
The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes: Ebdrup, Koed, Koling, Marie Magdalene, Nimtofte, Nødager, Skarresø, and Tøstrup parishes.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the former municipalities Helsinge / Valby / Mårum, Vejby / Tibirke, Ramløse / Annisse.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipal Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined Astrup, Store Arden, Oue-Valsgaard, Rold-Vebbestrup and Rostrup municipalities.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the following parishes: Henne, Kvong, Lunde, Lydum, Lønne, Nørre Nebel, and Ovtrup Parish.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined Bov and Holbøl parish.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the following parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipal Reform ") that combined the city of Horsens with a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the following parishes: Agri, Dråby, Ebeltoft, Egens, Fuglslev, Helgenæs, Hyllested, Knebel, Rolsø, Rosmus, Tirstrup, Tved, and Vistoft parishes.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the following parishes: Gadbjerg, Give, Givskud, Lindeballe, Ringive, Thyregod, Vester, Øster Nykirke, Give Birk, and Enkelund Birk parishes.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined the following parishes: Gauerslund, Gårslev, Skærup, and Smidstrup parishes.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a the following parishes: Bredsten, Egtved, Jerlev, Nørup, Randbøl, Vester Nebel, Ødsted, and Øster Starup parishes.

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The municipality was created in 1970 due to a kommunalreform (" Municipality Reform ") that combined a number of existing parishes:

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