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Page "Act of Congress" ¶ 2
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is and likely
Debate is not likely to resolve the tensions and make the lot of the stepchild a happier one.
A need so deeply planted, asking for direction, so to speak, is likely to be gratified by the vivid examples and heroic proportions of literature.
One might argue that the ultimate purpose of literary scholarship is to correct this spontaneous provincialism that is likely to obscure the horizons of the general public, of the newspaper critic, and of the creative artist himself.
It has been a long time since he has seen any campaign money, and when the proposition is laid down to him as the friends of Mr. Hearst are laying it down these days he is quite likely to get aboard the Hearst bandwagon ''.
If only for this modest masterpiece of military history, Blenheim is likely to be read and reread long after newer interpretations have perhaps altered our picture of the Marlborough wars.
In his study Samuel Johnson, Joseph Wood Krutch takes this line when he says that what Aristotle really means by his theory of catharsis is that our evil passions may be so purged by the dramatic ritual that it is `` less likely that we shall indulge them through our own acts ''.
Even in such technical curricula as engineering, the senior is much more likely than the freshman to choose, as an ideal, liberal education over specific vocational preparation.
This finding is consistent also with the fact that student leaders are more likely to be supporters of the values implicit in civil liberties than the other students.
Only when a concert of nations rests on the positive foundations of shared goals and values is it likely to form a viable instrument of long-range policy.
For the sad truth is that while one might write well without having read Bartleby The Scrivener, one is more likely, to write well if one has `` read it, and much else.
If the would-be joiner asks these questions he is not likely to be duped by extremists who are seeking to capitalize on the confusions and the patriotic apprehensions of Americans in a troubled time.
Prince Sihanouk's powers of prognostication some day may be confirmed but history is not likely to praise the courage of his convictions.
Gen. Taylor will report to President Kennedy in a few days on the results of his visit to South Viet Nam and, judging from some of his remarks to reporters in the Far East, he is likely to urge a more efficient mobilization of Vietnamese military, economic, political and other resources.
Nothing that is likely to happen, however, should prompt the sending of United States soldiers for other than instructional missions.
Gen. Taylor, the President's special military adviser, is a level-headed officer who is not likely to succumb to propaganda or pressure.
When different colors are used, she is just as likely to color trees purple, hair green, etc..
The latter is likely to occur when the thyroid is removed.
So, while we properly inveigh against the new poisoning, history is not likely to justify the pose of righteousness which some in the West were so quick to assume when Mr. Khrushchev made his cynical and irresponsible threat.
Red China is trying to do this, and she is not likely ever to succeed.

is and result
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
As long as perception is seen as composed only of isolated sense data, most of the quality and interconnectedness of existence loses its objectivity, becomes an invention of consciousness, and the result is a philosophical scepticism.
and our loss of `` prestige '' abroad is the direct result.
But is that not like going to a chemistry laboratory and blindly pouring out liquids and powders from an array of bottles and then, after stirring, expecting a new wonder drug inevitably to result??
But is the result new barnsful of tested knowledge on the basis of which we can with confidence solve our domestic and international problems??
and it is surely clear that the first of these is the result of the way in which the individual's command of language interacts with the other two.
If disobeyed, the result is turmoil and chaos.
This was accordingly done, and the plight of the grateful Mrs. Morris was much relieved as a result of the generous loan, the amount of which is not known.
The other reason ( and the one with which I am here concerned ) is that one thus becomes inclined to inquire of any opinion, or change of opinion, whether it represents the wisdom of experience or is only the result of the difference between youth and age which is as inevitable as the all too obvious physical differences.
And when Vincent Berger returns to Europe, this first result of his encounters with mankind is considerably enriched and deepened by a crucial revelation.
What is in doubt as the free Germans and their allies consider the voting trends is the nature of the coalition that will result.
The New Testament offered to the public today is the first result of the work of a joint committee made up of representatives of the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Methodist Church, Congregational Union, Baptist Union, Presbyterian Church of England, Churches in Wales, Churches in Ireland, Society of Friends, British and Foreign Bible Society and National Society of Scotland.
war is the result of mistrust and lack of understanding between people.
In the first place, a large part of the discrepancy between President Eisenhower's estimate of a 1.5 billion dollar surplus for the same period and the new estimate of an almost seven billion dollar deficit is the result of the outgoing President's farewell gift of a political booby-trap to his successor.
Their burgeoning popularity may be a result of the closing of the 52nd Street burlesque joints, but curiously enough their atmosphere is almost always familial -- neighborhood saloons with a bit of epidermis.
The only fact that holds any weight in the article is the result of the tea party.
Its elimination would result in the saving of interest costs, heavy when short-term money rates are high, and in freedom from dependence on credit which is not always available when needed most.
This result is preliminary, and work is continuing.

is and more
The sambur buck, the jungle stag that is even more noble than the Scottish elk.
And if he is so scornful of the rights of states, why not advocate a different sort of constitution that he could more sincerely support??
Since the Supreme Court's decision of that year this is more doubtful ; ;
The long-settled areas of states like Virginia and South Carolina developed the ante-bellum culture to its richest flowering, and there the memory is more precious, and the consciousness of loss the greater.
And there is no section of the nation more ardent than the South in the cold war against Communism.
Whether a concept analogous to the principle of internal responsibility operates in a nation's external relations is less obvious and more difficult to establish.
But it is more than that.
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
Only recently new `` holes '' were discovered in our safety measures, and a search is now on for more.
Isfahan became more of a legend than a place, and now it is for many people simply a name to which they attach their notions of old Persia and sometimes of the East.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
But more important, and the thing which the casual traveler and the blind sojourner often do not see, is that these places and activities are often the settings in which Persians exercise their extraordinary aesthetic sensibilities.
Poetry in Persian life is far more than a common ground on which -- in a society deeply fissured by antagonisms -- all may stand.
Nostalgic Yankee readers of Erskine Caldwell are today informed by proud Georgians that Tobacco Road is buried beneath a four-lane super highway, over which travel each day suburbanite businessmen more concerned with the Dow-Jones average than with the cotton crop.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
The resulting picture might appear a maze of restless confusions and contradictions, but it is more true to life than a portrait of an artificially contrived order.
So great a man could not but understand, too, that the thing that moves men to sacrifice their lives is not the error of their thought, which their opponents see and attack, but the truth which the latter do not see -- any more than they see the error which mars the truth they themselves defend.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
`` What is more true than anything else??

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