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Page "Legacy system" ¶ 33
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Some Related Sentences

Poorly and designed
Poorly designed irrigation networks led to massive runoff, which increased soil salinity and carried toxic agricultural chemicals downstream to other fields, the Aral Sea, and populated areas of the region.
Poorly designed tapping or transmitting equipment can cause interference audible to users of the telephone.
Poorly designed power transmission lines in east Africa electrocute many wintering vultures.
Poorly designed horns, or improperly crossed-over horns, have predictable problems in the accuracy of their output, and the load that they present to the amplifier.
Poorly designed textbooks have been cited as contributing to declining grades in mathematics and science in the United States and organizations such as the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ( AAAS ) have criticized the layout, presentation, and amount of material given in textbooks.
Poorly designed curb extensions can pose a hazard to cyclists, as they force cyclists from their position at the road side ( or in a roadside bike lane ) into the narrowed gap.
Poorly designed speed bumps often found in private car parks ( too tall, too sharp an angle for the expected speed ) can be hard to negotiate in vehicles with low ground clearance, such as sports cars, even at very slow speeds.
Poorly designed culverts can degrade water quality via scour and erosion and also restrict aquatic organisms from being able to move freely between upstream and downstream habitat.
Poorly designed culverts are also more apt to become jammed with sediment and debris during medium to large scale rain events.
Poorly designed machines are too dependent on the user's leg power, producing excessive handle speeds as a result of mechanical ratios that do not provide enough advantage to the handle-levers.
Poorly designed or badly maintained electric fences can create sufficient electromagnetic interference to cause problems for nearby telephone, radio, and television reception-and has been a particular problem for dial-up Internet users in some rural areas.
Poorly designed coolers may use fans which draw more current than allowed by the USB standard.
Poorly designed devices ( for example, improvised explosive devices ( IEDs )), and small devices, have higher chances of being duds.
Poorly designed, bland and frustrating, with very little appeal ".

Poorly and often
" Poorly tuned bells often give this impression and also can be out of tune with themselves.
# Plan Ahead and Prepare: Poorly prepared people, when presented with unexpected situations, often resort to high-impact solutions that degrade the outdoors or put themselves at risk.
Poorly fitted masks often cause nasal bridge ulcers, a problem for some patients.
Poorly trained and unable to rely on reinforcement in the event of attack, the territorial forces often provided little opposition to the Viet Cong.

Poorly and both
* Poorly defined secondary sexual characteristics in both men and women.

Poorly and because
Poorly regarded by earlier effects artists because of its complicated wiring and bulk, the Enterprises hairline cracks were puttied and sanded down, and the internal circuitry was redone.

Poorly and they
Poorly equipped, with bows and arrows, spears and short swords, they were mainly used as auxiliary troops.
Poorly armed and ill-organized, they were little threat to the outgoing colonial power or the newly formed Sudanese government.

Poorly and out
Poorly attended and with a lead singer who forgot the words and had to improvise, it was a resounding flop and its second performance had to be cancelled after a fist-fight between the prima donna's husband and a leading tenor broke out backstage before the curtain had even risen.

Poorly and their
Poorly trained and inexperienced in guerrilla tactics, Pakistan Armed Forces and their assets were successfully sabotage by the Bangladesh Liberation Forces.
Poorly equipped ; beset by incessant rain ; under attack by the Spanish from nearby Cartagena ; and refused aid by the English in the West Indies, the colonists abandoned their project in 1700.
Poorly managed state companies are insulated from the same discipline as private companies, which could go bankrupt, have their management removed, or be taken over by competitors.

Poorly and are
Poorly drained areas are unsuitable and the species is especially short-lived on flood-prone clay flats.
Poorly formed fingernails containing vertical striations are diagnostic.

Poorly and low
Poorly planned vegetarian diets may be low in vitamin B < sub > 12 </ sub >, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iron, zinc, riboflavin ( vitamin B < sub > 2 </ sub >), and iodine, and poorly planned vegan diets may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B < sub > 12 </ sub > and calcium.

Poorly and is
Poorly paid, he lives an austere life, but he is capable of deep affection.
Poorly industrialized, Formosa's economy is based on cattle and agricultural activities like cotton and fuit cultivation, these mostly centered in the Patino, Pilagás and Pilcomayo departments.
Poorly conceived proposals, that appear with a dismaying regularity on the Internet, to blithely destroy all garbage as a way to solve the garbage problem, make use of the common delusion that it is the garbage itself which is the problem.
* Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily Formulated Ideas
According to the Associated Press, an examination of the book conducted by Media Matters for America concluded that " Klein's Attack Book is Poorly Researched, Poorly Written, Poorly-Sourced ".

Poorly and make
Poorly conceived legislation could make it difficult for Internet Service Providers to legally perform necessary and generally useful packet filtering such as combating denial of service attacks, filtering E-Mail spam, and preventing the spread of computer viruses.
Poorly adjusted distribution amplifiers and mismatched impedances can make these problems even worse.

Poorly and .
Poorly explained or misunderstood messages can also result in confusion.
Poorly structured communication can prevent the receiver from accurate interpretation.
Poorly insulated roofing can suffer from problems such as the formation of ice dams around the overhanging eaves in cold weather, causing water from melted snow on upper parts of the roof to penetrate the roofing material.
Poorly compressed VCD video can sometimes be lower quality than VHS video, but VCD exhibits block artifacts ( rather than the analog noise seen in VHS sources ) and does not deteriorate further with each use.
Poorly referenced material on the topic should be viewed with suspicion.
Poorly crystallized silica ( SiO < sub > 2 </ sub >) dissolves and dissociates at high pH ( 12. 5-13. 5 ) in alkaline water.
Poorly trained cadres were sent into the countryside accusing thousands of loyal party members of being counter-revolutionaries.
Poorly organized, the conspiracy ended as a blood bath.
Poorly produced moonshine can be contaminated, mainly from materials used in construction of the still.
* Poorly implemented clients may contact multiple trackers, leading to more overhead-traffic.

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