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Page "Timeline of lighting technology" ¶ 42
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Some Related Sentences

These and all
These things are important to almost all Persians and perhaps most important to the most ordinary.
These are traversed by another line of vaults, and thus rooms, arched on all four sides, are formed.
These songs ( practically all Persian music, for that matter ) are limited to a range of two octaves.
These illiterate boors conscripted from villages all across the Czarina's empire had, Suvorov may have told Lewis, just two things a commander could count on: physical fitness and personal courage.
These chatty merchants made amusing and instructive traveling companions, for their business took them to all four corners of the globe, and Florentine gossip had already reached a high stage of development as even a cursory glance at the Inferno will prove.
These lines never cease to haunt the book amidst all the exaltations of combat, and to make an appeal for a larger and more elemental human community than one based on the brutal necessities of war.
These gentlemen are calling for a resumption of testing -- in the atmosphere -- on the greatest possible scale, all in the name of national security.
These problems are not local to Rhode Island, but are recognized as common to all states.
These differences in turn result from the fact that my Yokuts vocabularies were built up of terms selected mainly to insure unambiguity of English meaning between illiterate informants and myself, within a compact and uniform territorial area, but that Hoijer's vocabulary is based on Swadesh's second glottochronological list which aims at eliminating all items which might be culturally or geographically determined.
These cases, for all their rarity, are so dramatic that friends and relations repeat the story until the general population may get an entirely false notion of how often the hymen is a serious problem to newly-weds.
These questions have remained one of the great sea mysteries of all time.
These planets were much bigger, nearly all capable of holding an atmosphere.
These axioms are sufficient for many proofs in elementary mathematical analysis, and are consistent with some principles, such as the Lebesgue measurability of all sets of reals, that are disprovable from the full axiom of choice.
These exceptions, introduced with a good object, had grown into a widespread evil by the 12th century, virtually creating an imperium in imperio, and depriving the bishop of all authority over the chief centres of influence in his diocese.
These lay abbacies were not merely a question of overlordship, but implied the concentration in lay hands of all the rights, immunities and jurisdiction of the foundations, i. e. the more or less complete secularization of spiritual institutions.
These include all quadratic surds, all rational numbers, and all numbers that can be formed from these using the basic arithmetic operations and the extraction of square roots.
These are all L-stereoisomers ( left handed isomers ) although a few D-amino acids ( right handed ) occur in bacterial envelopes and some antibiotics.
These coenobia resembled villages, peopled by a hard-working religious community, all of one sex.
These regulations cover access to all programs and services offered by the entity.
These findings may corroborate the evidence for social behaviour in Albertosaurus, although some or all of the above localities may represent temporary or unnatural aggregations.
: These sold at such prices in the markets of all the cities!
These displayed his prolific habits and literally encyclopedic knowledge of topics such as logic, theology, botany, geography, astronomy, astrology, mineralogy, chemistry, zoology, physiology, phrenology and others ; all of which were the result of logic and observation.
These were all defeated, by an opposition that included a fellow Tennessean, Isham G. Harris, who later became a bitter enemy.

These and new
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
These new poems have only a few direct references to jazz and jazz musicians, but they show changes in Patchen's approach to his poetry, for he has tried to enter into and understand the emotional attitude of the jazz musician.
These examples underscore the importance of even more searching evaluations of new major development programs and even more penetrating and far-ranging analyses of the potentialities of future technology.
These areas, by virtue of their abrupt density of pattern, stated the literal surface with such new and superior force that the resulting contrast drove the simulated printing into a depth from which it could be rescued -- and set to shuttling again -- only by conventional perspective ; ;
These circumstances drove the army to look for a new leader.
These experiments also led to a number of patents: for example, he invented a new form of laminated bent-plywood furniture in 1932.
These extravagant expenditures began shortly after the end of Second Punic War, and increased as the spoils returned from Rome's new eastern conquests.
These days Aleuts eat their traditional food but also with the new processed foods the outside world brought in.
These localities continue to yield new organisms faster than they can be studied.
These elections constitutionally must be held no longer than every five years apart, however elections can be called whenever the Government so chooses to seek a new mandate or loses a vote of no confidence in Parliament.
These new policies resulted in impressive initial rates.
These advances brought to market many new containers and package designs.
These were designed to be ' counties-to-themselves '; administrative divisions to sit alongside the new administrative counties.
These newer concerns are among the many factors causing researchers to investigate new methods of computing such as the quantum computer, as well as to expand the usage of parallelism and other methods that extend the usefulness of the classical von Neumann model.
These courts essentially overrule all previous cases in each new case, and older cases survive only to the extent they do not conflict with newer cases.
Because his vision of personal and social perfections was framed as a revival of the ordered society of earlier times, Confucius is often considered a great proponent of conservatism, but a closer look at what he proposes often shows that he used ( and perhaps twisted ) past institutions and rites to push a new political agenda of his own: a revival of a unified royal state, whose rulers would succeed to power on the basis of their moral merits instead of lineage. These would be rulers devoted to their people, striving for personal and social perfection, and such a ruler would spread his own virtues to the people instead of imposing proper behavior with laws and rules.
These comprise several categories, including new build, refurbished, and converted pubs.
These bets are often considered " not working " on the new come-out roll until the next point is established, unless the player calls the bet as " working.
These early textual studies convinced him of the absolute necessity of new and more exact collations of manuscripts.
These new principles were presented in the Tamworth Manifesto which is considered by historians to be the basic statement of the beliefs of the new Conservative Party.
These were completed by de Camp and Carter, and new stories written entirely by the two were added as well.
These small-scale organic communities were generally seen as a new development in world history, in contrast to the established ancient civilizations of Egypt or Persia, or the hunter-gatherer bands elsewhere.
These cautious tactics aroused derision amongst their more conservative French and Russian opponents but proved appropriate to the new nature of warfare.
These were re-introduced by new producer Bill Podmore who joined the series in 1976.

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