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Europe's and approximately
Landau was later occupied by the French from 1680 to 1815, when it was one of the Décapole, the ten free cities of Alsace, and received its modern fortifications by Louis XIV's military architect Vauban in 1688 – 99, making the little city ( population in 1789 was still only approximately 5, 000 ) one of Europe's strongest citadels.
By 1955 approximately two-thirds of Europe's oil passed through the canal.
It is consistently ranked among Europe's top overall universities, and is an international education venue for doctoral students, with approximately 1, 000 doctorates successfully completed every year, and with more than one third of the doctoral students coming from abroad .< ref >
New Imperialism refers to the colonial expansion adopted by Europe's powers and, later, Japan during the 19th and early 20th centuries ; expansion took place from the French conquest of Algeria until World War I: approximately 1830 to 1914.
Taormina is approximately a forty-five minute drive away from Europe's largest active volcano, Mount Etna.
Arising approximately 19 million years ago, the Vogelsberg, Germany's only shield volcano, is also Central Europe's largest basalt formation, consisting of a multitude of layers which, having flowed over each other, fall downward from their peak in ring-shaped terraces to the base.
France was also among the most urbanized countries of Europe, the population of Paris was second only to that of London ( approximately 500, 000 v. 800, 000 ), and six of Europe's thirty-five largest cities were French.
France had 5. 3 million of Europe's approximately thirty million male peasants.
The manufacturing sector grew to such an extent that at its peak it produced approximately 30 % of Europe's PCs, 80 % of its Workstations, 65 % of its ATMs and a significant percentage of its integrated circuits.
Located approximately east of Paris, halfway to Strasbourg, it is five miles from Western Europe's largest man-made lake, Lake Der-Chantecoq.
The station is home to the 422nd Air Base Group and operates one of Europe's largest military switchboards and processes approximately a third of all U. S. military communications in Europe.

Europe's and 50
Dublin has a vibrant nightlife and is reputedly one of Europe's most youthful cities, with an estimate of 50 % of citizens being younger than 25.
It caused Europe's population to drop by around 50 % between 550 and 700.
There are over 50 different student associations across ESCP Europe's 5 campuses.
The Black Death is estimated to have killed one-third of China's population and 25 to 50 percent of Europe's population.
Adding the skill and talent of one of Europe's top young forwards, Vaclav Varada who slotted 50 points and tied the team's rookie scoring record.
Midfielder Ray Wilkins was bought from Chelsea in 1979 and soon established himself as one of Europe's finest midfielders, and striker Joe Jordan scored more than 50 goals in three years after arriving from Leeds United in 1978.
His film ‘ Bombay Our City ’ was shown on TV after a four year court case, while, ' Father Son and the Holy war ' ( 1995 ), was adjudged in 2004 as one of 50 most memorable international documentaries of all time by DOX, Europe's leading Documentary film magazine ; though it was shown on India ’ s National Network, Doordarshan only in the year 2006, 11 years after its making, and that too after a prolonged court battle which lasted 8 years and ended with the nation ’ s Supreme Court ordering the state-owned media to telecast the film without any cuts.

Europe's and states
The Imperial German Navy's rank and rating system combined that of Prussia's with the navies of other northern states, thus the resulting system became one of Europe's best.
Proposals to admit Turkey have been debated but are now currently stalled, partly on the ground that Turkey is beyond Europe's historic frontier and it is yet to comply with the 35 point policy areas set out by the E. U. If all or most East European states become members, the frontier may be the boundaries with Russia and Turkey.
It is also quite likely, that the dynastic outcome between Sweden and Poland's house of Vasa was a factor which exacerbated and radicalized the later actions of Europe's Catholic princes in the German states such as the Edict of Restitution, and so worsened European politics to the abandonment or prevention of settling events by diplomacy and compromise during the vast bloodletting that was the Thirty Years ' war.
Both of these two wars involved Europe's largest states and armies.
Europe's maritime expansion unsurprisingly — given the continent's geography — was largely the work of its Atlantic states: Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands.
All EU member states are, and candidate states are required to be, signatories to the Council of Europe's European Convention on Human Rights, so that many principles from the Convention, such as the right to a fair trial, were taken as the baseline for European Court of Justice jurisprudence even before their formal reiteration in Charter.
In his book Wars of Blood and Faith, US military analyst Ralph Peters states that far from being about to take over Europe through demographic change, " Europe's Muslims are living on borrowed time " and that in the event of a major terrorist attack in Europe, thanks to the " ineradicable viciousness " of Europeans and what he perceives as a historical tendency to over-react to real or perceived threats, European Muslims " will be lucky if they're only deported.
* Netcraft states that Lycos Europe's anti-spam screensaver has taken two spammer websites offline.
As the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth formed and grew, Wawel became the seat of one of Europe's most important states.

Europe's and Russia
Both largely succeeded, turning Russia into Europe's leading power.
During the 17th century, after winning wars against Denmark, Russia, and Poland, Sweden – Finland ( with scarcely more than 1 million inhabitants ) emerged as a great power by taking direct control of the Baltic region, which was Europe's main source of grain, iron, copper, timber, tar, hemp, and furs.
Supporter of a Europe of nations at Europe's borders ( excluding Turkey ), he advocates a policy of compromise with Russia and supports the idea of ​​ a multipolar world which implies a balanced relationship between China and the U. S ..
And if Europe's northernmost point is allowed to be on an island it is Cape Fligely on Rudolf Island, Franz Josef Land, Russia, which is located very much further north at 81 ° 48 ′ 24 ″ North.
Russia sought a " freeze " to keep from falling behind in Europe's arms race.
The French population exceeded 28 million ; of Europe's 178 to 188 millions, only Imperial Russia had a greater population ( 37 to 41 million ).
Also included was Europe's massive population of Ashkenazi Jews from several areas of Eastern Europe generally known as the Pale of Settlement ( a region within the Russian Empire designated under anti-Semitic governmental policies as the only area in which Jews were allowed to settle permanently, and which included primarily areas of far western Russia, the modern-day countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus, and the remnants of the former kingdom of Galicia, an historic ethnic region with a huge Jewish population, now divided between southeastern Poland and the western Ukraine ).
The House of Oldenburg is a North German dynasty and one of Europe's most influential Royal Houses with branches that rule or have ruled in Denmark, Russia, Greece, Norway, Schleswig, Holstein, Oldenburg and Sweden.
Ireland were drawn against Lebanon and Russia in Europe's 2008 Rugby League World Cup Qualifying Pool Two.
In order to get to Russia to register for the World Championships, they must battle the Majestics who are Europe's top bladers.
Europe's eastern frontier is delineated by the Ural Mountains in Russia.
Rock carvings especially from the earliest period show great similarity with carvings from northwestern Russia, indicating contact between and maybe parallel development of cultures over a wide area of Europe's extreme North.
At 18, he climbed Mount Elbrus in Southern Russia, Europe's highest peak.
Peter founded a new Russia by shattering the old, and by his death in 1725 Russia had taken Sweden's place as Europe's dominant eastern power.

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