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Page "Lobbying" ¶ 15
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fragmented and nature
There are additional inefficiencies arising from the highly fragmented nature of the municipal bond market which has two million outstanding issues and 50, 000 issuers in contrast to the Treasury market which has 400 issues and a single issuer.
These cases tend to be the exception, however ; the former nature of the ITV network, in which private independent companies were awarded licences to serve geographical areas for a set period of time, meant that when companies lost their licences their archives were often sold to third parties and became fragmented – and / or risked being destroyed ( ownership and copyright remained with the production companies rather than with the network ).
The degree of polymerisation in nature is difficult to measure, since it is fragmented during extraction and the molecule consists of various types of substructures that appear to repeat in a haphazard manner.
The secessions in his life were progressive repudiations of American canons of moral conduct as well as indications of Nearing's perception of the fragmented, segmented, discontinuous nature of American society.
The Gleaners and I is notable for its fragmented and free-form nature along with it being the first time Varda used digital cameras.
In Hogfather, she states that the fragmented nature of such foresight makes the power largely unhelpful.
Other features found in Menippean satire are different forms of parody and mythological burlesque, a critique of the myths inherited from traditional culture, a rhapsodic nature, a fragmented narrative, the combination of many different targets, and the rapid moving between styles and points of view.
The PS is very commonly part of governing coalitions, and dominates most local authorities because of the extremely fragmented nature of Belgian political institutions, particularly in Francophone areas.
The species occurs only in Bermuda, and exists mainly on some of the smaller islands and one nature reserve on the mainland where the populations are fragmented into isolated pockets.
The banks saw an alliance as the best way to overcome the fragmented nature of the Irish banking industry.
Microscopic appearance of an old culture of Coccidioides immitis, showing fragmented chlamydospore s. This is the infective form of the fungus occurring in nature.
It reveals the fragmented and disunited nature of
The fragmented, intensely competitive nature of the industry makes government regulation and control much harder than traditional public transport.
The fragmented nature of the accountancy profession in the UK is in part due to the absence of any legal requirement for an accountant to be a member of one of the many Institutes, as the term accountant does not have legal protection.
According to naturalist author Mary Ellen Pitts, in the " seminal " Darwin's Century, Eiseley was studying the history of evolutionary thinking, and he came to see that " as a result of scientific studies, nature has become externalized, particularized, mechanized, separated from the human and fragmented, reduced to conflict without consideration of cooperation, confined to reductionist and positivist study.
However, the creation of a WEO may threaten to undermine some of the more effective aspects of contemporary global environmental governance ; notably its fragmented nature, from which flexibility stems.
Its fragmented nature, unpredictable character and sudden synchronization at the ending also point towards a self-conscious modernist aesthetic, though as in most of Nielsen ’ s early and middle works, non-modernist devices, including organicism and diatonicism, play some essential roles.

fragmented and EU
At the time, privacy advocacy within the non-government sector was fragmented and regionalised, while at the regulatory level there was little communication between privacy officials outside the EU.

fragmented and institutional
In addition to economic reforms, he pushed ahead with political and institutional reforms, trying to deal with a weak executive and fragmented legislature.

fragmented and structure
The chaotic legal structure and fragmented land ownership combined with a tradition of dividing the land among all the heirs in an inheritance prevented any large scale reforms.
This new organisation showed promise of being a more efficient organisation of the railways but within a couple of years of its implementation the structure was fragmented by the privatisation process.
These castes had a complex structure in the fragmented city states of Italy such as Genoa, Venice, Naples, Roma, Florence and Lombardy ; in some, the merchants were the nobili, in others the nobili despised the merchant caste and were agriculturalists, in yet others the nobili caste despised all work.
The Malays remained politically fragmented throughout the Malay archipelago, although a common culture and social structure was shared.
( 2003 ): Contrasting patterns of mitochondrial and microsatellite population structure in fragmented populations of greater prairie-chickens.
The traditional urban form and structure which has defined the streetscape is being undermined by fragmented building lines and architectural design elements which do not relate in scale or character to existing development.
" This article outlined four main reasons why the Asad regime would hold on through 2012: its strong military, weak fragmented opposition, lack of international intervention and factors related to the structure of the Syrian economy.
Units were localised on a county structure, as they would probably be fragmented and isolated from each other.
First, the Panel was concerned that the fragmented structure, requiring decisions to be coordinated across up to 13 jurisdictions, makes it difficult for Canadian securities regulators to react quickly and decisively to capital market events.
The Panel found that the fragmented Canadian securities regulatory structure is prone to foster slow securities regulatory responses, which makes Canada vulnerable to market and reputational risks.
In 1203, Genghis Khan, in an effort to strengthen his army, ordered a reform that reorganized his army's structure while breaking down the traditional clan-and kindred-based divisions that had previously fragmented the society and military.
One Twitter writer acknowledged the fact that internet media lend themselves to shorter, more fragmented sentences by saying, " translating Cicero and such, I've found that the greatest speakers of history have sentence lengths that make our present day structure seem juvenile.
According to literary scholar Faye Walker-Pelkey, " The Lament's placement in the Exeter Book, its mysterious content, its fragmented structure, its similarities to riddles, and its inclusion of gnomic wisdom suggest that the " elegy "... is a riddle.
Also, in a highly fragmented memory region, it may be expensive or impossible to find contiguous space for a large dynamic array, whereas linked lists do not require the whole data structure to be stored contiguously.
The novel has a fragmented structure with many flashbacks and shifts in grammatical person.
" These cells are characterized by abnormalities in their cytoplasmic structure, such as deramified, atrophic, fragmented or unusually tortuous processes, frequently bearing spheroidal or bulbous swellings.
According to David Rush, characteristics of a postmodern play include there being no “ author ”, its purpose is to engage the audience rather than show, there may be multiple narratives interacting with each other, the structure departs from the conventional play pattern, and the play is usually fragmented.
The fragmented structure is in contrast to the nearby Eagle Valley, which lies entirely within Eagle County.
The fragmented governmental structure has made the adoption of a comprehensive land-use and growth policy more difficult, especially in regard to Aspen, which has struggled between the extremes of allowing unbridled growth leading to sprawl and restricting growth altogether.
She writes long, rambling, eloquent letters to loved ones, to Beirut, and to the war itself and the daring fragmented structure of this epistolary novel mirrors the chaos surrounding the heroine.
" Eliot's own modernist poem The Waste Land ( 1922 ) mirrors " the futility and anarchy " in its own way, in its fragmented structure, and the absence of an obvious central, unifying narrative.
Rachmaninoff's changes in those works included large cuts, a number of minor textual rewritings, and a few newly composed segments to attempt cementing a fragmented structure.

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