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Page "Islamic eschatology" ¶ 11
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Still and there
Still there is a way for those who want to see some of the back country of Europe by car.
Still, there it is.
Still there was no Gonzales and the family would say nothing.
Still, in contrast with oligarchical societies, there were no real property qualification for voting.
Still, throughout this period, there arose some notable bare knuckle champions who developed fairly sophisticated fighting tactics.
Still, in addition to already discussed theories of dualism ( particularly the Christian and Cartesian Models ) there are new theories in the defense of dualism.
* Still other scholars suggest there is a lack of conclusive evidence.
Still, because we do not have much information about what occurred while Eleanor was in Poitiers, all that can be taken from this episode is that her court there was most likely a catalyst for the increased popularity of courtly love literature in the Western European regions.
In the book Why I Am Still a Catholic: Essays in Faith and Perseverance by Peter Stanford, the television presenter Dermot O ' Leary describes his upbringing as " classic plastic paddy ", where he would be " bullied in a nice way " by his own cousins in Wexford for being English " until anyone else there called me English and then they would stick up for me.
Still, it is useful to note that, while he does not establish any normative criteria for art as such, there is nonetheless in his work a prevalent distinction between primary and secondary modes of expression.
Still, the bonding in diamond is better described as covalent than as metallic if only because there is a very strong directional preference for tetrahedral stacking, producing a structure that is extremely hard to deform and by no means close packed.
Still, there are secular phenomena that have to be dealt with by post-Newtonian methods.
Still, it remained a notable fortification on the route of the ancient Via Egnatia ; in 1354, the pretender to the Byzantine throne, Matthew Cantacuzenus, was captured there by the Serbs.
Still, in the years after the Second World War, there were plans that Bulgaria should join as a 7th republic in communist Yugoslavia, thus uniting all south Slavic-speaking nations into one state.
Still, the powerless government had its use — when World War I began, several Western powers and Japan wanted China to declare war on Germany, in order to liquidate the latter's holdings there.
Still today there remain in Galician legends related to monks who travelled by sea to the Paradise Islands, like those of Saint Amaro, Trezenzonio or Ero de Armenteira.
Still, there are many cases in which designers wish to sequence the steps of their models but lack the means to design clear diagrams.
Still, there continues to be much overlap with other disciplines ; the field of semantics, for example, brings philosophy into contact with linguistics.
Still there is considerable evidence that suggests that the O ' odham and Apache were friendly and engaged in exchange of goods and marriage partners before the late 17th century.
Still, there is evidence that males are quicker to aggression ( Frey et al.
Still not welcomed an hour after her arrival, she realized that there would be no star treatment from her new studio.
Still, he found work at a brickyard at Little Washington in New Jersey, and was there for six weeks until he heard that a group of volunteers was going to the war.
Still earlier than these, in the times of the Medes and Persians, there were Solon, Themistocles, Miltiades, and Cimon, Myronides, and Pericles and certain others in Athens, and in Sicily Gelon, son of Deinomenes, and still others.
Still others crossed the Apennine Mountains to Umbria and being driven from there went to the country of the Aborigines.

Still and is
Still another approach to the changeable letter type of sign is a modular unit introduced by Merritt Products, Azusa, Calif..
Still existing on a `` Northern Union '' telegraph form is a typical peremptory message from Peru grocer J. J. Hapgood to Burton and Graves' store in Manchester -- `` Get and send by stage four pounds best Porterhouse or serloin stake, for Mrs. Hapgood send six sweet oranges ''.
It is curious that at its best, the work of this school of painting -- Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Clyfford Still, Robert Motherwell, Willem De-Kooning, and the rest -- resembles nothing so much as the passage painting of quite unimpressive painters: the mother-of-pearl shimmer in the background of a Henry McFee, itself a formula derived from Renoir ; ;
Still another boy asserted: `` To be a good Jew is to do no wrong ; ;
Still, it is clear from such reports, and apparently clear from the remarks of many people, that Protestants are decreasing and Catholics increasing.
Still, the network's willingness to experiment in this musical field is to be commended, and future essays happily anticipated.
Still, his finale is put together with taste and a most sensitive projection of that pale sustenance, despair.
Still, the notion of altruism is modified in such a world-view, since the belief is that such a practice promotes our own happiness: " The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes " ( Dalai Lama ).
Still more different from Bachofen's perspective is the lack of role permanency in Freud's view: Freud held that time and differing cultures would mold Athena to stand for what was necessary to them.
Still further south lies the Polar front, which is marked by a transition to very cold, relatively fresh, Antarctic Surface Water at the surface.
Queen Boadicea features in the opening lyrics of the song " The Good Old Days " written by Pete Doherty and Carl Barat for British rock band The Libertines from their 2002 album " Up the bracket ", the line reads, " If Queen Boadicea is long dead and gone, Still then the spirit in her children's children's children, it lives on ".
Still others believe the term black is inaccurate because African Americans have a variety of skin tones.
Still others maintain though " mind " is a noun, it is not necessarily the " name of a thing " distinct within the whole person.
Still, even when used in this second sense, the word is often restricted to apply only to societies that have attained a particular level of advancement — especially the founding of cities.
Still, in the absence of naked singularities, the universe is deterministic — it's possible to predict the entire evolution of the universe ( possibly excluding some finite regions of space hidden inside event horizons of singularities ), knowing only its condition at a certain moment of time ( more precisely, everywhere on a spacelike 3-dimensional hypersurface, called the Cauchy surface ).
Still, in a market economy, movement along the curve may indicate that the choice of the increased output is anticipated to be worth the cost to the agents.
Still another theory is that the general environment today is much more complex and stimulating.
Still another such problem, the minor containment problem, is to find a fixed graph as a minor of a given graph.

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