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Other and campuses
Other campuses are in Launceston and Burnie.
Other campuses are located in Ashtabula, Burton, East Liverpool, Jackson Township, New Philadelphia, Salem, and Warren, Ohio.
Other institutions include the University of East Anglia ( in Norwich ), Anglia Ruskin University ( with campuses in Cambridge and Chelmsford ), University Campus Suffolk ( in Ipswich ) and University Centre Peterborough.
Other partners are the Sandia National Laboratories, the University of California ( UC ) campuses of Berkeley and Davis, the Carnegie Institution for Science, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( LLNL ).
Other colleges in the area include the University of London's School of Advanced Study, the Architectural Association School of Architecture in Bedford Square, and several London campuses of American colleges including the University of California London Centre, University of Delaware London Centre, Florida State University London Study Centre, Syracuse University London Facility, NYU London, and the London campus of the Hult International Business School.
Other campuses include Tyholt for marine technology, Øya for medicine, Kalvskinnet for archaeology, Midtbyen for the music conservatory and Nedre Elvehavn for the art academy.
Other large campuses and institutes are located in Großhadern ( Klinikum Großhadern ), Martinsried ( chemistry and biotechnology campus ), the Ludwigsvorstadt ( Klinikum Innenstadt ) and in the Lehel ( Institut am Englischen Garten ), across from the main buildings, through the Englischer Garten.
Other campuses in the LSU system include the LSU Agricultural Center, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, University of New Orleans, LSU at Shreveport, LSU at Eunice, LSU at Alexandria, and the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans.
Other than the two main campuses, UNL also secures the honor of having UNL technology park located off campus, toward the northern side of Lincoln, at Superior Street.
Other museums and libraries on Waseda campuses include:
Other campuses are located in Nagatsuta and Tamachi.
Other nearby facilities include the downtown campuses for Simon Fraser University and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, federal government services in the Sinclair Centre, the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre, and the Harbour Centre office tower, revolving restaurant and observation deck.
Other campuses include the flagship campus in Knoxville, the Chattanooga campus, the Center for the Health Sciences in Memphis, and the Space Institute in Tullahoma.
Other regional campuses are the Zhangjiang Campus, which is strategically located in Shanghai, and the Xiangshan Central Campus.
Other campuses include the SAIT Mayland Heights campus and the Art Smith Aero Centre.
Other branches are located on university campuses or are specialist branches, focusing on Music and Art
Other courses will be moved to one of the university's west London campuses, although some part-time and nursing courses will remain in Slough at a different site.
* Other regional campuses, such as California State University, Fresno, are listed by their regional name, meaning the aforementioned school can be found under F.
Other institutions of higher learning include Al-Quds Open University and two campuses of An-Najah National University.
Other campuses are situated in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Risalpur.
Other regional campuses are located throughout the country to reach rural Costa Ricans.
Other campuses are located in Asahikawa, Iwamizawa, Hakodate, and Kushiro.
Other campuses of the College are located in Cobourg, Haliburton ( the Haliburton School of the Arts ), and Lindsay ( the Frost Campus ).
Other campuses were established in Phuket ( 1977 ) and Surat Thani ( 1990 ).

Other and city
Other contemporary Christian writers do not describe monarchial bishops-either continuing to equate them with the presbyters or speaking of episkopoi ( bishops, plural ) in a city.
Other village centers in the city include West Concord ( actually north of downtown, on the west side of the Merrimack ) and East Concord ( also north of downtown, but on the east side of the Merrimack ).
Other known maps of the ancient world include the Minoan " House of the Admiral " wall painting from c. 1600 BCE, showing a seaside community in an oblique perspective and an engraved map of the holy Babylonian city of Nippur, from the Kassite period ( 14th12th centuries BCE ).
Other systems were used in the past, such as Wade-Giles, resulting in the city being spelled Beijing on newer English maps and Peking on older ones.
Other festivals held in the city of Dayton include, the Dayton Blues Festival, Dayton Music Fest, Urban Nights, the African American and Cultural Festival, and the Dayton Reggae Fest.
Other names connected to the city include Max Born, physicist and Nobel laureate ; Charles Darwin, the biologist who discovered natural selection ; David Hume, a philosopher, economist and historian ; James Hutton, regarded as the " Father of Geology "; John Napier inventor of logarithms ; chemist and one of the founders of thermodynamics Joseph Black ; pioneering medical researchers Joseph Lister and James Young Simpson ; chemist and discoverer of the element nitrogen, Daniel Rutherford ; mathematician and developer of the Maclaurin series, Colin Maclaurin and Ian Wilmut, the geneticist involved in the cloning of Dolly the sheep just outside Edinburgh.
Other games which feature graffiti include Bomb the World ( 2004 ), an online graffiti simulation created by graffiti artist Klark Kent where users can virtually paint trains at 20 locations worldwide, and Super Mario Sunshine ( 2002 ), in which the hero, Mario must clean the city of graffiti left by the villain, Bowser Jr. in a plotline which evokes the successes of the Anti-Graffiti Task Force of New York's Mayor Rudolph Giuliani ( a manifestation of " broken window theory ") or those of the " Graffiti Blasters " of Chicago's Mayor Richard M. Daley.
Other local stations broadcast from the city, including YesFM ( FM 91. 8 MHz ), Radio Cité ( Non-commercial radio, FM 92. 2 MHz ), OneFM ( FM 107. 0 MHz, also broadcast in Vaud ), and World Radio Switzerland ( FM 88. 4 MHz ).
Other reforms implemented by Gaius included fixing prices on grain for the urban population and granting improvements in citizenship for Latins and others outside the city of Rome.
Other important plains are the Nōbi Plain surrounding Nagoya, the Kinki Plain in the Osaka-Kyoto area, the Sendai Plain around the city of Sendai in northeastern Honshū, and the Ishikari Plain on Hokkaidō.
Other research has also concluded that later medieval armour, such as that of the Italian city state mercenary companies, was effective at stopping contemporary arrows.
Other remains have been found buried in common city graveyards.
Other venues for advertising were local tourist bureaux and the picture postcards provided for free use by clients .< ref > finds 22 entries for " motels " on US 40, mostly archived picture postcards bearing advertisements like " 40 Winks Motel -- within city limits of Columbus, Ohio.
Other cities that had perished, such as Palmyra, Persepolis, and Thebes, had left ruins to mark their sites and tell of their former greatness ; but of this city, imperial Nineveh, not a single vestige seemed to remain, and the very place on which it had stood became only matter of conjecture.
Other tributaries of the Warta within Poznań are the Junikowo Stream ( Strumień Junikowski ), which flows through southern Poznań from the west, meeting the Warta just outside the city boundary in Luboń ; the Bogdanka and Wierzbak, formerly two separate tributaries flowing from the north-west and along the north side of the city centre, now with their lower sections diverted underground ; the Główna, flowing through the neighbourhood of the same name in north-east Poznań ; and the Rose Stream ( Strumień Różany ) flowing east from Morasko in the north of the city.
Other notable shopping centers in the city include Galeria Malta, one of the largest in Central Europe, and the shops at the Hotel Bazar, a historical hotel and commercial center in the Old Town.
Other DS9 episodes to make reference to the animated series include " Broken Link ", where Elim Garak mentions Edosian orchids ( Arex is an Edosian ) and " Tears of the Prophets " where a Miranda class starship is called the USS ShirKahr ( sic ) after Shikahr, the city from " Yesteryear ".
Other prominent members of the Stockholm school were the Stockholm University professor Gustav Cassel, who developed standard economic theory of Purchasing power parity and economist Dag Hammarskjöld, general secretary of the United Nations in New York city, USA.
Other connecting motorways are the A4, which connects the city with Amsterdam, and the A13, which runs to Rotterdam and connects to motorways towards the Belgian border.
Other sources report the creation of the cake to have originated in the city of Siena.
Other New Zealand universities, apparently defying an informal agreement, have launched billboard and print advertising campaigns in the earthquake-ravaged city to recruit University of Canterbury students who are finding it difficult to study there.
Other remarkable examples include Hotel Corso and Berri-Meregalli house, the latter built in a traditional Milanese Art Nouveau style combined with elements of neo-Romanesque and Gothic revial architecture, regarded as one of the last such types of architecture in the city.
Other characteristic kinds of urban areas are the historic outskirts of the city, and the former suburbs with scattered housing.

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