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Its and banks
Its business district hosts the Italian Stock Exchange and the headquarters of the largest national banks and multinational companies.
Its creditor banks assumed control in 1981.
Its Main Street had businesses varying from general stores, drug stores, a modern theater, cafes, two banks and more.
Its financial institutions include six banks.
Its habitat is very fast-flowing, clear mountain streams with wooded banks.
Its banks are bounded by the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail, and businesses offer recreational watercraft services along the lakefront portion of the trails.
Its history dates back to the 15th century when Shariff Kabunsuan, an Arab missionary, landed along the banks of the Rio Grande de Mindanao and introduced Islam to the natives.
Its adherents were encouraged to protest against taxes and withdraw their deposits from state-owned banks.
Its southern banks are mostly low and continuous, whereas northern banks are rocky and rugged.
Its world-wide circulation includes universities, institutes, companies, banks and governmental officials.
Its banks offer great opportunities for recreation and the river's plentiful water renders itself ideal for water sports.
Its vast connection with banks, and all the moneyed interests of the country, gives to it an unjust, injurious, anomalous, and direct influence over the government of the country.
Its capital is Kampong Thom, a picturesque town on the banks of the Stung Sen River.
Its foundation was inspired by the government, and resulted from the recognition in the 1930s, given new impetus in the postwar era, that smaller businesses faced a gap in available corporate finance due to banks being unwilling to provide long-term capital and the companies being too small to raise capital from the public markets.
Its length is and its name means “ long-water-country .” The Quinnipiac people of the Long Water Land had several sub-sachemships and villages along its banks as well as main trails that criss-crossed its length.
Its name changed to The Detroit Savings Bank in 1871 and to The Detroit Bank in 1936, being one of the few area banks to survive the Great Depression.
Its recommendations included a code of conduct for banks regarding small business loans, an ombudsman to oversee this code of conduct, and a provision allowing entrepreneurs to borrow up to twenty per cent from their registered retirement savings plans ( RRSPs ).
The Inner City is situated on the banks of the Danube, Its borders follow the line of the old city walls.
Its banks were inhabited by indigenous peoples for thousands of years.
Its banks have artificially constructed wildlife habitats intended to replace those lost from the banks of the Thames during urban expansion in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Its fortresses, walls, bastions and Turkish rondellas can still be seen by the walk on the banks of the Danube.
Its wide sand and gravel banks would have provided an easy route to travel along and the river would have provided water, vegetation and attracted animals making it a useful place for humans to exploit.

Its and were
Its early morning patrons were coachmen, who fortified themselves for the day with that delicacy.
Its people, including Pierre Bottineau and other American Fur Company employees and the refugees from Fort Garry, were joined by the remaining Scots and Swiss from Fort Snelling when Major Joseph Plympton expelled them from the reservation in May 1840.
Its entire complement of non-commissioned officers on the platoon level had departed as cadre for another unit, and its vehicles were still those used in the drive across Luzon in World War 2.
Its costive deliberations were likened to those of the British courts of chancery mercilessly caricatured by Dickens in Bleak House.
* That ethnographic work was often ahistorical, writing about people as if they were " out of time " in an " ethnographic present " ( Johannes Fabian, Time and Its Other ).
Its use was taught in the Calmecac to the temalpouhqueh, who were students dedicated to take the accounts of skies, from childhood.
Its chemical composition makes it difficult to match the amber to its producers – it is most similar to the resins produced by flowering plants ; however, there are no flowering plant fossils until the Cretaceous, and they were not common until the Upper Cretaceous.
Its founders were often away as well ; in the middle of harvesting, they left for a lecture tour through Providence, Rhode Island, New York City, and New Haven, Connecticut.
Its residents were removed to settle on the Aventine Hill in Rome as new citizens, following the Roman traditions from wars with the Sabines and Albans.
Its name means " no feet " in Greek, and it represents a bird-of-paradise ( which were once believed to lack feet ).
Its invention is credited to the Celts, the Romans were thought to have adopted their design.
Its New York offices were on the 92nd and 98th – 105th floors of the South Tower of the World Trade Center at the time of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.
Its initial successes were neutralized by the reverses of Abensberg, Landshut and Eckmuhl but, after the evacuation of Vienna, the archduke won a strong victory at the Battle of Aspern-Essling but soon afterwards lost decisively at the Battle of Wagram.
Its dedicatee was Count Moritz von Fries, a patron to whom the fourth violin sonata, the string quintet of the same year, and the seventh symphony were also dedicated.
Its guano deposits were mined by the American Guano Company from 1859 to 1878.
Its Jewish residents were expelled by the military order of Hadrian.
Its first modern incidence in biological warfare were when Scandinavian " freedom fighters " supplied by the German General Staff used anthrax with unknown results against the Imperial Russian Army in Finland in 1916.
Its proximity to the University of Birmingham, the city centre and the ‘ trendy ’ area of Moseley were all contributing factors.
Its city walls were much imitated ( for example, see Caernarfon Castle ) and its urban infrastructure was moreover a marvel throughout the Middle Ages, keeping alive the art, skill and technical expertise of the Roman Empire.
Its strong industrial tradition dates to the 19th century, when Bohemia and Moravia were the economic heartland of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
" Its practitioners had difficulty convincing engineers that they were engineers and chemists that they were not simply chemists.
Its depth, steep east and west sides with shallow north and south ends is typical of the Finger Lakes, as they were carved by glaciers during the last ice age.
Its notable victories were the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829, the Reform Act of 1832, and the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846.
Its functions were replaced by a fans forum which met for the first time in December 2008.

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