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Some Related Sentences

Speech and is
Speech encoding is an important category of audio data compression.
* David B. Allison is an early translator of Derrida and states in the introduction to his translation of Speech and Phenomena that: signifies a project of critical thought whose task is to locate and ' take apart ' those concepts which serve as the axioms or rules for a period of thought, those concepts which command the unfolding of an entire epoch of metaphysics.
Speech is carried as G711.
* SAMPA: The Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet ( SAMPA ) is a computer-readable phonetic script originally developed in the late 1980s.
" One of the UKFC's last films, The King's Speech, is estimated to have cost $ 15m to make and grossed $ 235m, besides winning several Academy Awards.
It is usual that the head of state, particularly in parliamentary systems as part of the symbolic role, is the one who opens the annual sessions of the legislature, e. g. the annual State Opening of Parliament with the Speech from the Throne in Britain.
Speech, on account of the whole preceding life of the adult, is connected up with all the internal and external stimuli which can reach the cortex, signaling all of them and replacing all of them, and therefore it can call forth all those reactions of the organism which are normally determined by the actual stimuli themselves.
Ribbentrop is also mentioned in the movie, The King's Speech, for sending the future British king's fiancée 17 carnations a day.
Thirty-one students are arrested, and the Free Speech Movement is born.
Speech is preserved, but language content is incorrect.
The Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet ( SAMPA ) is a computer-readable phonetic script using 7-bit printable ASCII characters, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet ( IPA ).
Speech processing is the study of speech signals and the processing methods of these signals.
* Speech coding, a specialized form of data compression, is important in the telecommunication area.
Speech coding is the application of data compression of digital audio signals containing speech.
Speech coding differs from other forms of audio coding in that speech is a much simpler signal than most other audio signals, and a lot more statistical information is available about the properties of speech.
However, because a salute is a form of communication protected by the Free Speech clause of the First Amendment, legislative authorization is not required for any civilian — veteran or non-veteran — to salute the American flag.
SU is organized into 13 schools and colleges, with nationally recognized programs in information studies and library science, architecture, communications, business administration, public administration, engineering and the College of Arts and Sciences. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, listed Syracuse University as 2nd among the " 12 Worst Colleges for Free Speech in 2012 ".
Speech is used mostly as a part of User Interface, for creating pre-defined or custom speech commands.
Speech is distorted by a background noise and echoes, electrical characteristics.

Speech and fluent
Speech disfluencies are any of various breaks, irregularities, or non-lexical vocables that occur within the flow of otherwise fluent speech.

Speech and with
Speech cards used by President George H. W. Bush at the signing ceremony of the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) on July 26, 1990.
Regular ceremonies of the Emperor with a constitutional basis are the Prime Minister investitures in the Imperial palace throne room and the Speech from the Throne ceremony in the House of Councillors in the National Diet Building.
Military egalitarianism has been noted since ancient times, such as with Shakespeare's St. Crispin's Day Speech.
In her famous " Golden Speech " of 30 November 1601, Elizabeth professed ignorance of the abuses and won the members over with promises and her usual appeal to the emotions:
Edward Everett At the Consecration of the National Cemetery At Gettysburg, 19th November 1863, with the Dedicatory Speech of President Lincoln, and the Other Exercises of the Occasion ; Accompanied by An Account of the Origin of the Undertaking and of the Arrangement of the Cemetery Grounds, and by a Map of the Battle-field and a Plan of the Cemetery ).
* Physics in Speech with audio samples that demonstrate the unchanged voice pitch
A formative event was his singing performance at his school's annual Speech Night in December 1926 – none of his family were present, and the sense of loneliness he felt that night remained with him throughout his life.
Released in 1989, The Iceberg / Freedom of Speech ... Just Watch What You Say established his popularity by matching excellent abrasive music with narrative and commentative lyrics.
Zhongguo Guanhua ( 中國官話 ), or Medii Regni Communis Loquela (" Middle Kingdom's Common Speech "), used on the frontispiece of an early Chinese grammar published by Étienne Fourmont ( with Arcadio Huang ) in 1742
Artists with releases on this label include Roots Manuva, cLOUDDEAD, Juice Aleem, DELS, Wiley, Speech Debelle and Spank Rock.
Modern phonetics begins with attempts — such as those of Joshua Steele ( in Prosodia Rationalis, 1779 ) and Alexander Melville Bell ( in Visible Speech, 1867 ) — to introduce systems of precise notation for speech sounds.
Their antagonism has crystallised, in part, around the authorship of the Redfern Speech, which Watson claimed for himself in Recollections of a Bleeding Heart and elsewhere, crediting Keating only with reading his text unchanged.
** The Voice – Speech synthesis unit, compatible with G7000
* 1941 – Charles Lindbergh's Des Moines Speech accusing the British, Jews and the Roosevelt administration of pressing for war with Germany.
Acute nervousness and stress can trigger stuttering in persons predisposed to it, and living with a highly stigmatized disability can result in anxiety and high allostatic stress load ( i. e., chronic nervousness and stress ) that reduce the amount of acute stress necessary to trigger stuttering in any given person who stutters, exacerbating the problem in the manner of a positive feedback system ; the name ' Stuttered Speech Syndrome ' has been proposed for this condition.
* Speech recognition, which deals with analysis of the linguistic content of a speech signal.
Speech coding uses speech-specific parameter estimation using audio signal processing techniques to model the speech signal, combined with generic data compression algorithms to represent the resulting modeled parameters in a compact bitstream.
In general, my refusal to have anything to do with the Plath Fantasia has been regarded as an attempt to suppress Free Speech ... The Fantasia about Sylvia Plath is more needed than the facts.
Other ceremonies sometimes associated with the Westminster system include an annual Speech from the Throne ( or equivalent ) in which the Head of State gives a special address ( written by the government ) to parliament about what kind of policies to expect in the coming year, and lengthy State Opening of Parliament ceremonies that often involve the presentation of a large ceremonial mace.
* The Speech Accent Archive 1254 audio samples of people with various accents reading the same paragraph.

Speech and syntax
Within Bilingual-Bicultural models, Cued Speech does not borrow or invent signs from ASL, nor does CS attempt to change ASL syntax or grammar.

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