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Page "Radiation pressure" ¶ 21
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is and somewhat
Obviously, such a Northern tourist's purpose is somewhat akin to a child's experience with Disneyland: he wants to see a world of make-believe.
At this point a working definition of idea is in order, although our first definition will have to be qualified somewhat as we proceed.
Fortunately, it is possible to be somewhat more concrete and factual in diagnosing the involvement of values in education.
Having hedged its bets in this way, PHS apparently decided it would be possible to make some sort of determination after all: `` At present radiation levels, and even at somewhat higher levels, the additional risk is slight and very few people will be affected ''.
For the near term, however, it must be realized that the industrial and commercial market is somewhat more sensitive to general business conditions than is the military market, and for this reason I would expect that any gain in 1961 may be somewhat smaller than those of recent years ; ;
The assisting musicians from the Vienna Octet are somewhat lacking in expertise, but their contribution is rustic and appealing.
This whole development is certain to be of interest to the readers, for the idea has so often been mentioned, somewhat wistfully.
Rates for American cars are somewhat higher, ranging from about $8.00 a day up to $14.00 a day for a Chevrolet Convertible, but the rate per kilometer driven is roughly the same as for the larger European models.
This calculation results in an enthalpy rise which is somewhat high because it assumes a mass flow equally distributed over the plug cross section whereas in reality the mass velocity is expected to be smaller in the regions of higher temperatures.
the former figure is based on a somewhat unusual birth of four by a Central American female ( see chapter on Laying, Brooding, Hatching, and Birth ), the latter on a `` normal '' newly born individual.
It is of interest that her menarche was somewhat later than the average for the girls in this group.
It will be seen that where the scope is similar, the Athabascan ratios come out somewhat higher ( as indeed they ought to with a total ratio of 2.8 as against 3.5 or 4: 5 ) except for verbs, where alone the Athabascan ratio is lower.
First is the long and still somewhat obscure process of preparation, planning and discussion.
The tendency for general business activity to soften somewhat is becoming more evident.
Although the pause in the advance of general business activity this year has thus far been quite modest, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the softening process will continue into the first quarter of 1961 and possibly somewhat longer.
It is as follows: `` The usual sensitivity tests showed that the specific qualities of skin-perceptiveness ( pressure, pain, temperature ), as well as the kinesthetic sensations ( muscular feelings, feelings in the tendons and joints ), were, as such, essentially intact, although they seemed, in comparison with normal reactions, to be somewhat diminished over the entire body.
A quiet but sturdy theme, somewhat folklike in character, appears whenever the old monk speaks of the history he is recording or of his own past life:
The consequence of this is that the girls at Brooklyn College outnumber the boys and do somewhat better academically.
Missionary outreach by friendly contact looks somewhat different when one reflects on what is known about friendly contact in metropolitan neighborhoods ; ;
The reason, says the Housing Center, is that the builders invited to the intentions conference `` are generally among the more successful businessmen, and usually do somewhat better than their fellow builders ''.

is and below
He thought of the jungles below him, and of the wild, strange, untracked beauty there and he promised himself that someday he would return, on foot perhaps, to hunt in this last corner of the world where man is sometimes himself the hunted, and animals the lords.
As they stood at the first-class rail, waving down to his wife and Casanova below, Lewis said, `` Earl, there is Gracie's future husband ''.
Such payments shall be made to small domestic producers of lead as long as the market price for common lead at New York, New York, as determined by the Secretary, is below 14-1/2 cents per pound, and such payments shall be 75 per centum of the difference between 14-1/2 cents per pound and the average market price for the month in which the sale occurred as determined by the Secretary.
Such payments shall be made to small domestic producers of zinc as long as the market price for prime western zinc at East Saint Louis, Illinois, as determined by the Secretary, is below 14-1/2 cents per pound, and such payments shall be 55 per centum of the difference between 14-1/2 cents per pound and the average market price for the month in which the sale occurred as determined by the Secretary.
The safest place is the basement corner least exposed to windows and deepest below ground.
The long-range objective is to hold the damage from destructive agencies below the level which would seriously interfere with intensive management of the National Forest System under principles of multiple use and high-level sustained yield of products and services.
New obligational authority for 1961 recommended in this budget for aircraft procurement ( excluding amounts for related research and construction ) totals $4,753 million, which is $1,390 million below that enacted for 1960.
I therefore believe it is realistic to assume a modest drop in the total value of home entertainment electronics to about $1.8 million, slightly below 1960, but above 1959.
The well itself is designed to take two Merc 800's or 500's if you wish and there's room for a 25-gallon long-cruise gas tank below it.
After the frames and transom are set up on the jig and temporarily braced, a piece of three-inch-wide mahogany ( only widths will be given since the 13/16-inch thickness is used throughout ) is butted between frames one and two below the line of the keelson.
You'll need more if the high average is above that, less if it's below.
There is much that many industries can continue to learn from some of the more recent developments described below.
A relative newcomer in outdoor signs is Mylar polyester film, now used as a printed overlay for trans-illuminated signs ( see below ).
The experimental arrangement as described below is based on the geometry of free burning arcs.
Moreover, it will be asymmetric until a certain critical Af distance is reached, below which it will become symmetric.
The purpose of washing is, obviously, to remove soils which are arbitrarily classed in the four major categories given below: 1.
Physicochemical investigations of anionic surfactants, including the soaps, have shown that there is little polymerization or agglomeration of the chain anions below a certain region of concentration called the critical micelle concentration.
The chemical nature of the iodocompounds is discussed below ( pp. 76 et seq. ).
It is our belief that this readiness to relinquish some control was evidenced by the Kohnstamm-positive subjects in some of the other experimental situations to be discussed below.
The average annual rate of 1,083,000 in the second half of the Sixties is still considerably below the annual rate of 1,525,000 in the three-year period from April 1947 to March 1950.
In this model, then, the industry is presumed to realize that they could successfully resist a change in the basic wage rate, but since such a change is the only effective means to raising prices they may, in circumstances to be spelled out in Part 2, below, find it to their advantage to allow the wage rise.
The ideal storage temperature for long periods is about fifty-five degrees, with an allowable range of five degrees above or below this, provided there are no sudden or frequent changes.
And on the summit of Mount Washington, where thirty-five degrees below zero is commonplace and the wind velocity has registered higher than anywhere else in the world, there is a kind of wisdom to be found that other men often seek in the Himalayas `` because it is there ''.

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