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Some Related Sentences

Or and can
`` Or do you want to see if I can stand fever, too ''??
Or the city can be a graveyard monument to Western intransigence, if that is what the West wants.
Or you can make pool care the price of swimming for teen-agers.
Or the frequent need to check and discipline himself to the wisest pace of the consummation can put him off stride and make it impossible for him to be continuously ready for penetration over a long period.
Or, third, it incorporates the United Kingdom rules of succession into the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, which itself can now be altered only by Australia, according to the Australia Act 1986 ; in that way, the British rules of succession have been patriated to Australia and, with regard to Australia, are subject to amendment or repeal solely by Australian law.
Or, it can form a polycrystal, with various possibilities for the size, arrangement, orientation, and phase of its grains.
Or there can be corroborating evidence related to a certain source, such as what makes an author think a certain way due to the evidence that was supplied by witnesses or objects.
Or it refers to a definition being developed ; a tentative definition that can be tailored to create an authoritative definition.
Or, an eligible person can be nominated through a petition ; thus allowing him or her to be listed on a something.
Or they can be launched into a beam of very low divergence in order to concentrate their power at a large distance.
Or rather, such free initiative can only arise and develop by the masses ridding themselves of the ‘ authoritarian prejudices ’ by means of which the state reproduces itself in its primary function of representation and delegation.
Or it can have wide, sweeping phrases, as in the works of Livy and the speeches of Cicero.
Or, a manufacturer can acquire and sell complementary products.
Or, in the second case, while natural selection can help animals develop ways of killing or escaping from other species, intrasexual selection drives the selection of attributes that allow alpha males to dominate their own breeding partners and rivals .< ref name = hu > Wikipédia-szerkesztők ( Wikipedia contributors ), ' Nemi szelekció ' (' Sexual Selection '), Wikipédia, 2011. május 17.
Or it can be described as idealist, holding that the human mental capacities are generally unrestricted by its biological-material basis.
Or, more practically: in order to prove a property P for all ordinals α, one can assume that it is already known for all smaller β < α.
Or, this can be accomplished by weighting the class means by the number of students in each class ( using a weighted mean of the class means ):
: Or if the hypothesis were offered us of a world in which Messrs. Fourier's and Bellamy's and Morris's utopias should all be outdone, and millions kept permanently happy on the one simple condition that a certain lost soul on the far-off edge of things should lead a life of lonely torture, what except a specifical and independent sort of emotion can it be which would make us immediately feel, even though an impulse arose within us to clutch at the happiness so offered, how hideous a thing would be its enjoyment when deliberately accepted as the fruit of such a bargain?
* Or it can measure what parts of the system or workload causes the system to perform badly.
Or more precisely, allowing for the finite precision of both the predictions and the observations, one asks: is there some range of baryon-to-photon values which can account for all of the observations?
These wines and many others can be sampled during the week-long Douja d ' Or wine exhibition which is held at the same time as the Palio and Sagre.
Or another translation can be made: " swa " is " higher self ", " asti " meaning " being ", and " ka " as a suffix, so the translation can be interpreted as " being with higher self ".
Or a target can be an implied threat ( for example, a knight may attack an unprotected piece while simultaneously threaten to fork queen and rook ).

Or and process
Or, what differentiates between the cognitive process of recognition ( seeing hints of something before remembering it, or memory in context ) and recall ( retrieving a memory, as in " fill-in-the-blank ")?
Or, put another way, the past is what God has thus far become in the process of all experience, and the future is pure possibility.
Repeat the process ( which has been called " Half Or Triple Plus One ", or HOTPO ) indefinitely.
Or it can overshoot the limit and in the process decrease the ultimate carrying capacity by consuming some necessary nonrenewable resource, as diagrammed below.
Or it can be limited, as in the legislative process of the United States, where a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate may override a Presidential veto of legislation.
Or, for another case, in the process of overcoming Arius ' religious hero-worship of Jesus
Or, on the contrary, must it first pass through the same process of dissolution such as constitutes the historical evolution of the West?
The novel narrated that there can never be an easy way to erase ethnic differences and become immersed into one culture, Or can denying the truth of one ’ s ethnic origins help in the process.
Or, ( 2 ) we could extend the dividend by writing it as, say, 500. 000 ... and continue the process ( using a decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend ), in order to get a decimal answer, as in the following example.
Or, to put it more simply, where an individual is facing a deprivation of life, liberty, or property, procedural due process mandates that he or she is entitled to adequate notice, a hearing, and a neutral judge.
Or one should simply process the tissue utilizing a method approximating the Mohs method ( described in most basic histopathology text books or described in this reference ) during frozen section processing.
* Or identify and eliminate production or service processes that are ineffective and allocate processing concepts that lead to the very same product at a better yield ( process re-engineering aim ).
# From this are and do come admirable adaptations whereof the means ( Or process ) is here in this.
Or, in the process of solving the pieces, the analyst might use guesses about the keyword to assist in breaking the message.
Or again the Arch-Son, as he himself inhabits the Origin and the Beginning, and is engendered in the very process whereby the Father engenders himself.
* Also in the process of being replaced, in two volumes-the book covering the outlying regions is due in late 2007, the Côte d ' Or presumably in late 2008.
A fixed priority assignment policy P is referred to as optimal if no task set exists which is schedulable using a different priority assignment policy which is not also schedulable using priority assignment policy P. Or in other words: Deadline-monotonic priority assignment ( DMPA ) policy is optimal if any process set, Q, that is schedulable by priority scheme, W, is also schedulable by DMPA

Or and qualified
Due to their win of the 1962 scudetto, AC Milan qualified for the European Cup in 1962, a European Cup which they finally won, beating Benfica 2 – 1 in the final with Rivera in great form as he was awarded second place in the famous Ballon d ' Or award, which was won by the Russian goalkeeper Lev Yashin.
Their best finish in Serie A came in the 2000 – 01 season in seventh place, when, led by the 1993 Ballon d ' Or winner Roberto Baggio, the club qualified for the Intertoto Cup.

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