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Page "Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis" ¶ 22
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was and then
It was nice then, so peaceful and quiet.
He scuttled in shadow along the east wall of the stockade and then followed the south wall until he was at the rear of the two frame buildings.
First it was the Nations against themselves, then it was them against the whites.
She was carrying a quirt, and she started to raise it, then let it fall again and dangle from her wrist.
And then there was a numbing blow to the heart, and another gut-flattening blow to the stomach
The herd was watered and then thrown onto a broad grass flat which was to be the first night's bedground.
It was not until he moved across the porch that he became aware of them, and then it was too late.
He looked around in surprise, then noticed that Fred Powell was clutching his chest.
He paused only long enough to ascertain that Jess's buckskin was still missing and that his own gray was all right, then climbed through a back window and dropped to the ground outside.
The finished -- and drastically cut -- product would begin with a hazy longshot of Joyce entering the suds, then bursting above the pool's surface clad in layers of lavender lather, and I had a hunch this item was going to sell tons and tons of soap ; ;
Maybe Lou was only unconscious, but right then I thought he must be dead.
For several weeks we eyed one another almost like sparring partners, and then one day Uncle was slightly indisposed and stayed home ; ;
Then the darkness thinned, and there was light again, and then bright sunlight.
I was puzzled by the remark, then I recalled the voice of mild Professor Howard Griggs three years ago in a university lecture on primitive societies.
It was only then that he turned to look at Penny.
The enemy came looming around a bend in the trail and Matsuo took a hasty shot, then fled without knowing the result, ran until breath was a pain in his chest and his legs were rubbery.
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
For lawyers, reflecting perhaps their parochial preferences, there has been a special fascination since then in the role played by the Supreme Court in that transformation -- the manner in which its decisions altered in `` the switch in time that saved nine '', President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious `` Court-packing plan '', the imprimatur of judicial approval that was finally placed upon social legislation.
We followed the asphalt road for a few miles and then swung off onto a smaller road which was nothing more than two tire marks on the earth.
If Franklin was an authentic genius, then Alexander Hamilton, with his exceptional precocity, consuming energy, and high ambition, was a political prodigy.

was and announced
No man's name brought more cheers when it was announced in a rodeo.
In a letter to Meynell, which was written in June, less than a month before Katie's wedding, he was highly melodramatic in his despair and once again announced his intention of returning to the life of the streets: ``
He was outraged by the book and announced that he had discovered fifty technical errors in its account of church practices.
The Twenty-second Soviet Communist Party Congress opens in Moscow today in a situation contrasting sharply with the script prepared many months ago when this meeting was first announced.
he knew the fundamentals, and after studying with Fletcher for a time he approached Rector, announced that he wanted to be baptized and that was that.
Once the full extent of this Russian military penetration of Cuba was clear, President Kennedy announced we would take whatever action was appropriate to prevent this, even if we had to go it alone.
The promotion of Robert E. Swift to the position of Assistant Manager of the Interference Control Field Service Department was announced early in December by Frederick S. Scarborough, Manager of Interference Control Field Service.
After an unspeakable siege, lasting the better part of two months, it was announced that the studio `` owed '' the government a tax debt in excess of eight million dollars while I, who had always remained aloof from such iniquitous practices as paying taxes on the salary I had earned and the little I legally inherited as Morris' helpless relict, was `` stung '' with a personal bill of such astronomical proportions as to `` wipe out '' all but a fraction of my poor, hard-come-by savings.
Failing to heed the lesson so clearly contained in the satellite treaties, President Truman re-declared the Cold War on March 12, 1947, in the Truman Doctrine, exactly one week after the Herald Tribune editorial was written, and a year after the Cold War had been announced by Churchill at Fulton, Missouri, in Truman's presence.
In January, 1958, the Minister of the Interior announced that an election law was ready to be submitted to the King, the rumors of election dates appeared once again, first for spring of 1958 and later for the summer.
One tempest was stirred up last March when Udall announced that an eight-and-a-half-foot bronze statue of William Jennings Bryan, sculpted by the late Gutzon Borglum, would be sent `` on indefinite loan '' to Salem, Illinois, Bryan's birthplace.
Appointment of William S. Pfaff Jr., 41, as promotion manager of The Times-Picayune Publishing Company was announced Saturday by John F. Tims, president of the company.
Vincent G. Ierulli has been appointed temporary assistant district attorney, it was announced Monday by Charles E. Raymond, District Attorney.
The appointment was announced at a news conference at which Skorich said he would retain two members of Shaw's staff -- Jerry Williams and Charlie Gauer.
But just before luncheon today the fact was announced grimly by the British navy's chief adviser to the cabinet on underwater warfare, Capt. George Symonds.
The jury, which was locked up in a motel overnight, was canvassed at the request of Walker after the verdict was announced.
Britain's plans to press Russia for a definite cease-fire timetable was announced in London by Foreign Secretary Lord Home.
Emory University's Board of Trustees announced Friday that it was prepared to accept students of any race as soon as the state's tax laws made such a step possible.
-- The New York University Board of Trustees has elected the youngest president in the 130-year history of NYU, it was announced yesterday.
John Di Massimo has been elected president of the 1961 Columbus Day Celebration Committee, it was announced yesterday.

was and from
They were dirty, their clothes were torn, and the girl was so exhausted that she fell when she was still twenty feet from the front door.
The silence oppressed him, made him bend low over the horse's neck as if to hide from a wind that had begun to blow far away and was twisting slowly through the darkness in its slow search.
Cabot turned back to the men and he was drunk with the thing they would do, wild to break from the cloying warmth of the saloon into the cold of the ebbing night.
The Gap looming before him -- the place where had confronted Jack English on that day so many years ago -- was his exit from all that had meaning to him.
He was too old -- when he passed up and through the corridor of pines that lined the trail he could see ahead, he was passing from life.
He might tell her how sorry a spectacle she was making of herself, pretending to be blind to the way Julia Fortune had taken Dean's affections from her.
A bullet tore the earth from beneath his foot when he was a stride or two from safety.
It was pitiful to see the thin ranks of warriors, old and young, wheeling and twisting their ponies frantically from side to side only to be tumbled bleeding from their saddles by the relentless slam, slam of the cruelly efficient Hawkinses.
It was obvious that he wished himself different from the sort of person he thought he was.
Now, here was something of obvious importance to me, yet when I reached for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
Though only a relatively short walk separated it from my own part of town, its character was wholly foreign to me.
The river was only a few blocks away but an unbroken line of piers prevented me from seeing it.
It was to him that Barton had sent Carl Dill on Dill's release from the prison.
Hague, like all who worked near the pits, was partly deafened from the constant assault against his eardrums.
But she was caught in it, and she faced the terrible possibility that, if it were a dream, it was one from which she might never awaken.
He had to depend on himself, since he was invariably miles and hours away from others.
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.

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