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Page "Ideas of reference and delusions of reference" ¶ 4
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Lacan and similarly
Tallis argues that Lacan, who was poorly trained in both traditional medicine and psychoanalysis, superficially mimicked medicine and science, and that Lacan's later devotees similarly mimic their guru's confused concepts.

Lacan and saw
' Lacan saw his " matheme " as something that would ensure the integral transmission of his teachings ... proof against the " noise " or interference inherent in any process of communication '.
While Fink and Plotnitsky question Sokal and Bricmont's right to say what definitions of scientific terms are correct, cultural theorists and literary critics Andrew Milner and Jeff Browitt acknowledge that right, seeing it as " defend their disciplines against what they saw as a misappropriation of key terms and concepts " by writers such as Lacan and Irigaray.
Lacan saw in the " non-conflictual sphere ... a down-at-heel mirage that had already been rejected as untenable by the most academic psychology of introspection '.

Lacan and ideas
American scholar David Bordwell has spoken against many prominent developments film theory since the 1970s, i. e., he uses the humorously derogatory term " SLAB theory " to refer to film studies based on the ideas of Saussure, Lacan, Althusser, and / or Barthes.
His ideas on the relationship of Ego and Alter were developed by Pierre Janet ; while his stress on how " My sense of self grows by imitation of you ... an imitative creation " contributed to the mirror stage of Jacques Lacan.
They were intended to introduce some degree of technical rigour in philosophical and psychological writing, replacing the often hard-to-understand verbal descriptions with formulae resembling those used in the hard sciences, and as an easy way to hold, remember, and rehearse some of the core ideas of both Freud and Lacan.
Wallon's ideas about mirrors in infant development were distinctly non-Freudian and little-known until revived in modified form a few years later by Lacan.
" Lacan attempted to link Wallon's ideas to Freudian psychoanalysis, but was met with indifference from the larger community of Freudian psychoanalysts.
Although thinkers such as Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Butler, Lacan, and Lyotard are not explicitly self-described anarchists, their ideas nevertheless serve of great importance, given the anti-authoritarian nature of their thought.

Lacan and reference
According to Yorke, the album's title was not a reference to Kid A in Alphabet Land, a trading card set written by Carl Steadman dealing with the work of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan.

Lacan and linked
Thinkers most typically linked with Structuralism include anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser, the early writings of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, the early writings of literary theorist Roland Barthes, and the semiotician Algirdas Greimas.
Plotnitsky goes on, however, to agree with Sokal and Bricmont that the " square root of – 1 " which Lacan discusses ( and for which Plotnitsky introduces the symbol ) is not, in spite of its identical name, " identical, directly linked, or even metaphorized via the mathematical square root of – 1 ," and that the latter " is not the erectile organ.
Lacan consistently linked desire and the letter: ' The function of desire is a last residuum of the effect of the signifier in the subject '.

Lacan and relation
Similarly for Lacan, despite his personal respect for Winnicott, the latter was implicated in the ' contradiction between the pre-Oedipal intrigue, to which, in the opinion of certain of our modern analysts, the analytic relation can be reduced, and the fact that Freud was satisfied with having situated it in the position of the Oedipus complex ... lead to a propedeutics of general infantilization.

Lacan and Other
* Bracha L. Ettinger ( 1999 ), " Matrixial Gaze and Screen: Other than Phallic and Beyond the Late Lacan.
For Lacan, ' The traversing of fantasy involves the subject's assumption of a new position with respect to the Other as language and the Other as desire ... a utopian moment beyond neurosis '.
Jacques Lacan, inspired by Heidegger and Saussure, built on Freud's psychoanalytic model of the subject, in which the " split subject " is constituted by a double bind: alienated from jouissance when he or she leaves the Real, enters into the Imaginary ( during the mirror stage ), and separates from the Other when he or she comes into the realm of language, difference, and demand in the Symbolic or the Name of the Father.
Lacan clarified the point by stressing that this was " a highly significant moment in the transfer of powers from the subject to the Other, what I call the Capital Other ... the field of the Other-which, strictly speaking, is the Oedipus complex ".
Lacan admits, however, that there is a specifically feminine jouissance, a supplementary jouissance, which is beyond the phallus, a jouissance of the Other.
In his seminar " The Other Side of Psychoanalysis " ( 1969 – 1970 ) Lacan introduced the concept of surplus-jouissance ( French " plus-de-jouir ") inspired by Marx's concept of surplus-value: objet petit a is the excess of jouissance which has no use value, and which persists for the mere sake of jouissance.
The French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the Lithuanian-French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas were instrumental in coining contemporary usage of " the Other ," as radically other.
Lacan associated the Other with the symbolic order and language.

Lacan and radical
Judith Miller ( born 1941 ) is a French philosopher, and the daughter of Jacques Lacanradical psychoanalyst, and wife to prominent Lacanian Jacques-Alain Miller.

Lacan and involves
Interpellation, Althusser's idea based on Lacan, specifically involves the moment and process of recognition of interaction with the ideology at hand.

Lacan and without
Again, Lacan acknowledged of the analyst's ' countertransference ... if he is re-animated the game will proceed without anyone knowing who is leading '.

Lacan and some
Psychoanalysis has expanded, been criticized and developed in different directions, mostly by some of Freud's former students, such as Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung, Wilhelm Reich and later by neo-Freudians such as Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan and Jacques Lacan.
Despite this, many of structuralism's proponents, such as Jacques Lacan, continue to assert an influence on continental philosophy and many of the fundamental assumptions of some of structuralism's critics ( who have been associated with " post-structuralism ") are a continuation of structuralism.
Nevertheless, Freud's theory of the unconscious was substantially transformed by some of his followers, among them Carl Jung and Jacques Lacan.
Ferenczi has found some favour in modern times among the followers of Jacques Lacan as well as among relational psychoanalysts in the United States.
The book includes long extracts from the works of Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Paul Virilio, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Luce Irigaray, Bruno Latour, and Jean Baudrillard who are considered by some to be leading academics of Continental philosophy, critical theory, psychoanalysis or social sciences.
Fink asserts that some concepts which Sokal and Bricmont consider arbitrary or meaningless do have roots in the history of linguistics, and that Lacan is explicitly using mathematical concepts in a metaphoric way, not claiming that his concepts are mathematically founded.
Fink says that " Lacan could easily assume that his faithful seminar public ... would go to the library or the bookstore and ' bone up ' on at least some of his passing allusions ".
For some of the theorists deriving from Jacques Lacan, and in particular theories variously called écriture féminine, gender and sex predetermine the ways that texts will emerge, and the language of textuality itself will present an argument that is potentially counter to the author's conscious intent.
( Becker's emphasis on the timelessness and formal nature of the unconscious has some parallels with the account of Jacques Lacan.

Lacan and truth
Following this line of thought, with the theories of Lacan ( mirror stage, forms of " sexuation ") and of Derrida ( logocentrism ) in the background, Luce Irigaray also criticises the favouring of unitary truth within patriarchal society.

Lacan and clinical
Ego psychologists have serious doubts about whether Lacan ’ s approach can ever apply to clinical work with real patients who have real illnesses, specific ego functions mediating those illnesses, and specific histories.

Lacan and partial
Lacan had early highlighted ' the ambivalence proper to the " partial drives " of scoptophilia, sadomasochism, and homosexuality ... the often very little " realised " aspect of the apprehension of others in the practice of certain of these perversions '.

Lacan and -
Lacan engaged from early on with ' the phantasies revealed by Melanie Klein ... the imago of the mother ... this shadow of the bad internal objects ' - with the Imaginary.
Lacan stressed the role of the signifier in repression-' the primal repressed is a signifier ' - examining how the symptom is ' constituted on the basis of primal repression, of the fall, of the Unterdrückung, of the binary signifier ... the necessary fall of this first signifier '.

Lacan and other
From the 1960s and 1970s onward, language, symbolism, text, and meaning came to be seen as the theoretical foundation for the humanities, through the influence of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Ferdinand de Saussure, George Herbert Mead, Noam Chomsky, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida and other thinkers in linguistic and analytic philosophy, structural linguistics, symbolic interactionism, hermeneutics, semiology, linguistically oriented psychoanalysis ( Jacques Lacan, Alfred Lorenzer ), and deconstruction.
It was greatly influenced by the writings of Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche in the 19th century and other early-to-mid 20th-century philosophers, including phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, structuralist Roland Barthes, and the language / logic philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
" It should be noted, however, that Tallis is not a credible psychoanalyst and most of his critique of Lacan is based off of a gossip book written by Elisabeth Roudinesco entitled " Lacan & Co ." Lacan's mirror stage is based on his belief that infants recognize themselves in a mirror ( literal ) or other symbolic contraption which induces apperception ( the turning of oneself into an object that can be viewed by the child from outside of himself ) from the age of about six months.
Bruce Fink offers a critique in his book Lacan to the Letter, where he accuses Sokal and Bricmont of demanding that " serious writing " do nothing other than " convey clear meanings ".
Jacques Lacan subsequently drew on Sartre's theory of the gaze to link scopophilia with the apprehension of the other: " the gaze is this object lost and suddenly refound in the conflagration of shame, by the introduction of the other ".
Lacan privileged scopophilia in his theory of how desire is captured by the imaginary image of the other ; other French analysts have emphasised how the discovery of sexual difference in childhood, and the accompanying sense of not knowing subsequently fuels the scopophilic drive.

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