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Page "Villa Vizcaya" ¶ 8
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villa's and more
A lot of holiday flats and villa's are situated near the beach or more inland.
Pan with a Goat, among the preserved Greek culture | Greek cultural celebrations in artThe villa's front stretched for more than 250 meters, parallel to the coastline of what is now called the Gulf of Naples.

villa's and than
The springs, located about higher than the villa, generated enough water flow and pressure to turn a Pelton wheel, which ran the generator that furnished the villa's electricity.

villa's and architectural
Since the Villa of the Papyri was buried by the eruption and much of it remains unexcavated, Neuerburg based many of the villa's architectural and landscaping details on elements from other ancient Roman houses in the towns of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae.

villa's and interiors
The villa's interiors are arranged over five floors, each floor designed for a different function.

villa's and with
Pirro Ligorio, who was responsible for the iconographic programs worked out in the villa's frescos, was also commissioned to lay out the gardens for the villa, with the assistance of Tommaso Chiruchi of Bologna, one of the most skilled hydraulic engineers of the sixteenth century ; Chiruchi had worked on the fountains at Villa Lante.
Aside from the Raphael loggia, the villa's greatest artistic element is the salone painted by Giulio Romano, with its magnificent vaulted ceiling.
Frigg discovers a secret passage from his bedroom to the gatehouse outside the villa's fence, which he intends to use to escape with the other generals.

villa's and on
Pope Julius took a direct interest in the villa's design and decor and spent vast amounts of money on enhancing its beauties.
Papal parties embarked on boats at the gates of the Vatican and were transported up the Tiber to the villa's long-gone private landing stage.

villa's and through
The water is supplied by the Aniene, which is partly diverted through the town, a distance of a kilometer, and by the Rivellese spring, which supplies a cistern under the villa's courtyard.
The villa's fortress theme is carried through by a surrounding moat and three drawbridges.

villa's and 19th
Elements of the villa's Renaissance gardens have influenced many estate gardens of the 19th and 20th century by landscape designers, such as Beatrix Farrand, A. E.

villa's and furnishings
Deering's heirs donated the villa's furnishings and antiquities to the County-Museum.

villa's and .
Thomas Attree's villa, Queen's Park, Brighton, the only one to be built of a series of villa's designed for the area by Barry and the Pepper Pot ( 1830 ), whose original function was a water tower for the development.
The villa's lands occupied the borderland between the bishoprics of Cologne and Tongeren.
Weidmann then strangled and buried her in the villa's garden.
In the palace's inner courtyard is a Roman bust depicting Polyphemus, the Cyclops from whose cave Ulysses escaped ; it was found in the nymphaeum of the Imperial villa's gardens, an artificially constructed grotto of the crater lake's outlet.
According to this account, Vieira survived an explosion and the collapse of the presidential villa's roof and was then shot when he emerged, injured, from the damaged building ; nevertheless he remained alive until being taken to his mother-in-law's house and hacked to death.
* The villa's gardens feature in one of Respighi's Pini di Roma.
Though Majorelle's gentlemanly orientalist watercolors are largely forgotten today ( many are preserved in the villa's collection ), the gardens he created is his creative masterpiece.
At the same time parts of the villa's baths were also excavated.
On 2 March 2010, a court in Nice, France ruled that the villa's owner, 71-year-old Lily Safra, widow of deceased billionaire banker Edmond Safra, could keep the £ 36 million deposit, plus £ 1 million in interest.
The villa's most famous feature is the Orpheus mosaic, the second largest of its kind in Europe and one of the most intricate.
After a difficult courtship ( due to Petre's staunch Catholicism and the Cargill family's equally staunch Presbyterianism ) the couple were eventually permitted to marry, the wedding taking place in the villa's principal salon shortly after its completion in 1877.

museum and contains
A lift will take visitors almost to the top – to the attic, where there is a small museum which contains large models of the Arc and tells its story from the time of its construction.
* Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre and Country Park: website for the museum, contains information and photos about current state of the battlefield
Other memorials to Buddy Holly include a street named in his honor and The Buddy Holly Center, which contains a museum of Holly memorabilia as well as a Fine Arts Gallery.
The prison contains a small museum with an exhibit on Powers, who allegedly developed a good rapport with Russian prisoners there.
Samos excavations have revealed votive offerings, many of them late 8th and 7th centuries BC, which show that Hera at Samos was not merely a local Greek goddess of the Aegean: the museum there contains figures of gods and suppliants and other votive offerings from Armenia, Babylon, Iran, Assyria, Egypt, testimony to the reputation which this sanctuary of Hera enjoyed and to the large influx of pilgrims.
* The homestead Mill Grove in Audubon, PA is open to the public and contains a museum presenting all his major works, including Birds of America.
The museum contains exhibits from Sumer and the city of Akkad, with monuments such as the Prince of Lagash's Stele of the Vultures from 2, 450 BC and the stele erected by Naram-Sin, King of Akkad, to celebrate a victory over barbarians in the Zagros Mountains.
The headquarters contains a museum of Methodism and a small park – the Susannah Wesley Herb Garden
The museum also contains some sculptures by famous sculptor Antoine Bourdelle, another native of Montauban, as well as collections of antiquities ( Greek vases ) and 18th and 19th ceramics.
The Ninth Fort museum contains collections of historical artifacts related both to Soviet atrocities and the Nazi genocide, as well as materials related to the earlier history of Kaunas and Ninth Fort.
The museum now contains about 3. 8 million objects.
A museum of trial events in its basement contains such memorabilia as the microphone used to broadcast the trial, trial records, photographs, and an audiovisual history.
The museum also has an extensive depot, situated at Acton, that contains material impossible to display at the central London museum, including many additional road vehicles, trains, collections of signs and advertising materials.
Today, the Zwinger is a museum complex that contains the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister ( Old Masters Picture Gallery ), the Dresden Porcelain Collection ( Porzellansammlung ), the Armory ( Rüstkammer ) and the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon ( Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments ).
Today, it contains 35 apartments, 9 dorm rooms, 9 guest rooms, a museum and meeting and dining facilities.
* The Thomas Pynchon novel V. contains a chapter centered around an attempted robbery of The Birth of Venus from the museum.
The museum at Rennes contains a large representative collection.
Operated as a state museum, it contains artifacts from the site, mannequins representing military units and a detailed model of the fort.
It contains numerous homes, bars and bistros, cafés and restaurants, an award-winning arts centre, a maritime museum and a range of shops and stores.
It now contains a museum as well as the still-functioning and operating studio.
Located in a house with garden which once belonged to the son and later the grandson of author Jules Verne, the museum contains a small but interesting collection of art objects, many donated by naval officers from the time of the French colonization of Southeast Asia.
The Museum of Art ( Musée d ' art ) was created in 1888, the museum contains collections of modern and contemporary art, as well as paintings of provence from the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century.
The Lapworth Archive, housed in the museum, contains a remarkably complete record of all areas of his research work and teaching.
The museum also contains a science center called Spectrum.

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