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Page "Reginald Fessenden" ¶ 4
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next and two
Two uniformed officers, a couple of plain-clothesmen I knew, and two other men stood on a gray cement area next to the pool on my left.
He need only pick up one of the two red telephone receivers at his extreme left, right next to the big red button marked alert.
At the end of this period two pious Christians in Rome receive the revelation which leads them to seek the next Pope on the rock.
Then I spent the next two days at the baseball park and at Jack Doyle's pool parlors.
The result was that I found myself in the ridiculous position of having made a formal engagement by letter for the next week, only two days before my departure from London.
We in East Greenwich have the example of two neighboring communities, one currently utilizing double sessions in their schools, and the other facing this prospect next year.
the next a headless horror on a horse that bolted through the redcoat ranks, and during the next second or two, we all of us fired into the suddenly disorganized column of soldiers.
They stopped expecting her to die the next minute, but only in the next day or two.
At 7:25 two hotel doormen came thumping down the steps, carrying a saw-horse to be set up as a barricade in front of the haberdashery store window next to the entranceway, and as I watched them in their gaudy red coats that nearly scraped the ground, their golden, fringed epaulets and spic, red-visored caps, I suddenly saw just over their shoulders Jessica gracefully making her way through the crowd.
The first Atlas ICBM's are now operational, the first two Polaris submarines are expected to be operational this calendar year, and the first Titan ICBM's next year.
The keelson, made of two three-inch widths, is next installed.
If you've travelled in Europe a time or two, it is quite certain that you've had that wanting-to-be-alone feeling or that you will get it on your next visit across the Atlantic.
for the next two days, the impact rate was Af ; ;
It is a very interesting fact that these two problems can be handled simultaneously and this is what we shall do in the next chapter.
After it had reappeared the next two nights, Jenks went to higher headquarters and said:
Take the Via Di S. Agnese in Agone, next to the church and opposite the center of the square, then turn right after about two hundred yards to reach the beautiful Church of Santa Maria Della Pace.
He turned to see the briefly-illumed faces of two men in the parked car just as Rourke said, `` It's the next house, Mike.
Friday night the delegates heard the need for their forthcoming program, `` Breakthrough '' scheduled to fill the churches for the next two years.
If the Orioles are to break their losing streak within the next two days, it will have to be at the expense of the American League champion New York Yankees, who come in here tomorrow for a night game and a single test Sunday afternoon.
He hooked the next two out of bounds on the opposite side.
Developments over the next two months, however, caused the President to reconsider the question of the timing.
Read the next two verses: `` When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Charlie spent the next two days in his pajama bottoms, waiting for the fire in his back to subside, and used generous quantities of the hand lotion.

next and years
Franklin retired from editing and publishing at the age of 42, and for the next forty-two years devoted himself to public, scientific, and philanthropic interests.
During the next five years the leaders of the Fair Deal reluctantly backed down from the optimistic expectations of the New Deal.
During the next five years liberal leaders in the United States sank in the cumulative confusion attendant upon and manifested in a negative policy of Containment -- and the bitterest irony -- enforced and enforceable only by threat of a weapon that we felt the greatest distaste for but could not abandon: the atom bomb.
During the next years he gave me the second of the five contracts I would sign with the Hearst Service.
He was unable to send any more help to his allies on the Continent, and during the next few years many of them, left to resist French pressure unaided, surrendered to the inevitable and made their peace with Philip.
Once many years ago I sat at dinner next to Arthur Train, and the subject of The Nation came up.
Long-range planning of programs and ways to finance them have become musts if the state in the next few years is to avoid crisis-to-crisis government.
This Congress will see Premier Khrushchev consolidating his power and laying the groundwork for an orderly succession should death or illness remove him from the scene in the next few years.
These cases in which light is already visible at the other end of the tunnel are ones which over the next few years will absorb the bulk of our capital assistance.
Ballet flowered in Italy during the next hundred years, and about 1550 was carried to France when the Italian princess, Catherine De Medicis, married the King of France.
Up to this time and for the next eight years, the services provided disabled persons consisted mainly of training, counseling, and placement on a job.
In connection with our continuing development of new and more efficient mill machinery, a sounder U. S. income tax policy on depreciation of production equipment, enabling the mills to charge off the cost of new machines on a more realistic basis, could, if adopted, have favorable effects on Leesona's business in the next few years.
It is believed that these boards will, within the next few years, replace many of the conventional flood-lighted boards now in use.
This makes it certain that Federal expenditures for military preparedness and foreign economic aid are likely to rise further in the next several years.
According to the latest projections of the Bureau of the Census, the annual rate of household formations will increase for the next 20 years.
After 1895 the number increases, and in the next thirty years there is only one year for which there is no dated poem -- 1903, when Hardy was at work on The Dynasts.
Other parts of the Kennedy health plan would entail federal grants of 750 million to 1 billion dollars over the next 10 years.
To step up the denomination's program, the Rev. Mr. Brandt suggested the vision of 8,000 new Assemblies of God churches in the next 10 years.
Cousin Emma and Cousin Elec, brother and sister -- unmarried, devoted, aging -- had lived next door to the Stubblefields in Tuxapoka from time immemorial until the Stubblefields had moved to Montgomery fifteen years ago.
Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years.
Developed by over 80 leading experts in the field, this call to action details what would be required to curtail amphibian declines and extinctions over the next 5 yearsand how much this would cost.
Corpuscularianism stayed a dominant theory over the next several hundred years.
It was crushed through a series of military and political conquests, culminating in religious and political domination of Europe over the next 1, 000 years by Trinitarian forces in the Catholic Church.
The ABC was built and tested over the next two years.

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