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authors and U
The United States Copyright Office defines copyright as " a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States ( title 17, U. S. Code ) to authors of " original works of authorship ".
Pseudonyms adopted by authors are sometimes transposed forms of their names ; thus " Calvinus " becomes " Alcuinus " ( here V = U ) or " François Rabelais " = " Alcofribas Nasier ".
Expansion of U. S. copyright law ( Assuming authors create their works at age 35 and live for seventy years )
The authors of the study concluded that the prices paid for health care services are much higher in the U. S.
On 15 June 2001, NuSphere sued MySQL AB, TcX DataKonsult AB and its original authors Michael (" Monty ") Widenius and David Axmark in U. S District Court in Boston.
The authors also suggest that Franks was worn down by repeated pressure from U. S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to reduce the number of U. S. troops in war plans and cancel the deployment of the 1st Cavalry Division, a scheduled follow-on unit that was slated for deployment in April 2003.
Many authors went into exile — to Germany, the U. S., the Vatican.
Many authors fled to the U. S. and Canada ( Josef Škvorecký ), Germany ( Peroutka ), Austria ( Kohout ), France ( M. Kundera ), but they generally did not fare much better than their contemporaries in Czechoslovakia, largely due to the absence of a readership.
The U. S. National Book Award was reestablished in 1950 with awards by the book industry to authors of 1949 books in three categories.
Many of the similarities have been stated to be attributable to the authors ' experiences, both having served as U. S. Air Force aircrew in Italy in World War II.
AOL later acquired Mirabilis, the authors of ICQ ; a few years later ICQ ( now owned by AOL ) was awarded two patents for instant messaging by the U. S. patent office.
The authors concluded through a qualitative analysis that SMBG on quality of life showed no effect on patient satisfaction or the patients ’ health-related quality of life .< ref > Malanda, U. L., Welschen, L. M., Riphagen, I. I., Dekker, J. M., Nijpels, G., & Bot, S. D. ( 2012 ).
Now they are presented to U. S. authors for books published in the United States roughly during the award year.
She was influenced in using native plant species from: her many successful Reef Point experiences ; studying the contemporary books from the U. S. and abroad advocating the advantages of native palettes ; and from visiting the influential British garden authors William Robinson at Gravetye Manor in Sussex, and Gertrude Jekyll at Munstead Hall in Surrey, both in England.
In the case of U. S. crime fiction, writers that so far had been regarded as the authors of nothing but " pulp fiction " — Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, and others — were gradually seen in a new light.
It was named in honor of a U. S. Senator from South Carolina, Andrew Butler ( 1796 – 1857 ), who was one of the authors of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and a strong advocate of Kansas becoming a slave state.
Gen. Edward Lansdale, the document listed methods, and outlined plans, that the authors believed would garner public and international support for U. S. military intervention in Cuba.
Several authors have separated the Madagascan subspecies ( U. e. marginata ) as a separate species, and also the resident African form U. e. africana.
The following are examples of rules that some British and U. S. publishers have established in style guides for their authors:
The court defined that the plaintiffs ' rights were to be determined by Russian law, but the infringement had to be judged by U. S. law ; and came to the conclusion that under Russian copyright law, the news agency Itar-TASS and the individual authors of the newspaper articles certainly were copyright holders and thus entitled to sue.
VARA was passed in 1990 and added several moral rights for artists in the U. S., including the right of authors to prevent mutilation of their works.
These authors argued that, in part, corporate stock buybacks for U. S. Standard & Poors 500 companies surged to a $ 500 billion annual rate in late 2006 because of the impact of options.

authors and .
Of few authors is this more true than of Heidenstam.
He and also Mr. Cowley and Mr. Warren have fallen to the temptation which besets many of us to read into our authors -- Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, and Herman Melville -- protests against modernism, material progress, and science which are genuine protests of our own but may not have been theirs.
It is more difficult with Faulkner than with most authors to say what is the extent and what is the source of his knowledge.
His denials of extensive reading notwithstanding, it is no doubt safe to assume that he has spent time schooling himself in Southern history and that he has gained some acquaintance with the chief literary authors who have lived in the South or have written about the South.
The ingredients of Faulkner's novels and stories are by no means new with him, and most of the problems he takes up have had the attention of authors before him.
A useful comment on his relation to his region may be made, I think, by noting briefly how in handling Southern materials and Southern problems he has deviated from the pattern set by other Southern authors while remaining faithful to the essential character of the region.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
I am not aware of great attention by any of these authors or by the psychotherapeutic profession to the role of literary study in the development of conscience -- most of their attention is to a pre-literate period of life, or, for the theologians of course, to the influence of religion.
These moments are historical events in the lives of individual authors with which the student of comparative literature must be frequently concerned.
Then epistolatory me was a foreign correspondent dispatching exciting cables and communiques, full of dash and wit and glamor, quoting from the books I read, imitating the grand styles of the authors recommended by a teacher in whose special, after-school class I was enrolled.
The magazine, edited by members of the Carleton Department of English, includes contributions by authors from both within and beyond the Carleton community.
In free-burning electric arcs, for instance, approximately 90% of the total arc power is transferred to the anode giving rise to local heat fluxes in excess of Af as measured by the authors -- the exact value depending on the arc atmosphere.
While there may be several such industries to which the model of this paper is applicable, the authors make particular claim of relevance to the explanation of the course of wages and prices in the steel industry of the United States since World War 2.
This circumstance in the patient's case plus the fact that his tactual capacity remained basically in sound working order constitutes its exceptional value for the problem at hand since the evidence presented by the authors is overwhelming that, when the patient closed his eyes, he had absolutely no spatial ( that is, third-dimensional ) awareness whatsoever.
The necessary inference, as the authors themselves interpret it, would seem to be this: `` ( ( 1 ) Spatial qualities are not among those grasped by the sense of touch, as such.
The answer the authors give to it, therefore, is of supreme importance.
The authors insist, however, that these abnormalities in the sense of touch were due absolutely to no organic disorders in that sense faculty but rather to the injuries which the patient had sustained to the sense of sight.
And the authors give numerous instances of calculated guessing on the patient's part to show how large a role it played in his process of readapting himself and how proficient he became at it.
If the patient can perceive figure kinesthetically when he cannot perceive it visually, then, it would seem, the sense of touch has immediate contact with the spatial aspects of things in independence of visual representations, at least in regard to two dimensions, and, as we shall see, even this much spatial awareness on the part of unaided touch is denied by the authors.
The authors set about answering this fundamental question through a detailed investigation of the patient's ability, tactually, ( 1 ) to perceive figure and ( 2 ) to locate objects in space, with his eyes closed ( or turned away from the object concerned ).
That a writer who is gay cannot be serious is a common professional illusion, sedulously fostered by all too many academics who mistakenly believe that their frivolous efforts should be taken seriously because they are expressed with that dreary solemnity which is the only mode of expression their authors are capable of.
Had More's writings been wholly limited to such exercises, they would be almost as dimly remembered as those of a dozen or so other authors living in his time, whose works tenuously survive in the minds of the few hundred scholars who each decade in pursuit of their very specialized occasions read those works.
Many biblical authors draw a strong connection between love of others and love of God.
The Middle Ages have known many arabic writers who revolutionized the Arab world literature with authors like Ahmad al-Buni and Ibn Manzur and Ibn Khaldoun who wrote the Muqaddimah while staying in Algeria, and many others.
In the aftermath of the independence, several new authors emerged on the Algerian literary scene, they will attempt through their works to expose a number of social problems, among them there are Rachid Boudjedra, Rachid Mimouni, Leila Sebbar, Tahar Djaout and Tahir Wattar.

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