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election and result
`` This is the first time in 100 years that a candidate for the presidency announced the result of an election in which he was defeated '', he said.
He argued before and during his election that the eventual extinction of slavery would result from preventing its expansion into new U. S. territory.
The province is currently governed by the BC Liberal Party, led by Premier Christy Clark, who became leader as a result of the party election on February 26, 2011.
However, most of this aid has been targeted at the Federation ; the previous government of the RS was anti-Dayton and not assisted by the U. S. The election of the " Sloga " or " Unity " Coalition government, led by Prime Minister Dodik, has shifted the balance of power in the Republika Srpska ( RS ) to a pro-Dayton stance and will result in an upsurge of funding to the RS from the international community.
The inevitable result was the speedy resignation of William Hague in the election aftermath.
The result was a catastrophic split in the Liberal Party, and heavy defeat in the 1886 election at the hands of Lord Salisbury.
In the non-USSR annexed portion of Poland, less than a third of Poland's population voted in favor of massive communist land reforms and industry nationalizations in a policies referendum known as " 3 times YES " ( 3 razy TAK ; 3xTAK ), whereupon a second vote rigged election was held to get the desired result.
In the Romanian general election elections of 1946, the Romanian Communist Party ( PCR ) employed widespread intimidation tactics and electoral fraud to obtain 80 percent of the vote and, thereafter, eliminated the role of the centrist parties and forced mergers, the result of which was that, by 1948, most non-Communist politicians were either executed, in exile or in prison.
The loss marked a major turning point in Northern Territory politics, a result which was exacerbated when, at the 2005 NT election, the ALP won a second landslide victory, reducing the once-dominant party to a total of just four members in the Legislative Assembly. The 2008 saw the CLP reverse its earlier election losses, increasing its representation from four to 11 members.
Kidd became captain, either the result of an election of the ship's crew or because of appointment by Christopher Codrington, governor of the island of Nevis.
In the 1997 federal election, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's Liberals endured a bitter defeat to the PCs and NDP in many ridings as a result of unpopular cuts to unemployment benefits for seasonal workers, as well as closures of several Canadian Forces Bases, the refusal to honour a promise to rescind the Goods and Services Tax, cutbacks to provincial equalization payments, health care, post-secondary education and regional transportation infrastructure such as airports, fishing harbours, seaports, and railways.
However, Tshisekedi maintained that the result of the election was illegitimate and said that he intended also to " swear himself in " as president.
Many commentators fault Stoiber's reaction to the floods in eastern Germany, in the run-up to the election, as a contributory factor in his party's poor electoral result and defeat.
As a result, the party was considered as a potential member of two other political coalitions, following the election.
However, after reaching its best ever election result in 2009, the FDP's support has since collapsed.
The FDP opposed the 1996 spelling reform ; as a result, their election manifestos are written in the previously conventional spelling.
As a result of that federal election, the grand coalition came to an end.
While Bongo's major opponents rejected the outcome as fraudulent, international observers characterized the result as representative even if the election suffered from serious administrative problems.
Gairy won re-election in Grenada's first general election as an independent state in 1976 ; however, the opposition New Jewel Movement refused to recognize the result, claiming the poll was fraudulent, and so began working towards the overthrow of the Gairy regime by revolutionary means.
As a result, the PNH candidate, Carías, won the election by a margin of some 20, 000 votes.
As a result of that defeat, PASOK undertook a party election for a new leader.
As a result, the At-Large constituency and direct election of board members by the global Internet community were soon abandoned.
As a result, Labour had moved ahead of the Tories in the opinion polls, and in the aftermath of Foot's election as leader opinion polls showed a double-digit lead for Labour, boosting his hopes of becoming prime minister by the time of the next general election, which had to be held by May 1984.

election and was
Though his election was interpreted by many Southerners as the forerunner of a dangerous shift in the federal balance in favor of the Union, Lincoln himself proposed no such change in the rights the Constitution gave the states.
Lane was still burning because he had narrowly missed election as governor of California in 1902 and laid his defeat to the antagonism of Hearst's San Francisco Examiner.
The resolution under discussion at the convention was to require the boards of election to instruct judges to properly display the American flag.
My discussion with reference to the resolution was that we should commend those citizens who serve as judges of election and who properly discharge their duty and polling place proprietors who make available their private premises, and not by innuendo criticize them.
We wish the President would remember that `` fiscal responsibility '' was the battle-cry of the party that lost the election.
In January, 1958, the Minister of the Interior announced that an election law was ready to be submitted to the King, the rumors of election dates appeared once again, first for spring of 1958 and later for the summer.
The jury further said in term-end presentments that the City Executive Committee, which had over-all charge of the election, `` deserves the praise and thanks of the City of Atlanta '' for the manner in which the election was conducted.
`` Only a relative handful of such reports was received '', the jury said, `` considering the widespread interest in the election, the number of voters and the size of this city ''.
`` This was the coolest, calmest election I ever saw '', Colquitt Policeman Tom Williams said.
The campaign leading to the election was not so quiet, however.
Ordinary Williams said he, too, was subjected to anonymous calls soon after he scheduled the election.
Mitchell said the closeness of the outcome in last fall's Presidential election did not mean that Eisenhower Republicanism was a dead issue.
The Hopkinsian universal disinterested benevolence, although holding to original sin and the doctrine of election, inspired its adherents to heroic endeavours for others, looked for the early coming of the Millennium, and was paralleled by the confidence in man's ability cherished by the Unitarians, Emerson, and the Transcendentalists.
His election was the signal for seven southern slave states to declare their secession from the Union and form the Confederacy.
Realizing Clay was unlikely to win the presidency, Lincoln, who had pledged in 1846 to serve only one term in the House, supported General Zachary Taylor for the Whig nomination in the 1848 presidential election.
The stage was then set for the campaign for statewide election of the Illinois legislature which would, in turn, select Lincoln or Douglas as its U. S. senator.
Stanton was one of many conservative Democrats ( he supported Breckenridge in the 1860 election ) who became anti-slavery Republicans under Lincoln's leadership.
With the great Union victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863, and the defeat of the Copperheads in the Ohio election in the fall, Lincoln maintained a strong base of party support and was in a strong position to redefine the war effort, despite the New York City draft riots.
The Republican Party was determined to prevent any spread of slavery, and many Southern leaders had threatened secession if the Republican candidate, Lincoln, won the 1860 election.
The Secretary promulgated the Constitution of American Samoa which was approved by a Constitutional Convention of the people of American Samoa and a majority of the voters of American Samoa voting at the 1966 election, and came into effect in 1967.
At the 2 November 2004 election Eni F. H. Faleomavaega of the Democratic Party ( United States ) defeated the Republican candidate and was re-elected.
When a vacancy occurred, the bishop of the diocese chose the abbot out of the monks of the convent, but the right of election was transferred by jurisdiction to the monks themselves, reserving to the bishop the confirmation of the election and the benediction of the new abbot.

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