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Some Related Sentences

Oxford and English
At once my ears were drowned by a flow of what I took to be Spanish, but -- the driver's white teeth flashing at me, the road wildly veering beyond his glistening hair, beyond his gesticulating bottle -- it could have been the purest Oxford English I was half hearing ; ;
Once his eyesight recovered sufficiently, he was able to study English literature at Balliol College, Oxford.
The Oxford English Dictionary traces the earliest use ( as " Androides ") to Ephraim Chambers ' Cyclopaedia, in reference to an automaton that St. Albertus Magnus allegedly created.
F. Rahman, Avicenna's Psychology: An English Translation of Kitab al-Najat, Book II, Chapter VI with Historical-philosophical Notes and Textual Improvements on the Cairo Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1952.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the older broad meanings of the term " artist ":
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.
Although the phrase " Arabic numeral " is frequently capitalized, it is sometimes written in lower case: for instance, in its entry in the Oxford English dictionary.
" " toxophilite, n ." Oxford English Dictionary.
It is referred to colloquially as " the Queen's English ", " Oxford English " and " BBC English ", although by no means all who live in Oxford speak with such accent and the BBC does not require or use it exclusively.
* Ansible from the Oxford English Dictionary
* 1928 – The 125th and final fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary is published.
The Oxford English Dictionary traces the origin of the word bridge to an Old English word brycg, of the same meaning, derived from the hypothetical Proto-Germanic root brugjō.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the Portuguese word " barroco ", Spanish " barroco ", or French " baroque ", all of which refer to a " rough or imperfect pearl ", though whether it entered those languages via Latin, Arabic, or some other source is uncertain.
The Oxford English Dictionary applies the term to English " as spoken or written in the British Isles ; esp the forms of English usual in Great Britain ", reserving " Hiberno-English " for the " English language as spoken and written in Ireland ".
According to Tom McArthur in the Oxford Guide to World English, " For many people.

Oxford and Dictionary
* The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium ( Oxford, 1991 ), 3 vols.
* The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium ( Oxford, 1991 ), 3 vols.
* Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford University Press, 1991.
* The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford University Press, 1991.
: Hart's Rules and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors call the British style " new " quoting.
* Page, Norman, ‘ Housman, Alfred Edward ( 1859 – 1936 )’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 )
* The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium ( Oxford University Press, 1991 ) ISBN 0-19-504652-8
Though some deplore the name, arguing that it makes the industry look like a poor cousin to Hollywood, it has its own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.
The Oxford English Dictionary, finding examples going back to 1961, defines the adjective born-again as:

Oxford and first
At first it had been just a romantic dream of his, the same as the idea of finishing Oxford after the war.
Almost inevitably, the first result of this technological revolution was a reaction against the methods and in many cases the conclusions of the Oxford school of Stubbs, Freeman and ( particularly ) Green regarding the nature of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain.
His son Thomas, aged fifteen when he entered Oxford in 1582, married as his first wife Margaret, sister of Sir Edward Greville.
Wilson's first success came during a business trip to Akron, Ohio, where he was introduced to Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon and Oxford Group member who was unable to stay sober.
When debates polarise between techniques, the methods are often referred to by a colour code, based on the colours of the bindings of the two volumes from the first Oxford Conference, where the approaches were first distinguished.
The Oxford English Dictionary records the first use of the phrase " conspiracy theory " to a 1909 article in The American Historical Review .< ref >" conspiracy ", Oxford English Dictionary, Second edition, 1989 ; online version March 2012.
The Oxford English dictionary cites a 1962 technical report as the first to use the term " data-base.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary Online, the first known recorded usage of the word diaspora in the English language was in 1876 referring " extensive diaspora work ( as it is termed ) of evangelizing among the National Protestant Churches on the continent ".
Saint Ephrem's Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron: An English Translation of Chester Beatty Syriac MS 709 with Introduction and Notes ( Oxford University Press ) ISBN 978-0-19-922163-9 The first English translation.
The first Dominican site in England was at Oxford, in the parishes of St. Edward and St. Adelaide.
During his first year at Cecil House, Oxford was briefly tutored by Laurence Nowell, the antiquarian and Anglo-Saxon scholar.
Oxford received his first vote for membership in the Order of the Garter in 1569, but never attained the honor in spite of his high rank and office.
Oxford left England in the first week of February, and a month later was presented to the King and Queen of France.
In John Aubrey's Brief Lives is the story of the Earl of Oxford, who bowed deeply to the first Queen Elizabeth and accidentally farted.
The work consists of four ‘ books ’, the first addressed to the Queen, the second to Leicester, the third to Lord Burghley, and the fourth to Oxford, Sir Christopher Hatton, and Leicester's nephew Philip Sidney, with whom he would famously quarrel.
During the first weeks after their arrest they pursued a threefold strategy: they would admit to minor crimes, prove Oxford a liar by his offers of money to testify to his accusations, and demonstrate that their accuser posed the real danger to the Crown.
In 1586 Angel Day dedicated The English Secretary, the first epistolary manual for writing model letters in English, to Oxford, and William Webbe praised him as " most excellent among the rest " of ourt poets in his Discourse of English Poetry.
Between 1591 and 1592 Oxford disposed of the last of his large estates ; Castle Hedingham, the seat of his earldom, went to Lord Burghley, it was held in trust for Oxford's three daughters by his first marriage.
As noted, twelve years before his death Oxford sold his interest in Castle Hedingham to Lord Burghley, in trust for his three daughters by his first marriage.
He spent the three years at The Queen's College, Oxford after earning his bachelors as one of the university's first Rhodes Scholars, initially studying jurisprudence ( instead of science as a promise to his dying father ), and later added literature and Spanish, and earning his master's degree.
Hubble was also a dutiful son, who despite his intense interest in astronomy since boyhood, surrendered to his father ’ s request to study law, first at the University of Chicago and later at Oxford, though he managed to take a few math and science courses.
* 1884 – The first volume ( A to Ant ) of the Oxford English Dictionary is published.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term ' frequentist ' was first used by M. G. Kendall in 1949, to contrast with Bayesians, whom he called " non-frequentists " ( he cites Harold Jeffreys ).

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