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NCF and some
1997 marked the earliest indication of a spam problem on NCF newsgroups with some members being identified as having cross-posted messages on multiple groups and again over consecutive days.
Despite the level of comfort some members had with the text-based FreePort system, it was identified as being unsupportable in the future and that NCF members would be left on the wrong side of the growing digital divide.
In 2005, India the National Curricular Framework ( NCF ) gave some degree of legitimacy to sign language education, by hinting that sign languages may qualify as an optional third language choice for hearing students.

NCF and its
Within a year of its establishment NCF had over 10, 000 members.
NCF spent much of the year in fundraising activities to meet its mandate in the face of rapidly rising demands for service and the need to purchase new hardware on an ongoing basis.
The organization had been using a set of rooms at Carleton University since its inception, but the addition of ever more equipment and of four staff members put pressure on NCF to find new accommodations.
One aspect of its operations in 1996 that set NCF apart from commercial ISPs was its community outreach in that year.
NCF was able to count amongst its key partners, providing hardware, software and financial support: Fulcrum Technologies, Ingenia Corporation, Gandalf Canada, Dantek Computers, Ottawa Public Library, Oracle Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Hardware Canada Computing, Loran Technologies, Netscape and Carleton University.
On 4 February 1998, NCF completed its Extended Access Project, adding 32 more dial-up PPP telephone lines at Mitel.
As part of the migration to using the World Wide Web, NCF fielded its first homepage in mid-1998, the result of a design competition amongst members.
In getting ready for Y2K, NCF decided to upgrade all its older servers, which were still running SunOS, to Solaris 7.
Cope emphasized that NCF had developed a niche market in service provision-low income citizens who were at risk of being left out of the Internet and all its benefits.
NCF continued to benefit from corporate donations to provide service to its members.
NCF had been located at Carleton University since its inception, but by 2003, due to the double cohort, the university was becoming pressed for space and NCF was forced to look for a new home for its offices.
Early in the year, NCF introduced its own discussion group software that allows members to set up groups and communicate with each other through " threaded " conversations.
In January 2012 NCF was noted by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for providing dial-up service to 3600 area residents and using its high speed service to subsidize the dial up service used by low-income users.

NCF and early
In the early 1990s NCF was the region's only service provider and members flocked to it to take advantage of the new technology.
NCF board member Jim Elder summarized NCF's early history: " NCF surfed the wave of Internet success in the first-half of the 1990s, but fell off in 1995 and then tread water.
One of the early supporters of the NCF community Internet project was Dr. José Luis Pardos, the Spanish Ambassador to Canada who brought the Embassy of Spain online using NCF.
The NCF financial picture started to improve early in the year with more members making donations, plus 235 DSL subscribers signed up.
In early May 2008, NCF had a major loss of e-mail when the RAID array suffered a catastrophic failure.

NCF and when
NCF will only remove illegal material when directed to by Canadian legal authorities.

NCF and from
NCF was started to ensure that no one in Ottawa would be excluded from internet access.
In January 1996 NCF began experimenting with using Solaris to run the news servers, as the organization began the transition from the NCF-developed text-based FreePort-based system to the World Wide Web.
In January, the NCF board voted to reduce the size of the board from 15 to 11 members.
NCF continued to move away from older operating systems to Solaris, with web server experiments carried out on Apache 1. 2. 6 and Netscape Enterprise Server 3. 5. 1.
In late summer, NCF purchased and added three new 3Com RAS1500 servers to the existing stacks and also received a large quantity of scrapped servers, switches and other equipment from Alcatel, including four 3-slot Tigris access servers.
As a temporary measure over the summer, the NCF staff worked from home.
By July, NCF had entirely switched to 56 kbit / s modems and had 184 digital lines available with a total of 276 planned, along with V. 92 capability, upgraded from V. 90.
Over the years 75, 000 people have been NCF members, although many have moved out of the area or moved up from NCF's original dial-up only service to commercial providers.

NCF and Canada's
Founded in September 1992 by people affiliated with Carleton University, National Capital Freenet ( NCF ) ( French: Libertel de la Capitale Nationale ), is a non-profit community organization internet service provider, with the goal of linking people in Canada's capital of Ottawa.
On 27 May 2008, NCF staff and members attended the Net Neutrality rally on Parliament Hill, John Selwyn spoke at the rally and NCF made a submission to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission opposing Bell Canada's bandwidth throttling of DSL service, including NCF's.

NCF and program
NCF activities had attracted the notice of CBC-TV who completed a news program on the association.
NCF entered into an agreement with the Employment and Financial Assistance Branch of the City of Ottawa to conduct a trial Internet access program for families in financial distress.

NCF and office
Early in December, the three people who made up the full-time NCF staff moved into a new office, Dunton Tower at Carleton University.
In May 2006, the ongoing space constraint at Carleton University forced NCF to seek new office space off-campus.

NCF and system
Long-serving NCF system administrator Andre Dalle was hired on 9 November 1998.

NCF and web
As the web became popular many new Internet users became NCF members before they went to a PPP provider for graphic access to the web.
As the web evolved NCF began offering dial up PPP access.
The AUP made individuals, and not NCF, responsible for their content posted on newsgroups and on the web, banned spamming, and provided guidance on offensive material and on personal attacks.
Cope also emphasized that he thought much of the loss of members to commercial ISPs was due to their desire for web access, not realizing that NCF offered that alongside text-only access.

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