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Page "Twelfth Night" ¶ 28
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Some Related Sentences

She and does
She, too, is concerned with `` the becoming, the process of realization '', but she does not think in terms of subtle variations of spatial or temporal patterns.
She has a maid called Maria who prevents the public adoration from becoming too much of a burden on her employer, but does nothing to prevent her from becoming too much of a burden on others.
She does not receive a mitre nor is given a crosier as part of the ceremony ; however, by ancient tradition, she may carry a crosier when leading her community.
She does not understand what's going on around the cabin and is not alive long enough to figure it out.
She does not classify her music as belonging to the New Age genre.
She threatens to kill him if he does not join, but he rides off and dies of the disease she sent upon him, and his young bride dies of a broken heart.
She tells her servant Ninshubur ( Lady Evening ), a reference to Inanna's role as the evening star, that if she does not return in three days, to get help from her father Anu, Enlil, king of the gods, or Enki.
She is the one, or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does.
She does not appear in the best-known film she directed, The Hitch-Hiker ( 1953 ), developed by her company, The Filmakers, with support and distribution by RKO.
She is also described as having the power of prophecy yet she does not reveal what she knows.
She wonders if Rhett will kiss her, but to Scarlett's irritation, he does not.
She does, however, have a sexual relationship with John Krajewski.
" She does not, because of this, evade the duty imposed on her of proclaiming humbly but firmly the entire moral law, both natural and evangelical.
She does so by ascending on a flying tire until she reaches a structure resembling clouds, into which she disappears, although in the film version of Cats she ascends with Old Deuteronomy and then she walks up a giant metal hand to the Heaviside layer.
She is on a mission when she does not follow orders from her superior and tries to stop their target from choking.
She also is what I consider a classic Indian beauty .... her natural, distinctive Indian looks set her apart from many other heroines ( I say heroines because many have yet to learn to act, and cannot justfully be called actresses yet ), she proves that she does not need blatant blond / red highlights, tons of body paint and makeup, blue contacts, and scraps of clothes to look beautiful ... and that the complete following of Western trends isn ´ t worth sacrificing traditional Indian beauty, grace, and respect for popularity ... a mixture of both that remains respectable ... it ´ s quality rather than quantity ( or lackthereof, in the clothes department ).
* She does not realize that eating meat is wrong.
Attempts to translate these sentences in an emotivist framework seem to fail ( e. g. " She does not realize, ' Boo on eating meat !'").
Prescriptivist translations fare only slightly better (" She does not realize that she is not to eat meat ").
* She does not realize that " eating meat is wrong " is a true statement.
She does not wear real fur.
She is reluctant to reveal this part of her background, as she does not want to be known by a nickname she had been called earlier in life -- the Dancing Doctor.
She is attracted to young, handsome, romantically spirited Willoughby and does not think much of the older, more reserved Colonel Brandon.
Bailey later said " She sang a few songs that she had written, and I thought to myself, this kid is like nineteen years old, where does she get this?
She also off-handedly mentions that she knows about Fergus and Dil, warning him that the IRA will kill him if Fergus does not co-operate.

She and however
She was not present yesterday, however, to enjoy the music or watch the faces of the delighted audience.
She begins to hope, however, that Hapgood may be the one who can help her learn to be free.
" She took him home, however, fed him and gave him his first dose.
She also trained for the mission STS-83 to be the backup for Donald A. Thomas ; however, as he recovered on time, she did not fly that mission.
She rightly believed that Tony had murdered Liam, however, no one believed her except Tony's enemy Jed Stone, who was lodging with Emily Bishop.
* Marge Piercy's He, She and It presents a rather feminist view on the cyborg issue with Yod who, however, is provided with some male attributes.
She did, however, sleep in a coffin.
She did, however, influence the building of the Rainbow in 1845, the first extreme clipper ship.
She did remark, however, that while starring in the show she refrained from eating sweets, retaining her slimness with intense workouts and running.
She, however, wanting to protect her virginity, fled to the Atlas mountains.
She is separated from the group, however, and taken in by the police.
She never did, however, despite numerous courtships.
She is, however, portrayed as being very hypocritical ; in The Invisible Man ( series 1 ), she has no issues with violating peoples ' privacy when she runs a story using a hidden camera to catch shoplifters in a store change room, but is outraged when a rival network violates her own privacy in the same way when broadcasting a similar story.
She was described as having been physically attractive, albeit slightly plump ; however, she also possessed " lively eyes " and was " of lively grace ".
She did not lack company, however, as she passed the time with her mother and sister, Beatrice ; and upon meeting Elisabetta Gonzaga, her 18-year-old sister-in-law, the two women became close friends.
She did say, however, that she had never dreamed that he would run for office.
She left Poland and apparently chose not to make any Nazi-related movies after this, however.
She edited and dubbed what elements were left and Tiefland premiered on February 11, 1954 in Stuttgart, however, it was denied entry into the Cannes Film Festival.
She is unused to such behavior, however, and sees the pageant and its participants as " outdated and antifeminist ".
She did, however, act alone when William was engaged in military campaigns abroad, proving herself to be a powerful, firm, and effective ruler.
She was warned, however, that the summons was a pretext on which to capture her and thereby facilitate Lady Jane's accession to the throne.
She commented that " I used to take my toenails — they would die from dancing — so I would just take the whole toenail and throw it away, and not feel anything ," however, ballet instilled in her discipline that would be important in her future acting career.
( She wouldn't have precedence over the next Empress Consort, however, as only those Dowager Empresses who were mothers of Emperors had precedence over the wife of the reigning sovereign.

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