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Kuniyoshi and based
The artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi produced a number of works based on it, which often include octopuses among the creatures being evaded by the bare-breasted diver.

Kuniyoshi and on
Perhaps the most important event during his term as prime minister was the royal wedding of Crown Prince Hirohito ( the future Emperor Shōwa ) with Nagako Kuniyoshi ( the future Empress Kōjun ) on 26 January 1924.
However, probably the most famous woodblocks in the genre are those of Kuniyoshi, who produced at least eleven separate complete series on this subject, along with more than twenty triptychs.
During this time Kunisada collaborated with ( one or both of ) Hiroshige and Kuniyoshi in three major series as well as on a number of smaller projects.
In this series Kuniyoshi illustrated individual heroes on single-sheets, drawing tattoos on his heroes, a novelty which soon influenced Edo fashion.
This may have had some influence on Kuniyoshi ’ s production of caricature prints or comic pictures ( giga-e ), which were used to disguise actual actors and courtesans.
In the late 1840s, Kuniyoshi began again to illustrate actor prints, this time evading censorship ( or simply evoking creativity ) through childish, cartoon-like portraits of famous kabuki actors, the most notable being " Scribbling on the storehouse wall " ( Nitakaragurakabe no mudagaki ).
* Merlin C. Dailey, David Stansbury, Utagawa Kuniyoshi: An Exhibition of the Work of Utagawa Kuniyoshi Based on the Raymond A. Bidwell Collection of Japanese Prints at the Springfield Museum of Fine Arts ( Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, 1980 )
* Robert Schaap, Timothy T. Clark, Matthi Forrer, Inagaki Shin ' ichi, Heroes and Ghosts: Japanese Prints By Kuniyoshi 1797-1861 ( Hotei, Leiden, 1998 ) is now the definitive work on him
* A Boy and Ishigakijima Special Attack Base — review of book by Minoru Kuniyoshi about his wartime experiences on Ishigaki
Prince Kuniyoshi succeeded to the title upon his father's death on October 29, 1891.
The former town of Isumi was established on April 29, 1955 from the merger of former Kuniyoshi Town with two neighoring villages.
Katsuura was elevated to town status on March 12, 1890, Kuniyoshi ( future Chōjamachi ) on September 22, 1893, Ōhara on December 2, 1899, Onjuku on April 1, 1914, and Okitsu on January 1, 1921.
Kuniyoshi working on his painting " Upside Down Table and Mask " in his studio near Union Square ( New York City ) | Union Square at 30 East 14th Street ( Manhattan ) | Fourteenth St. in New York, New York.

Kuniyoshi and be
He effectively left these two fields to be covered by his contemporaries Hiroshige and Kuniyoshi, respectively.

Kuniyoshi and ",
" Kuniyoshi, Yasuo ", cited 2 June 2006.

Kuniyoshi and where
* His monument at Kuniyoshi, Itoman city Okinawa, where he died.
Faith Ringgold was born and raised in Harlem and educated at the City College of New York, where she studied with Robert Gathmey and Yasuo Kuniyoshi.

Kuniyoshi and is
It is said that Kuniyoshi was impressed, at an early age of seven or eight, by ukiyo-e warrior prints, and by pictures of artisans and commoners ( as depicted in craftsmen manuals ), and it is possible these influenced his own later prints. A painting of the arhat Handaka by Utagawa Kuniyoshi ( British Museum )
Although he was not seen as Kuniyoshi's successor during his lifetime, he is now recognized as the most important pupil of Kuniyoshi.
Kuniyoshi, once a village and now part of Isumi City, became a noted market town in this period, and a rokusai-ichi, or market held six days of the month, is held to the this day.
Takeda Shingen, head of the Takeda family which is the subject of the Kōyō Gunkan, in a print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

Kuniyoshi and left
Heikegani with human-like faces ( left ) depicted in an ukiyo-e print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Kuniyoshi and ).
She was the daughter of Chikako ( 1879 – 1956 ) and Kuniyoshi, Prince Kuni ( 1873 – 1929 ).
Hatsuhana doing penance under the Tonosawa waterfall ( woodblock print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 1798-1861 ).
At the end of the Edo Period ( 1600 – 1867 ), Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi and Kunisada were the three best representatives of the Japanese color woodcut in Edo ( capital city of Japan, now Tokyo ).
Despite his promising debut, the young Kuniyoshi failed to produce many works between 1818 and 1827, probably due to a lack of commissions from publishers, and the competition of other artists within the Utagawa School ( Utagawa-ryū ).
Kuniyoshi gave his apprentice a new name ( he was originally named Owariya Yonejiro ).
Japanese woodblock of Guan Yu by Utagawa Kuniyoshi ( 1798-1861 ).
* 1319 ( Gen ' ō 1 ', 3rd month ): Prince Kuniyoshi, the son of former-Emperor Go-Nijō, was declared Crown Prince ( tōgu ).

Sakai and proposed
Hashimoto's proposed division of the city of Osaka and Sakai, Osaka | Sakai along with 9 other cities in 20 special wards similar to Tokyo.
However, once as Sakai was idly doodling, he drew rabbit ears tied in a topknot on his proposed hero and was pleased by the distinctive image.
* Sinclair has proposed marriage to Catherine Sakai.

Sakai and based
Recent work by scholars such as Ekki Lu, Sakai Toru, and Lí Khîn-hoāⁿ ( also known as Tavokan Khîn-hoāⁿ or Chin-An Li ), based on former research by scholars such as Ông Io ̍ k-tek, has gone so far as to associate part of the basic vocabulary of the colloquial Taiwanese with the Austronesian and Tai language families ; however, such claims are controversial.
* Stan Sakai has mentioned his plans to include a character based Wong Fei-hung in a future issue of his comic book Usagi Yojimbo.
Set primarily at the beginning of Edo period of Japan, with anthropomorphic animals replacing humans, the series features a rabbit ronin, Miyamoto Usagi, whom Stan Sakai based partially on the famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi.
First published in 1984, the comic continues to this day, with Sakai as the lone author and nearly sole artist ( Tom Luth serves as the main colorist on the series, and Sergio Aragonés has made two small contributions to the series: the story " Broken Ritual " is based on an idea by Aragonés, and he served as a guest inker for the black-and-white version of the story " Return to Adachi Plain " that is featured in the Volume 11 trade paperback edition of Usagi Yojimbo ).
Nishio was the home territory for the Sakai clan during the Sengoku period, based at Nishio Castle.
On the final day of Sakai's detention, prosecutors officially indicted Sakai for alleged amphetamine possession, based on the evidence collected by the police.
* Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying Game: Anthropomorphic animal roleplaying in feudal Japan, based on the Usagi Yojimbo comic book series by Stan Sakai.
To support this function, Sakai includes the ability to change the settings of all the tools based on roles, changing what the system permits different users to do with each tool.
Contributions from devotees were collected through a system of brokers, primarily those based in Sakai in nearby Izumi Province.
* Samurai !, a 1957 book by Martin Caidin, based on the life and career of Saburō Sakai
Sakai published a series of 100 woodcut prints based on paintings by Kōrin, and his painting painted on the back of Kōrin ’ s " Wind and Thunder Gods screen " is now at the Tokyo National Museum.

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