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assumptions and resulted
Although most of the assumptions and expectations made by the Central Banks or Reserve Banks by countries ( and economies ) that by technically lowering the interest rate would produce the effect of increasing investments and consumptions, however, low interest rate by macro-economic policy is also risky and would also lead to the creation of massive economic bubble, when great amount of investments are poured into the real estate market and stock market, as what Japan experienced in the late 1980s and early 1990s that resulted in the large numbers of accounts of unpaid debts to the Japanese Banks and bankruptcy of these banks and caused stagflation to the local Japanese Economy ( Japan being the second largest economy at the time ), with exports becoming the last pillar for the growth of Japanese economy throughout the rest of 1990s and early 2000.
The Köppen climate classification system was strongly influenced by effects of temperature and precipitation upon tree growth, and his oversimplified assumptions resulted in a tropical savanna classification concept which resulted in it being considered as a " climatic climax " formation.
In more recent times, the creation-evolution controversy has resulted in many religious believers in a supernatural creation to challenge some naturalistic assumptions that have been proposed in some of the branches of scientific fields such as evolutionary biology, geology, and astronomy.

assumptions and large
Controversies concerning EP involve questions of testability, cognitive and evolutionary assumptions ( such as modular functioning of the brain, and large uncertainty about the ancestral environment ), importance of non-genetic and non-adaptive explanations, as well as political and ethical issues due to interpretations of research results.
However, the team of Prashanth Jaikumar, Sanjay Reddy and Andrew W. Steiner made some fundamental assumptions that led to uncertainties in their theory large enough that the case for it is not yet solid.
Dobzhansky examined the genetic diversity of wild populations and showed that, contrary to the assumptions of the population geneticists, these populations had large amounts of genetic diversity, with marked differences between sub-populations.
If the description of the system requires variations in the intensive parameters that are too large, the very assumptions upon which the definitions of these intensive parameters are based will break down, and the system will be in neither global nor local equilibrium.
PSO is a metaheuristic as it makes few or no assumptions about the problem being optimized and can search very large spaces of candidate solutions.
There is a rough convention that results provable from ZFC alone may be stated without hypotheses, but that if the proof requires other assumptions ( such as the existence of large cardinals ), these should be stated.
In other words, it is a proof ( including all assumptions ) that can be written on a large enough sheet of paper.
For instance, in KBE derivation of a populated design ( geometrical objects, etc., similar concerns apply in shape theory ), equivalence assumptions allow convergence where potentially large, and perhaps even computationally indeterminate, solution sets are handled deftly.
Smith found that in some forms of centralized trading, prices and quantities traded in such markets converge on the values that would be predicted by the economic theory of perfect competition, despite the conditions not meeting many of the assumptions of perfect competition ( large numbers, perfect information ).
:" Good theorising consists to a large extent in avoiding assumptions ....( with the property that ).... a small change in what is posited will seriously affect the conclusions.
MYCIN's developers argued that this would require either unrealistic assumptions of probabilistic independence, or require the experts to provide estimates for an unfeasibly large number of conditional probabilities.
In addition, the reliable-universal framework is similar to the construction of confidence intervals, which statisticians have long offered as one potential solution for dealing with small samples, violations of statistical assumptions or large standard deviations.
Metaheuristics make few or no assumptions about the problem being optimized and can search very large spaces of candidate solutions.
These assumptions are sometimes testable if a large amount of data is available.
It should be noted however that these models are only as good as the underlying assumptions, and a large part of the recent financial crisis arose because the valuations generated by these models for particular types of investments were based on incorrect assumptions.
On the basis of these two assumptions, workers in the field claim that cognition is the manipulation of internal symbols by internal rules, and that, therefore, human behaviour is, to a large extent, context free ( see contextualism ).
Blorb is needed because neither of these assumptions hold true in modern times: games are typically downloaded as single files, and a user may be using any of a large number of interpreters.
Limitations in the understanding of molecular dynamics and cell biology as well as the absence of available computer processing power force large simplifying assumptions that constrain the usefulness of present in silico models.
With aggressive assumptions, one DOE-funded feasibility study of where the technology could go, 1000 MWe Advanced Coal-Fired MHD / Steam Binary Cycle Power Plant Conceptual Design, published in June 1989, showed that a large coal-fired MHD combined cycle plant could attain a HHV energy efficiency approaching 60 percent — well in excess of other coal-fueled technologies, so the potential for low operating costs exists.
The reason for this loader is the large number of computer games for the Amiga that don't properly interact with the AmigaOS operating system, but instead run directly on the Amiga hardware, making assumptions about specific control registers, memory locations, etc., and the avoidance of loading times and disk swaps.
During periods of normalcy, scientists tend to subscribe to a large body of interconnecting knowledge, methods, and assumptions which make up the reigning paradigm ( see paradigm shift for more information on Kuhn's model ).
Despite these large assumptions, the groundwater flow equation does a good job of representing the distribution of heads in aquifers due to a transient distribution of sources and sinks.

assumptions and increase
Under the most favorable assumptions for increase, the Bureau of the Census projects that the annual rate of household formations will rise from about 883,000 in the last two years of the Fifties to an annual rate of about 1,018,000 in the first five years of the Sixties, and to a slightly higher annual rate of 1,083,000 in the second half of the decade.
Beyond the initial increase in distortion, lower bit rate codecs also achieve their lower bit rates by using more complex algorithms that make certain assumptions, such as those about the media and the packet loss rate.
The conjectural assumptions of the model are ; if the firm raises its price above the current existing price, competitors will not follow and the acting firm will lose market share and second if a firm lowers prices below the existing price then their competitors will follow to retain their market share and the firm's output will increase only marginally.
For example, when one observes a measured increase in temperature with a thermometer, that observation is based on assumptions about the nature of temperature and its measurement, as well as assumptions about how the thermometer functions.
Five variables were examined in the original model, on the assumptions that exponential growth accurately described their patterns of increase, and that the ability of technology to increase the availability of resources grows only linearly.
On such assumptions, each increase would be put to the specific, feasible, previously unrealized use of greatest priority, and each decrease would result in abandonment of the use of lowest priority amongst the uses to which the good or service had been put.
Relatedly, additional critique has been directed toward the assumed benefits of law and policy designed to increase allocative efficiency when such assumptions are modeled on " first-best " ( Pareto optimal ) general-equilibrium conditions.
If, however, the assumptions are invalid, it is likely to increase costs and exceed the schedule for implementation.
The Negative team would argue that such a case would only possibly be topical if it could be proven beyond a doubt not only that Iran or North Korea had weapons of mass destruction but also if such a war did not increase global proliferation pressures or involve the eventual use of weapons of mass destruction or did not lead to looting of such stockpiles, all very tendentious assumptions.
Hoyle never downplays his skill to increase the stakes ; it is the black basketball players ' own assumptions that are at the root of the hustle.
This risk calculation ignores the shielding provided by the soil cover, which at the time of the EPA decision had reduced exposure to little more than background level, and makes very pessimistic modeling assumptions that greatly increase the projected risk, to deliberately err on the high rather than low effect side.
The end result is that value theory is banished from economics as a useless metaphysics, surviving only in the form of assumptions made about price behaviour ( after all, we cannot talk about price aggregates without assuming some valuation principle or value criterion-we must be able to distinguish / define value equivalence and comparability, conserved value, value transfer, value used up or lost, value increase or reduction and value newly created ).

assumptions and racial
Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include symbolic or institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of racial stereotypes through the media, and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component.
Lieberman and Jackson argued that while advocates of both the Multiregional Model and the Out of Africa Model use the word race and make racial assumptions, none define the term.
Franklin's cultural relativism was perhaps one of the purest expressions of Enlightenment assumptions that stressed racial equality and the universality of moral sense among peoples.
Baldwin's essays, such as the collection Notes of a Native Son ( 1955 ), explore palpable yet unspoken intricacies of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in Western societies, most notably in mid-20th-century America, and their inevitable if unnameable tensions with personal identity, assumptions, uncertainties, yearning, and questing.
Skin color is only one mechanism used to assign individuals to a racial category, but race is the set of beliefs and assumptions assigned to that category.
Micoraggressions are based on the assumptions about racial matters that are absorbed from cultural heritage.
His Kansas City Star columns garnered the trophy for their " ability to seamlessly integrate sports commentary with social commentary and to challenge widely held assumptions along the racial divide.

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