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notion and social
Yet, after Rousseau had given the social contract a new twist with his notion of the General Will, the same philosophy, it may be said, became the idea source of the French Revolution also.
The notion of philosophy as Queen Bee may fit well with authoritarian modes of political ideology, but it has been noted that the price of such an imperial notion of philosophy is the frustration and flagellation of the social sciences.
The threadbare notion that belief, unlike behaviour, is not subject to objective analysis, has placed intuitive metaphysics squarely against the sociology of knowledge, since it is precisely the job of the sociology of knowledge to treat beliefs as social facts no less viable than social behaviour.
His financial policies, based on the notion of balanced budgets, low taxes and laissez-faire, were suited to a developing capitalist society but could not respond effectively as economic and social conditions changed.
Kant's notion of critique has been associated with the disestablishment of false, unprovable, or dogmatic philosophical, social, and political beliefs, because Kant's critique of reason involved the critique of dogmatic theological and metaphysical ideas and was intertwined with the enhancement of ethical autonomy and the Enlightenment critique of superstition and irrational authority.
Marx explicitly developed the notion of critique into the critique of ideology and linked it with the practice of social revolution, as in the famous 11th of his Theses on Feuerbach, " Philosophers have only interpreted the world in certain ways ; the point is to change it.
* ( on the applicability of this notion to the study of social evolution )
New theories of social and political psychology also rejected the notion of human behaviour being governed by rational choice, and instead claimed that emotion was more influential in political issues than reason.
Hayek disapproved of the notion of ' social justice '.
The notion of a social contract holds that the nation — either the whole people or the electorate — gives a mandate, through acclamation or election.
These approaches include the notion that individuals in a society accept rules from legitimate authority in exchange for security and economic advantage ( as in Rawls ) – a social contract.
He proposes that most commonly accepted social institutions — including the notion of State, property as a right, natural rights in general, and the very notion of society — were mere spooks in the mind.
The thinking of Marx and Freud provided a point of departure for questioning the notion of a unitary, autonomous Subject, which for many thinkers in the Continental tradition is seen as the foundation of the liberal theory of the social contract.
As the course outlines of his Sorbonne lectures indicate, during this period he continues a dialogue between phenomenology and the diverse work carried out in psychology, all in order to return to the study of the acquisition of language in children, as well as to broadly take advantage of the contribution of Ferdinand de Saussure to linguistics, and to work on the notion of structure through a discussion of work in psychology, linguistics and social anthropology.
His work Eros and Civilization and notion of a non-repressive society was influential on the 1960's and its counter-cultural social movements.
Post-structuralists, in contrast to Structuralists, tend to place a great deal of skepticism on the independence of theoretical premises from collective bias and the influence of power, and reject the notion of a " pure " or " scientific " methodology in social analysis, semiotics or philosophical speculation.
Postmodern also brought a break from the notion that planning and architecture could result in social reform, which was an integral dimension of the plans of Modernism ( Simonsen 1990 ).
Among the many scholars who have since pursued Burke's line of thought, James Boyd White sees rhetoric as a broader domain of social experience in his notion of constitutive rhetoric.
" The popular notion of antagonisms between science and religion has historically originated with " thinkers with a social or political ax to grind " rather than with the natural philosophers themselves.
Sometimes the notion of suburb may even refer to people in real misery, who are kept at the limit of the city borders for economic, social, and sometimes ethnic reasons.
Nonetheless, Albert Demangeon paved the way for a number of more systematic conceptualizations of the field with his ( posthumously published ) notion that social groups ought to be within the center of human geographical analysis.
At the same time, however, and owing to both the presence of another prominent sociologist at the Institute, Karl Mannheim, as well as the methodological problem posed by treating objects-like " musical material "-as ciphers of social contradictions, Adorno was compelled to abandon any notion of " value-free " sociology in favor of a form of ideology critique which held on to an idea of truth.

notion and structure
I refer to the notion that the structure of society is a microcosm of the cosmic design and that history conforms to patterns of justice and chastisement as if it were a morality play set in motion by the gods for our instruction.
If this is true it would support the notion that God is himself the Redeemer, by associating him with the living Redeemer in the parallel structure.
It was this notion of compactness that became the dominant one, because it was not only a stronger property, but it could be formulated in a more general setting with a minimum of additional technical machinery, as it relied only on the structure of the open sets in a space.
This understanding has led to the notion that all the information needed for proteins to assume their native state was encoded in the primary structure of the protein, and hence in the DNA that codes for the protein, the so called " Anfinsen's thermodynamic hypothesis ".
The prototypical example of this abstract notion is the self-referential structure at the core of Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
Hence permutation groups ( also known as transformation groups ) and the related notion of orbit shed light on the mathematical structure of equivalence relations.
He imposed this notion in a map-territory analogy: " A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a " similar structure " to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.
These features include a notion of tagging data types, support for non-hierarchical data structures, the option to structure data with indentation, and multiple forms of scalar data quoting.
The utility of the notion of a topology is shown by the fact that there are several equivalent definitions of this structure.
A number of representational phrase structure theories of grammar never acknowledged phrase structure rules, but have pursued instead an understanding of sentence structure in terms the notion of schema.
The phonological structure includes defining a notion of sound universals similar to the modern phoneme, the systematization of consonants based on oral cavity constriction, and vowels based on height and duration.
The notion of a Noetherian ring is of fundamental importance in both commutative and noncommutative ring theory, due to the role it plays in simplifying the ideal structure of a ring.
Thus, in a sense, the notion of a Noetherian ring unifies the ideal structure of various " natural rings ".
Sometimes, more general variants of the notion of fuzzy set are used, with membership functions taking values in a ( fixed or variable ) algebra or structure of a given kind ; usually it is required that be at least a poset or lattice.
Again in this case, there is no notion of distance, but there is now a concept of smoothness of maps, for example a differentiable or smooth path ( depending on the type of differential structure applied ).
This notion may itself be an object, such as a built structure, or an attribute, such as the structure of society.
Every algebraic structure has its own notion of homomorphism, namely any function compatible with the operation ( s ) defining the structure.
Instead of following the original ad hoc layout ( seven churches around the central core ), Ivan's architects opted for a more symmetrical floor plan with eight side churches around the core, producing " a thoroughly coherent, logical plan " despite the erroneous latter " notion of a structure devoid of restraint or reason " influenced by the memory of Ivan's irrational atrocities.
This is a particularly unfortunate choice as it leads to confusion with the notion of a complex structure, which often has the same coordinate expression as Ω but represents a very different structure.

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