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Page "Online poker" ¶ 27
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odds and are
Scientists figure humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, which are healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild.
The player's disadvantage is a result of the casino not paying winning wagers according to the game's " true odds ", which are the payouts that would be expected considering the odds of a wager either winning or losing.
There are two very slightly different ways to calculate the odds and house edge of this bet.
As odds bets are paid at true odds, in contrast with the pass line which is always even money, playing pass odds on a minimum pass line bet lessens the house advantage.
Winning come bets are paid the same as winning pass line bets-even money for the original bet and true odds for the odds bet.
In this situation, odds bets on the come wagers are presumed to be not working for the come-out roll.
Winning don't come bets are paid the same as winning don't pass bets-even money for the original bet and true odds for the odds lay.
The true odds are 17: 1 and 35: 1, resulting in a house edge of 11. 11 % and 13. 89 % respectively.
Place bets are paid at odds slightly worse than the true odds.
Buy bets are paid at true odds, but a 5 % commission is charged on the amount of the bet.
Some casinos charge the commission as a one-time fee to buy the number ; payouts are then always at true odds.
The wagers, and their associated odds, that are typically available are set out in the table below.
In this case the odds of success are influenced by the character's class, levels and ( with the 3rd and later editions ) ability scores.
Not all Medieval writers are so at odds with the Virgilian standard, and with the rediscovery of classical literature later Medieval and Renaissance writers are far more orthodox, but by then the form had become an academic exercise.
As per the above, the difficulty value where the odds of success are perfectly even is identical to the step number.
) of 1959, which deals with the Battle of Stalingrad, the focus is on celebrating the heroism of the German soldier in that battle, who are shown as valiantly holding out against overwhelming odds with no mention at all of what those soldiers were fighting for, namely National Socialist ideology or the Holocaust.
This work shows Father Christmas to be a deeply complex character, in whom the qualities of charity and goodwill are at odds with those of violence and greed.

odds and house's
If executed properly and consistently this technique would be able to change the game's long-term odds from the house's favor to the player's favor.

odds and favor
Even if we strip their respective claims to the barest minimum, the `` odds '' still favor them both, for the trend in effect is always more likely to continue than to reverse.
The odds favor a special session, more than likely early in the year.
`` In view of the current expansion, which promises to be substantial '' he said the odds appear to favor rising interest rates in coming months, but `` there is reason to believe the change will not be as abrupt as in 1958 nor as severe as in late 1959 and 1960 ''.
Somali representatives also charged that the French had simultaneously imported thousands of Afar nomads from neighboring Ethiopia to further tip the odds in their favor, but the French authorities denied this, suggesting that Afars already greatly outnumbered Somalis on the voting lists.
Believing the odds to favor tails, the gambler sees no reason to change to heads.
This is not the only way probabilistic statements are used in ordinary human language: when people say that " it will probably rain ", they typically do not mean that the outcome of rain versus not-rain is a random factor that the odds currently favor ; instead, such statements are perhaps better understood as qualifying their expectation of rain with a degree of confidence.
Likelihood is a function of how likely an event is, which is weaker than probability ( or odds in favor ).
Behind the racial attitudes being instigated by the media was a major investment in gambling for the fight with 10-7 odds in favor of Jeffries.
The odds in favor of an event or a proposition are the ratio of the probability that an event will happen to the probability that it will not happen.
Often ' odds ' are quoted as odds against, rather than as odds in favor of, because of the possibility of confusion of the latter with the fractional probability of an event occurring.
What are the odds in favor of picking a blue marble?
In probability theory and statistics, where the variable p is the probability in favor of a binary event, and the probability against the event is therefore 1-p, " the odds " of the event are the quotient of the two, or.
While the mathematical probability of an event has a value in the range from zero to one, " the odds " in favor of that same event lie between zero and infinity.
Somali representatives also charged that the French had simultaneously imported thousands of Afar nomads from neighboring Ethiopia to further tip the odds in their favor, but the French authorities denied this, suggesting that Afars already greatly outnumbered Somalis on the voting lists.
Government should keep out of the battle and not weigh the odds in favor of one side or the other.
* In WWE, when the company was being built around a babyface John Cena, who had begun to shed his edgy, freestyle rapping anti-establishment persona which was popular in favor of a more motivational " against all odds " one was met with a negative reaction by the fans to the point where he was one of the most booed wrestlers in the promotion.
The fleet would not conduct a direct attack ; they would only attack when the odds were in their favor.
He beat the odds — or, rather, beat the house by shifting the odds in his favor — by devising intricate mathematical formulas that called for a skilled team of card players to help determine when and how to bet in blackjack.
Chelyadnin was still confident that the almost 3: 1 odds in his favor would give him the victory.
After the series spent much of Will's screen time establishing his struggle to fit in with the rest of Bartlet's staff, his decision to leave the staff in favor of working for Russell again establishes him as an outsider, while his later decision to pour his considerable political acumen into running Russell's presidential campaign frequently puts him at odds with several of the more familiar characters, most notably Josh Lyman, who runs the Santos presidential campaign, and Toby Ziegler, who points out ( in the episode " 365 Days ") that Toby and Will used to make fun of Russell together.
However, he was at odds with Mossadegh over his increasing tolerance for the outlawed communist party Tudeh, which had boldly demonstrated in favor of nationalisation.

odds and these
Since these high-payoffs have very low probability, a house bias can quite easily be missed unless checking the odds carefully.
Hitler had long been at odds with Röhm and felt increasingly threatened by these plans and in the " Night of the Long Knives " in 1934 killed Röhm and the top SA leaders using their notorious homosexuality as an excuse.
Doctors Baikouzis and Magnasco state that " he odds that purely fictional references to these phenomena ( so hard to satisfy simultaneously ) would coincide by accident with the only eclipse of the century are minute.
Furthermore, because of the exponential growth of the pot size in pot-limit play, seeing one of these hands to the end can be very expensive and carry immense reverse implied odds.
Their accomplishments defying the odds were some of the most inspiring of ancient Greek athletics and they served as inspiration to the Hellenic world for centuries, as Pausanias, the ancient traveller and writer indicates when he re-tells these stories in his narrative of his travels around Greece.
Where this observation is at odds with one of these auxiliary beliefs, an adjustment in the system will be required to remove the contradiction.
It has been said that the inability for theoreticians to calculate these odds is " one of the embarrassments of applied probability ".
With these machines, every jackpot earned results in a kakuhen, but in order to earn a payout beyond the first jackpot, the player must hit a certain set of odds within a given amount of spins.
In the midst of these changes, in 1892 "... Chatham Village found itself at odds with the rest of the township.
Furthermore, Aristotelian Physics was not designed with these sorts of calculations in mind, and Aristotle's philosophy regarding the heavens was entirely at odds with the concept of heliocentrism.
The use of sertraline during the first trimester of pregnancy was associated with increased odds of the following birth defects: omphalocele ( six-fold ), anal atresia and limb reduction defects ( four-fold ), and septal defects ( two-fold ); however these specific defects themselves are rare and therefore the absolute risks are small.
In randomized trials, statins increased the risk of an adverse effect by 39 % compared to placebo ( odds ratios 1. 4 ); two-thirds of these were myalgia or raised liver enzymes with serious adverse effects similar to placebo.
To put these numbers into perspective, one's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion, that means the probability is about 0. 00000000006 ( 6 × 10 < sup >− 11 </ sup >), equivalent to the odds of creating a few tens of trillions of UUIDs in a year and having one duplicate.
In these conditions an attempt to win a second Jemappes with numerical odds of 11 to 10 instead of 2 to 1 in favour of the attack was doomed to disaster, and the repulse of the French Revolutionary Army was the signal for its almost complete dissolution.
Most of these troops were recruits, invalids or detachments of odds and ends.
Some of Beebe's critics claimed that these fish were illusions resulting from condensation on the Bathysphere's window, or even that Beebe willfully made them up, although the latter would have been strongly at odds with Beebe's reputation as an honest and rigorous scientist.
However, SSP defenders have contested that these opinions are based around the Socialist Workers Party's pre-2007 support for Sheridan's ally and maverick left-wing Respect party politician, George Galloway, who has been at odds with the SSP leadership over issues like independence, amongst others.
In each of these instances, a logistic regression model would compute the relevant odds for each predictor or interaction term, take the natural logarithm of the odds ( compute the logit ), conduct a linear regression analysis on the predicted values of the logit, and then take the exponential function of the logit to compute the odds ratio.
Hence, it is necessary to take the natural logarithm of the odds to remedy these limitations.
Despite these measures, Reid found himself at odds with his party's membership, which was reacting to the Great Depression by following an increasingly socialist path.
Suppose that a consumer chooses between these two options with equal probability, 0. 5, so that the odds ratio equals 1.
Lee, however, overcame these odds.
If the gambler can bet arbitrarily small amounts at arbitrarily long odds ( but still with the same expected loss of 2 / 38 of the stake at each bet ), and can only place one bet at each spin, then there are strategies with above 98 % chance of attaining his goal, and these use very timid play unless the gambler is close to losing all his capital, in which case he does switch to extremely bold play.

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