a name-dropper of jazz heroes, and a student of traditional as well as modern jazz.
Through all this raving, Krim is performing a traditional and by now boring rite, the attack on intelligence, upon the largely successful attempt of the magazines he castigates to liberate American writing from local color and other varieties of romantic corn.
Certainly, it is the traditional clarity of his music which has endeared him to the Western World -- not his experimentations.
The paper has a certain value as a comparatively easy introduction to this approach, particularly since it treats a fairly simple and straightforward phenomenon where it is possible to compare it with a more traditional ( though not structural ) statement.
What is left to traditional systems of philosophy is, in effect, only the history of these fields prior to their becoming rigorous enough to abide by the canons of scientific method.
This explanation is attractive, but is vitiated at least in part by the observation that Cynewulf, though he used kennings in the traditional manner, was a literate man who four times inscribed his name by runes into his works.
A traditional Lao explanation is that the moon was being swallowed by a toad, and the remedy was to make all possible noise, ideally with firearms.
And the rebellion of these third generation Jews is not the traditional conflict of culture but, rather, a protest against a culture that they view as softly and insidiously enveloping.
This conclusion is dependent on the assumption that traditional sex mores will continue to sanction both premarital chastity as the `` ideal '', and the double standard holding females primarily responsible for preserving the ideal.
Gov. Vandiver is expected to make the traditional visit to both chambers as they work toward adjournment.
`` This is a long picture and a controversial one, but basically it is a moral, enthralling and heartbreaking description of humans who have become unlinked from life as perhaps Rome has from her traditional political, cultural and religious glories ''.
If Bultmann's own definition of myth is strictly adhered to ( and it is interesting that this is almost never done by those who make such pronouncements ), the evidence is overwhelming that he does not at all exaggerate the extent to which the mythological concepts of traditional theology have become incredible and irrelevant.
However, even if the latent demand for demythologization is not nearly as widespread as we are claiming, at least among the cultured elements of the population there tends to be an almost complete indifference to the church and its traditional message of sin and grace.
With traditional nationalistic spirit, some Englishmen claim that English Catholicism is Catholicism at its best.
The truth is that any revival of traditional and indigenous religion will serve to promote that sense of identity and Volksgeist which these young nations very much need.
The traditional story about his departure reports that he was disappointed with the direction the academy took after control passed to Plato's nephew Speusippus upon his death, although it is possible that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiments and left before Plato had died.

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