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Page "learned" ¶ 123
from Brown Corpus
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Some Related Sentences

maximum and distance
The size of the press is usually expressed in terms of chuck capacity ( the maximum diameter tool shank it will hold ) or distance between the spindle center and the column.
The particles traveled a maximum detected distance of some 450 miles.
These included a speed of 230. 4 kbit / s, 1000 feet maximum distance, and only 32 nodes per LAN.
This distance replaces the angle u in the preceding considerations ; and the aperture, i. e. the radius of the entrance pupil, is its maximum value.
In basic electric circuit theory, when studying band-pass and band-reject filters, the bandwidth represents the distance between the two points in the frequency domain where the signal is of the maximum signal amplitude ( half power ).
* Some curves that seem simple, such as the circle, cannot be described exactly by a Bézier or piecewise Bézier curve ; though a four-piece cubic Bézier curve can approximate a circle ( see Bézier spline ), with a maximum radial error of less than one part in a thousand, when each inner control point ( or offline point ) is the distance horizontally or vertically from an outer control point on a unit circle.
The time delay can be varied up to the maximum corresponding to the flow time over that known distance.
* If is the norm ( usually noted as ) defined in the sequence space ℓ < sup >∞</ sup > of all bounded sequences ( which also matches the non-linear distance measured as the maximum of distances measured on projections into the base subspaces, without requiring the space to be isotropic or even just linear, but only continuous, such norm being definable on all Banach spaces ), and is lower triangular non-singular ( i. e., ) then
Generally the shotguns are regulated to hit the point of aim at a given distance, usually the maximum expected range since that is the range at which a full choke would be used, and where precise regulation matters most.
This is why it is better for players to begin with fairway drivers, long drivers, or even mid-ranges, and incorporate maximum distance drivers as their strength and disc control increases.
As well as achieving maximum momentum in the discus on throwing, the discus ' distance is also determined by the trajectory the thrower imparts, as well as the aerodynamic behavior of the discus.
Generally, throws into a moderate headwind achieve the maximum distance.
The distance between antipodal points on the ellipse, or pairs of points whose midpoint is at the center of the ellipse, is maximum along the major axis or transverse diameter, and a minimum along the perpendicular minor axis or conjugate diameter.
There is a critical distance, xc, at which the tunneling probability is a maximum.
In an ellipse, the semi-latus rectum ( the distance from a focus to the ellipse along a line parallel to the minor axis ) is the harmonic mean of the maximum and minimum distances of the ellipse from a focus.
Thus the distance from spine to wrist could not exceed a maximum of roughly 68 centimeters ( 27 inches ).
This climate, the tropical savanna climate exhibits a well marked rainy season and a dry season with a single peak known as the summer maximum due to its distance from the equator.
The maximum non-ambiguous range is the distance the pulse could travel and return before the next pulse is emitted.
Pulse-Doppler signal processing increases the maximum detection distance using less radiation in close proximity to aircraft pilots, shipboard personnel, infantry, and artillery.
The distance from the centre of the alpha particle to the centre of the nucleus ( b ) at this point is a maximum value for the radius, if it is evident from the experiment that the particles have not hit the nucleus.
After either a maximum number of reflections or a ray traveling a certain distance without intersection, the ray ceases to travel and the pixel's value is updated.
The difficulty of defending Swiss airspace is illustrated by the mountainous character and the small size of the country ; the maximum extension of Switzerland is 348 km, a distance that can be flown in a little over 20 minutes by commercial aircraft.
The maximum straight distance through the sphere is known as the " diameter ".
where h is the maximum tsunami-wave amplitude ( in m ) measured by a tide gauge at a distance R from the epicenter, a, b & D are constants used to make the M < sub > t </ sub > scale match as closely as possible with the moment magnitude scale.

maximum and sampled
The Nyquist – Shannon sampling theorem states that perfect reconstruction of a signal is possible when the sampling frequency is greater than twice the maximum frequency of the signal being sampled, or equivalently, when the Nyquist frequency ( half the sample rate ) exceeds the highest frequency of the signal being sampled.
Originally it was thought necessary to make measurements at essentially every baseline length and orientation out to some maximum: such a fully sampled Fourier transform formally contains the information exactly equivalent to the image from a conventional telescope with an aperture diameter equal to the maximum baseline, hence the name aperture synthesis.
* Electric current range ( measured and applied ): the maximum range over which current can be sampled.

maximum and was
The maximum suction was 3.25'' '' of test fluid measured from the top of the block, and steady states were apparently reached with these fluids.
The raw sewage was introduced directly under the turbine aerator to insure maximum mixing of the raw sewage with the aeration tank contents.
The maximum rate of oxygen transfer at 1.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen was calculated as 220 lb/day at a maximum rate of 9.3 Aj.
Starting with the room completely blacked out, as it was when we came in, he unerringly fixed things so that the whole place was bathed in the maximum of light without at any point admitting even so much as a crack of glare.
The bite force of Albertosaurus was less formidable however, the maximum force, by the hind teeth, reaching 3413 Newton.
The highest maximum temperature recorded in the ACT was 42. 8 ° C ( 109. 0 ° F ) at Acton on 11 January 1939.
At its maximum, the temperature of the spacecraft's heat shield was between.
The topology was a bus: cables were daisy-chained from each connected machine to the next, up to the maximum of 32 permitted on any LocalTalk segment.
* A " Jumbo " body style is bigger again than a Grand Auditorium but similarly proportioned, and is generally designed to provide a deeper tone, similar to a dreadnought ( the body style was designed by Gibson to compete with the dreadnought ) but with maximum resonant space for greater volume and sustain.
The maximum speedup in an improved sequential program, where some part was sped up times is limited by inequality
Patterson found that each cup produced maximum torque when it was at 45 degrees to the wind flow.
" On January 1, 2010, the maximum amount of lead in " lead-free brass " in California was reduced from 4 % to 0. 25 % lead.
During the winter of 2010 / 11, which was quite severe compared to those of the last decades, the maximum ice cover was 315 000 km < sup > 2 </ sup >, which was reached on 25 February 2011.
The Germans referred to a Schwerpunkt ( focal point and also known as Schwerpunktprinzip or concentration principle ) in the planning of operations ; it was a center of gravity or point of maximum effort, where a decisive action could be achieved.
The maximum speed of the Selectric printer ( the faster of the two ) was 15. 5 characters per second.
In 1870 its maximum area was 28, 000 square kilometers.
At a time of world food shortages, it was vital that farmers produced the maximum amount possible.
The first highly ( or tightly ) pipelined x86 implementations, the 486 designs from Intel, AMD, Cyrix, and IBM, supported every instruction that their predecessors did, but achieved maximum efficiency only on a fairly simple x86 subset that was only a little more than a typical RISC instruction set ( i. e. without typical RISC load-store limitations ).
This range may indicate a maximum Italian homeland where the language was at one time spoken.
The warmest month on record at St Angelo was August 1995 with a mean temperature of ( mean maximum, mean minimum, while the coldest month was December 2010, with a mean temperature of ( mean maximum, mean minimum.

0.959 seconds.