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Page "Midland, South Dakota" ¶ 4
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They and don't
They don't go for bull-like muscle, as a rule.
They don't expect to stop him, just slow him down some with the bat.
They get all the glory and most of the pay and don't earn ten cents apiece on the average, the drunken rascals ''.
`` They don't like it if I do anything away from home.
They don't, Mrs. Constable.
They don't want to be tagged with it and shouldn't be tagged with it-that's not what they're pushing ...
He explained, " They don't in any way measure up to their exalted calling.
They are the only tiles in the whole set that don't match other tiles in the normal sense.
They don't do a lot of aerobics at the nunnery .").
: They don't care whether their plays are art
As early as September 1942, Dr. Johann Paul Kremer, M. D., an SS physician, witnessed a gassing of prisoners, and in his diary wrote: " They don't call Auschwitz the camp of annihilation Lager der Vernichtung for nothing!
" They don't carry a note on a dollar bill saying ' This comes from the tobacco industry ,'" he said.
They are the most preposterous and unjustified of all the guesses which can be made about the universe, and I am not enough of a hair-splitter to pretend that I don't regard them as arrant and negligible moonshine.
They don't want a piece of the pie, they want the whole pie.
" He argues that working people's struggles are inherently dramatic: " They live life very vividly, and the stakes are very high if you don't have a lot of money to cushion your life.
They don't use a vehicle for commuting and always commute barefoot from one place to another, irrespective of the distance.
They don't possess any materialistic things and also don't use the basic services like that of a phone, electricity etc.
They don't prepare food and live only on what people offer them.
They discovered that two round logs tied together don't roll, or capsize, as easily as a single log.
They don't follow the ordinary laws of science that you ordinarily think of.
They don't have as much energy and are not able to ionize cells.
They don't give a shit about black women's problems, they don't care about Latino women, all they're interested in is their own reproductive freedom and their pocketbooks.
They have specific rules, as do multiplayer games, but mathematical puzzles don't usually involve competition between two or more players.

They and have
They would have to go west through the narrow river valley that separated Leyte from Samar and hope that it didn't close in before they returned.
They were married over the week-end, though he was easily sixty and she could not have been even thirty.
`` They wouldn't have sold me in the first place if there'd been food enough to go around ''.
They have pulled out all my teeth and now she will carve out my tongue with her hacksaw!!
They couldn't have much dough, but then none of the freight-bums Feathertop rolled had much.
They have also led the nation in the direction of a welfare state.
They believe that if the South had been let alone it would have produced a civilization superior to that of modern America.
They, too, have fragments of the go code with them.
As Wisman put it, `` They have separate pieces of the pie, and we have the whole pie.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
They are in general those fears that once seemed to have been amenable to prayer or ritual.
They are presumed to have plunged to a common grave in this fatal embrace.
They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough, I believe, in pointing out Faulkner's independence, his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition.
They have an ancestry extending back, however, at least to 1728, when William Byrd described the Lubberlanders he encountered in the back country of Virginia and North Carolina.
They tell us, sir, that we are free, because we have in one hand a ballot, and in the other a stock certificate.
They all have this in common: the earth is situated near the center of the deferent.
They were in fact quietly laughing at him, for their King wished to have nothing to do with the Western world.
On December 21, the day that the Irish House of Commons petitioned for removal of Sir Constantine Phipps, their Tory Lord Chancellor, Molesworth reportedly made this remark on the defense of Phipps by Convocation: `` They that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also ''.
They have remained on the opened page of my mind in all the years which since have passed.
They, in effect, have compromised the opposing positions of the nineteenth century.
They, too, have links with the city's ills.
They opposed the Forand bill, which would have placed the major burden of financial support upon the individual himself through compulsory payroll deduction ; ;

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