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Hadean and eon
It is bracketed at the old end by the dates of the earliest solar system material at 4. 567 Ga, ( gigaannum: billion years ago ) and the age of the Earth at 4. 54 Ga at the beginning of the informally recognized Hadean eon.
The Hadean () is the unofficial geologic eon that lies before the Archean.
Nevertheless, at least one notable scientific work has advocated using the lunar geological time scale to subdivide the Hadean eon of Earth's geological timescale ( the Hadean eon is not officially recognized ).
Since little or no geological evidence on Earth exists from the time spanned by the Nectarian period of the Moon, the Nectarian has been used by at least one notable scientific work as an unofficial subdivision of the terrestrial Hadean eon.
Since little or no geological evidence on Earth exists from the time spanned by the Pre-Nectarian period of the Moon, the Pre-Nectarian has been used as a guide by at least one notable scientific work to subdivide the unofficial terrestrial Hadean eon.
In particular, it is sometimes found that the Hadean eon is subdivided into the Cryptic era, Basin Groups 1-9, Nectarian and Lower Imbrian, though the first two of these lunar divisions are informal and collectively make up the Pre-Nectarian.
Since little or no geological evidence on Earth exists from the time spanned by the Early Imbrian epoch of the Moon, the Early Imbrian has been used by at least one notable scientific work as an unofficial subdivision of the terrestrial Hadean eon.
The asteroid that hit Vredefort is estimated to have been one of the largest ever to strike Earth ( at least since the Hadean eon some four billion years ago ).
It is the oldest era of the ( informal ) Hadean eon, and it is commonly accepted to have begun close to 4567. 17 million ( about 4. 6 billion ) years ago when the Earth and Moon formed.
The first eon in Earth's history, the Hadean, begins with the Earth's formation and is followed by the Archean eon at 3. 8 Ga.
He also gave the Hadean geologic eon, Earth's earliest, its name, using the Greek word for the Underworld to refer to a molten state of constant heat.

Hadean and time
This term was intended originally to cover the time before any preserved rocks were deposited, although some zircon crystals from about 4400 Ma demonstrate the existence of crust in the Hadean Eon.
Other records from Hadean time come from the moon and meteorites.
The time before the Phanerozoic, called the Precambrian supereon, is now divided into the Hadean, Archaean and Proterozoic eons.
However, the Lunar geologic timescale embraces several major divisions relating to the Hadean and so these are sometimes used in a somewhat informal sense to refer to the same periods of time on Earth.
Neither this time period, nor any other Hadean subdivision, has been officially recognized by the International Commission on Stratigraphy.

Hadean and record
An explanation for the general lack of Hadean rocks ( older than 3800 Ma ) is the efficiency of the processes that either cycled these rocks back into the mantle or effaced any isotopic record of their antiquity.

Hadean and life
Some scientists even speculate that life could have begun during the early Hadean, as far back as 4. 4 Ga, surviving the possible Late Heavy Bombardment period in hydrothermal vents below the Earth's surface.

Hadean and on
Aeon can also refer to the four aeons on the Geologic Time Scale that make up the Earth's history, the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and the current aeon Phanerozoic.
Although a few mineral grains are known that are Hadean, the oldest rock formations exposed on the surface of the Earth are Archean or slightly older.
More recently, he was featured on CNN Money for successfully raising over $ 31, 000 using Kickstarter for development of a new interactive fiction piece called Hadean Lands for the iPhone and release of the resulting iPhone game framework as open source.
The International Commission on Stratigraphy currently does not recognize the lower boundary of the era which has been provisionally placed at 4000 nor that of the preceding Hadean Eon.
The sequence has been dated as no younger than 3. 85 billion years old-that is, in the Hadean eon-based on the age of an igneous band that cuts the rock.
From crater counts on other celestial bodies it is inferred that a period of intense meteorite impacts, called the Late Heavy Bombardment, began about 4. 1 Ga, and concluded around 3. 8 Ga, at the end of the Hadean.

Hadean and Earth
# Hadean: dominated by heavy bombardment from about 4. 51, ( possibly including a Cool Early Earth period ) to the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment period.
The newly formed Hadean Earth experienced very high temperatures due to extreme volcanism and frequent collisions with other bodies, but eventually began to cool.
It is the first part of the Archaean Eon, preceded by the " informal " Hadean Eon, during which the Earth was considered to be essentially molten.

Hadean and its
They connect this planet, which they name Planet V, and its disappearance with the Late Heavy Bombardment episode of the Hadean era.

Hadean and is
The Precambrian Supereon is divided into three Precambrian eons: the Hadean ( 4500-3950 Ma ), Archean ( 3950-2500 Ma ) and Proterozoic ( 2500-542 Ma ).
In older literature, the Hadean is included as part of the Archean.
In particular, it is sometimes found that the Hadean is subdivided into the Cryptic, Basin Groups 1-9, Nectarian, and Early Imbrian.
It is likely that during the Hadean and Archean, subduction zones were more common, and therefore tectonic plates were smaller.
The first larger pieces of continental crust, which is a product of differentiation of lighter elements during partial melting in the lower crust, appeared at the end of the Hadean, about 4. 0 Ga. What is left of these first small continents are called cratons.

Hadean and .
* Hadean Eon: 3950-4500 Ma.
The name " Hadean " derives from Hades, the Greek name for the underworld.
The article proposes the addition of the Chaotian and Prenephelean Eons preceding it and divides the Hadean into three eras with two periods each.
In the last decades of the 20th century geologists identified a few Hadean rocks from Western Greenland, Northwestern Canada, and Western Australia.
The Archean customarily starts at 3. 8 Ga — at the end of the Hadean Eon.

Hadean and Archean
These pieces of late Hadean and early Archean crust form the cores around which today's continents grew.

eon and time
According to the Christian doctrine of Universal Reconciliation, the Greek New Testament scriptures use the word " eon " to mean a long period ( perhaps 1000 years ) and the word " eonian " to mean " during a long period "; Thus there was a time before the eons, and the eonian period is finite.
The next-larger division of geologic time is the eon.
Geological time put in a diagram called a geological clock, showing the relative lengths of the geologic eon | eons of the Earth's history.
* Proterozoic: this eon refers to the time from the lower Cambrian boundary, 542 Ma, back through 2500 Ma.
The Proterozoic () is a geological eon representing the time just before the proliferation of complex life on Earth.
The Phanerozoic ( current eon ) only occupies the last one-ninth of this period of time.
The Phanerozoic eon, encompassing the last 542 million years and almost the entire time since the origination of complex multi-cellular life, has more generally been a period of fluctuating temperature between ice ages, such as the current age, and " climate optima ", similar to what occurred in the Cretaceous.
Geological time, condensed in a diagram displaying the relative lengths of the Geologic time scale | eon s of Earth's history

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