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Page "United Nations Security Council and the Iraq War" ¶ 46
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She and stated
She stated that her DNA has expanded from 2 to 12 strands, to " absorb more hydrogen ".
She further stated that " there is no doubt that she Ann was his child.
She constantly struggled for perfection, " A perfect technique in anything ," she stated in an interview, " means that there has been no break in continuity between the conception and the act of performance.
She had been on the island of Utøya hours before the massacre there to give a speech to the AUF camp ; Breivik stated that he originally intended for Brundtland to be the main target of the attack, but he had been delayed while travelling from Oslo.
She also stated that ‘ woman may be made from man, but no man can be made without a woman.
She defined an era and made her mark on the nation ," he stated.
She has stated preferring to learn an opponent's style so she can play intentionally against him rather than playing " objective " chess.
She stated that she has been diagnosed with cervical cancer seventeen years earlier, and had a subsequent hysterectomy.
She has known Wimsey for years and is attracted to him, though it is not explicitly stated whether they were lovers.
She stated that she did this in order to give her son " artistic genes ".
She appeared in full Apache clothing and stated that owing to the " poor treatment of Native Americans in the film industry ", Brando would not accept the award.
She had told producers that she was 25 because she heard that initially Dick Van Dyke had stated that she might be too young for the part.
Betsy Bloomingdale, one of Reagan's closest friends, stated, " She looks a little frail.
At one point in the video, Sinatra shared a kiss with Sammy Davis, Jr. She has stated " The kiss one of the first interracial kisses seen on television and it caused some controversy then, and now.
She once stated, " My father is a Syrian Jew whose family immigrated to Brazil.
She stated that Mr. B .’ s homosexual behaviour diminished after he overcame his need to adore the “ good penis ” of an idealized man.
She also stated she never asked for non-public records and that upon the request of the college showed her California Driver ’ s License bearing her full name and address.
She has been stated by the show's creators to be Cantonese, and as such, she is bilingual, speaking both English and Cantonese.
She later stated in an interview, " I didn't want to do Willow as someone who's feeling sorry for herself.
She has stated that coming from a working-class background has shaped her identity in a positive way.
She stated at a press conference held on December 9, 2010 in Dublin, a couple of days before shooting began, " I believe in this story and its potential to take everyone on a sensuous, funny, heart-breaking, wildly unexpected ride ".
She spoke of her ambition to study psychiatry, and also stated her intention to compete in the " Miss Washington " pageant in 1960, but before she could follow either course of action, Paul Tate was transferred to Italy, taking his family with him.
She stated that she learned more about acting from watching Chaney work than from anything else in her career.
She stated that in her review of 115 news items from the Lexis-Nexis database, not a single mention of Guandique referred to his status as a " criminal illegal alien ".
She has stated that her attraction to this film was that it gave her the opportunity to work with close friends and family.

She and her
She lay there, making no effort to get back on her feet.
She drank greedily, and murmured, `` Thank you '', as he lowered her head.
She rubbed her eyes and stretched, then sat up, her hands going to her hair.
She stared at him, her eyes wide as she thought about what he had said ; ;
She got to her feet, staggered, and almost fell.
She sat down at the table, shaking her head.
She clung to him, talking to him, and dabbing at her eyes.
She was carrying a quirt, and she started to raise it, then let it fall again and dangle from her wrist.
She showed her surprise by tightening the reins and moving the gelding around so that she could get a better look at his face.
She said, and her tone had softened until it was almost friendly.
She had picked up the quirt and was twirling it around her wrist and smiling at him.
She swung the quirt again, and this time he caught her wrist and pulled her out of the saddle.
She came down against him, and he tried to break her fall.
She wiped it off with the sleeve of her coat.
She brought up her free hand to hit him, but this time he was quicker.
She finally regained her balance and got up in the saddle.
She had offered to walk, but Pamela knew she would not feel comfortable about her child until she had personally confided her to the care of the little pink woman who chose to be called `` Auntie ''.
She remembered little of her previous journey there with Grace, and she could but hope that her dedication to her mission would enable her to accomplish it.

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