
The Mongolic-speaking Xianbei originally formed a part of the Donghu confederation, but existed even before that time, as evidenced by a mention in the Guoyu (" 晉語八 " section ) which states that during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou ( reigned 1042-1021 BC ) the Xianbei came to participate at a meeting of Zhou subject-lords at Qiyang ( 岐阳 ) ( now Qishan County ) but were only allowed to perform the fire ceremony under the supervision of Chu ( 楚 ), since they were not vassals by covenant ( 诸侯 ).

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The Mongolic-speaking Xianbei originally formed a part of the Donghu confederation, but existed even before that time, as evidenced by a mention in the Guoyu (" 晉語八 " section ) which states that during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou ( reigned 1042-1021 BC ) the Xianbei came to participate at a meeting of Zhou subject-lords at Qiyang ( 岐阳 ) ( now Qishan County ) but were only allowed to perform the fire ceremony under the supervision of Chu ( 楚 ), since they were not vassals by covenant ( 诸侯 ).

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