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Throughout and period
Throughout the period and during the movement operation, the Museum continued its functional support of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
Throughout the authoritarian period, tensions often existed between the High Command and the five generals who served as president.
Throughout the postwar period, economic progress also was assisted substantially by a level of internal and external political stability unseen in other East European countries during the same period, that was also a change in Bulgarian political scene was a lot of turbulence preceded the ascent to power of the BCP.
Throughout the colonial period, large areas of Chad were never governed effectively: in the huge BET Prefecture, the handful of French military administrators usually left the people alone, and in central Chad, French rule was only slightly more substantive.
Throughout the period there was also significant technological change both in the production and transportation of goods.
Throughout this period, Empress Jitō ruled from the Fujiwara Palace in Yamato.
Throughout this period Bacon managed to stay in the favour of the king while retaining the confidence of the Commons.
Throughout this period Orwell kept a wartime diary.
Throughout this period, the Inquisition, a Roman Catholic organisation, had organised the mass suppression of peoples and views that they considered heretical.
Throughout a 24 hour period blood plasma glucose levels are generally maintained between 4-8 mmol / L ( 72 and 144 mg / dL ).
Throughout his career Lönnrot made a total of eleven field trips within a period of fifteen years.
Throughout this period the Lombard princes swung in allegiance from one party to another.
Throughout Portugal's Estado Novo period, Luanda grew from a town of 61, 208 with 14. 6 % of those inhabitants being white in 1940, to a wealthy cosmopolitan major city of 475, 328 in 1970 with 124, 814 Europeans ( 26. 3 %) and around 50, 000 mixed race inhabitants.
Throughout the troubled period, commercial and cultural relations remained active.
Throughout time from Carolingian period and all the way up to the Middles Ages, different styles of folding the quire came about.
Throughout this period the World Food Program has continued to organise shipments from the Mandalay Division to the famine-struck areas to the north.
Throughout the Reconstruction period, more than 1, 500 African Americans were elected to political office, while Grant and the military protected their rights initially by overturning the black codes in 1867.
Throughout this period, the fighting game was the dominant genre in competitive video gaming, with enthusiasts popularly attending arcades in order to find human opponents.
Throughout the rehearsal period, the New York newspapers were filled with articles about gang warfare, keeping the show's plot timely.
Throughout the early modern period, the English term " witch " was not exclusively negative in meaning, and could also indicate cunning folk.
Throughout this period, the Manhattan Project maintained a top secret classification.
Throughout the Safavid empire ( 1501 – 1722 ) Shiraz remained a provincial capital and Emam Qoli Khan, the governor of Fars under Shah Abbas I, constructed many palaces and ornate buildings in the same style as those built during the same period in Isfahan, the capital of the Empire.
Throughout this period the Baltic German nobility enjoyed autonomy, where the language of administration and education was German.

Throughout and became
Throughout the 1960s, domestic Cambodian politics became polarized.
Throughout the late Roman and early Byzantine periods, Christianity was resolving fundamental questions of identity, and the dispute between the orthodox and the monophysites became the cause of serious disorder, expressed through allegiance to the horse-racing parties of the Blues and the Greens.
Throughout ITV's history and until Channel 4 finally became a reality, a perennial dialogue existed between the GPO, the government, the ITV companies and other interested parties, concerning the form such an expansion of commercial broadcasting would take.
The divorce became final in December 17, 2001. Throughout the mid-1990s, many tabloids reported that he was having an affair with longtime friend and collaborator Trisha Yearwood.
Throughout his career, Paganini also became close friends with composers Gioachino Rossini and Hector Berlioz.
Throughout its seven seasons and a total of 144 episodes, Buffy, and by extension Gellar, became cult icons in the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland and Australia.
Throughout the fifties and sixties, Adorno became a public figure, not simply through his books and essays, but also through his appearances in radio and newspapers.
Throughout the 1800s, the university ’ s academic disciplines became more specialised.
Throughout the Greco-Roman world, the cult of Isis became one of the most significant of the mystery religions, and many classical writers refer to her temples, cults, and rites.
Throughout the 1980s, political dissent and social problems, including inflation, urban migration, and school overcrowding, became great problems in China.
Throughout the 1960s, Visconti's films became more personal.
Throughout the book, he tries to figure out how a couch became impossibly stuck in the L-shaped stairway to his flat, forcing him and any visitors to climb over it to get to his flat.
Throughout PDPA history there were also other factions, such as the Kar faction led by Dastagir Panjsheri, who later became a Khalqist, and Settam-e-Melli formed and led by Tahir Badakhshi.
Throughout the century masquerade dances became popular in Colonial America.
Throughout this entire period both Assyria and Babylonia continued to exist as geo political entities and named regions, and Assyria in particular became a center of a distinctly Mesopotamian Christianity, namely the ancient Eastern Syrian Rite Christianity which was spread all over the near east and as far away as central Asia, India, Mongolia and China by travelling monks and still exists as the religion of the Assyrians to this day in the form of the Assyrian Church of the East, Chaldean Catholic Church and Ancient Church of the East.
Throughout the next decade, the Internet became accessible to the general population and became the most popular means for furry fans to socialize.
Throughout the 1980s, he spent more and more of his time trying to develop " the perfect tan ", and even became a celebrity ( on par with a professional athlete ) for his accomplishments, with George Hamilton as his idol.
Throughout their ten-year career as a band, Black Flag ’ s experiences became legendary, especially in the Southern California area.
Throughout that same year, 1890, she became inspired enough to write fifteen essays, poems, a novella, and the short story The Yellow Wallpaper.
Throughout the 19th century, oyster beds in New York harbor became the largest source of oysters worldwide.
Throughout the 1960s Dalida would frequently perform sell-out shows at the Olympia, and international dates became more frequent.
Throughout the 1980s, video poker became increasingly popular in casinos, as people found the devices less intimidating than playing table games.
Throughout the 1990s ( and particularly in 1996 ), commercial banking firms became content with the regulatory situation Volcker described.

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