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Page "Julio-Claudian dynasty" ¶ 17
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Rome's and second
The idea of the two halves, the East and the West, re-emerged and eventually resulted in the permanent de facto division into two separate Roman empires after the death of Theodosius I ( though it is important to remember that the Empire was never formally divided, Emperors of East and West legally ruling as one imperial college until the fall of Rome's western empire left Byzantium, the " second Rome ", sole direct heir ).
In an initial battle through Rome's streets, the Gauls are ejected from the city and in a second battle away from the city, Camillus defeats the invaders, earning the title of the " Second Founder of Rome " for saving the city.
Roman tradition credited Ceres ' eponymous festival, Cerealia, to Rome's second king, the semi-legendary Numa.
Traditionally Rome's second king, Numa Pompilius instituted a yearly festival devoted to Fides, and established that the major priests ( the three flamines maiores ) be borne to her temple in a covered arched chariot drawn by two horses.
Rome's second king, Numa Pompilius ( r. 715 – 673 BC ), is said to have begun the cult of Vesta, building its house and temple as well as the Regia as the city's first royal palace.
Of the additional century granted by Cruttwell and others of his point of view to Silver Latin but not by Teuffel the latter says " The second century was a happy period for the Roman State, the happiest indeed during the whole Empire … But in the world of letters the lassitude and enervation, which told of Rome's decline, became unmistakeable … its forte is in imitation.
The " Bernini Fountain ", a scaled copy of the fountain in Rome's Piazza Navona given to the 1st Duke, was placed on the second terrace by Duchene.
The Colosseum, Rome's second and the world's 39th most popular tourist attraction, with 4 million tourists a year.
During the first half of the war Rome suffered serious defeats, but the second half saw Rome's recovery, reorganization, and ultimate victory.
According to legendary history, most of Rome's religious institutions could be traced to its founders, particularly Numa Pompilius, the Sabine second king of Rome, who negotiated directly with the gods.
According to legendary history, most of Rome's religious institutions could be traced to its founders, particularly Numa Pompilius, the Sabine second king of Rome, who negotiated directly with the gods.
Today, some nine hundred concerts per year take place in the Concertgebouw, for a public of over 800, 000, making it the second most-visited concert hall in the world ( Rome's Parco della musica ranking N. 1 with over one million ).
From the outset, Rome's military typified this pattern, and the majority of Rome's campaigns were characterised by one of two types: the first is the territorial expansionist campaign, normally begun as a counter-offensive, in which each victory brought subjugation of large areas of territory and allowed Rome to grow from a small town to one of the largest empires in the ancient world, including a population of 55 million in the early empire when expansion was halted ; the second is the civil war, examples of which plagued Rome right from its foundation to its eventual demise.
He was censor in 272, and in 270 he was elected as one of two commissioners to oversee construction of the Anio Vetus, Rome's second aqueduct, for which he used his personal share of the booty from his recent victories.
This legion was probably created to deal with Sextus Pompeius, the last opponent of the second triumvirate, garrisoned in Sicily and threatening Rome's grain supply.
This legion was probably created to deal with Sextus Pompey, the last opponent of the second triumvirate, garrisoned in Sicily and threatening Rome's grain supply.
It was also renowned as the birthplace of Ancient Rome's second king Numa Pompilius.
The importance of keeping this zone under Rome's control was underlined by Constantine's decision to build a second bridge over the Danube between today's Corabia ( then Sucidava ) and the Bulgarian city of Gigen.
They are further blamed for having contributed to the demise of Jerusalem and the second Jewish Temple, and of ensuring Rome's retributions and stranglehold on Judea.
Approval was given for the construction of the Rome's second metro line in 1959.
However, they were also held by Claudius in AD 47 to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Rome's foundation, which led to a second cycle of Games in 148 and 248.

Rome's and Emperor
Caligula's father Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of Emperor Tiberius, was a very successful general and one of Rome's most beloved public figures.
The Emperor Antoninus Pius hosts a series of grand games to celebrate Rome's 900th anniversary.
* Emperor Commodus drains Rome's treasury to put on gladiatorial spectacles and confiscates property to support his pleasures.
The Emperor Justinian, renewer of the greatness of Rome's empire and patron of the world's greatest religious building, the Hagia Sophia, contracts the disease but recovers.
Rome's population started declining in 402 AD when Flavius Honorius, Western Roman Emperor from 395 to 423, moved the government to Ravenna and Rome's population declined to a mere 20, 000 during the Early Middle Ages, reducing the sprawling city to groups of inhabited buildings interspersed among large areas of ruins and vegetation.
On 7 March 321, Constantine I, Rome's first Christian Emperor ( see Constantine I and Christianity ), decreed that Sunday would be observed as the Roman day of rest:
The Emperor Diocletian ( r. 284-305 ) was the last of the great builders of Rome's city infrastructure and he did not omit the Forum from his program.
In 286 the usurper Carausius rebelled against Rome's rule and declared himself the Emperor of Roman Britain.
Villani's reasoning for Rome's decline was the schisms of the Church and rebellion against the papal institution, while the ascension of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor ( r. 962 – 973 ) allowed for the conditions of Florence's rise against enemies of papal authority, such as Florentine-conquered Fiesole.
Messallinus suggested to Roman Emperor Tiberius an oath of allegiance should be sworn to him yearly ; he also suggested two golden statues be placed in two temples, in celebration of Rome's foreign victories and in memory of Germanicus, which Tiberius rejected.
* Augustus: The Life of Rome's First Emperor ; by Anthony Everitt
Trajan became a true and honorable civil Emperor, improving Rome's civic infrastructure, thereby paving the way for further internal growth and reinforcement of the Roman Empire as a whole.
After Augustus established the principate, the Emperor himself was the direct governor of Rome's most important provinces ( called imperial provinces ) and, even in the provinces he did not directly govern, was senior to other provincial governors through holding imperium maius, or supreme imperium.
He was in Siena at the court of Sigismund, and when Sigismund came to Rome for his coronation as Emperor, Ciriaco was his guide among Rome's antiquities.
At the time when Claudius was Rome's Emperor, Aguila was the commander of the building army in the eastern provinces.

Rome's and died
Leo provided his legates, one of whom died en route, with a letter addressed to Flavian of Constantinople explaining Rome's position in the controversy.
After Virgil died, Horace was Rome's leading poet.
At about the same time Rabbel II Soter, one of Rome's client kings, died.
He ignores Rome's domestic problems, including the fact that his third wife Fulvia rebelled against Octavian and then died.
Tetricus died at an unknown date in Italy ; he is listed as one of Rome's Thirty Tyrants in the Historia Augusta.
While visiting Italy in summer 1922, Take Ionescu contracted typhoid fever, and died at a sanitarium on Rome's Via Toscana ( according to sources, he had contracted the disease while in Naples, having eaten an infected oyster, and fell ill while crossing into Sicily ).
This was the final speech of Rome's greatest orator after Cicero, and Hortensius died a few days later.
Augustus died on August 19, and Quadratus was able to witness at close hand Rome's first imperial succession, as the power passed to Augustus ' adoptive son Tiberius.

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