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Page "Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann" ¶ 1
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Together and four
Together these four " foundation collections " included many of the most treasured books now in the British Library including the Lindisfarne Gospels and the sole surviving copy of Beowulf.
Together, the four areas form the traditional County Dublin.
Together the denomination is well on the way to achieving its four foci:
David Bebbington has termed these four distinctive aspects conversionism, biblicism, crucicentrism, and activism, noting, " Together they form a quadrilateral of priorities that is the basis of Evangelicalism.
Together, they wrote the music for more than twelve shows and four films.
Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth.
Together these four events are called the Majors or Slams ( a term borrowed from bridge rather than baseball ).
In the meantime, Beiderbecke played on four number-one records in 1928, all under the Whiteman name: " Together ," " Ramona ," " My Angel ," and " Ol ' Man River ", which featured Bing Crosby on vocals.
Together, Wilhelm and Henriette had four children: Jacob Grimm ( 3 April 1826 – 15 December 1826 ), Herman Friedrich Grimm ( 6 January 1828 – 16 June 1901 ), Rudolf Georg Grimm ( 31 March 1830 – 13 November 1889 ), and Barbara Auguste Luise Pauline Marie ( 21 August 1832 – 9 February 1919 ).
Hawn's popularity continued into the 1980s, starting with another primetime variety special alongside actress and singer Liza Minnelli, Goldie and Liza Together ( 1980 ), which was nominated for four primetime Emmys.
Together they had four children:
Together they recorded four more influential albums: Sounds of Silence ; Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme ; Bookends ; and the hugely successful Bridge over Troubled Water.
Together, Yassin had four brothers and two sisters.
Together, Buchan and his wife had four children, Alice, John, William, and Alastair, two of whom would spend most of their lives in Canada.
* Walter Payton and Perry recorded an anti-drug, pro-peace rap tune entitled " Together " which was written by four Evanston, Illinois teens.
Together with Lee Dixon, Nigel Winterburn and Steve Bould, Adams was part of the " famous four " that lined up in Arsenal's defence, which under George Graham was renowned for its well-disciplined use of the offside trap.
Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state of the beginning, they are what always was.
Together they have four children: Jonathan, Natalie, Chloe and Jay.
After releasing four albums, Crowded House, Temple of Low Men, Woodface, and Together Alone, the group broke up in 1996, and followed this action by releasing a greatest hits album Recurring Dream.
Together Reppert and Williams manufactured stoneware for dealers in at least four states.
Together Seán and Kathleen had four children – Maureen ( b. 1925 ), Peggy ( 1927 – 2004 ), Noel ( 1929 – 1976 ) and Sheila ( 1932 – 1998 ).
Together with his wife, Frances, and their four children, Waite witnessed the Idi Amin coup in Uganda, he and his wife narrowly escaping death on several occasions.
Together they had 6 children, four sons and two daughters:
Together they had four children.
Together with model theory, axiomatic set theory, and recursion theory, proof theory is one of the so-called four pillars of the foundations of mathematics.

Together and treasures
Together with his brother and business partner Philip Hyman Rosenbach ( September 29, 1863 — March 5, 1953 ), he established the Rosenbach Museum & Library by testamentary gift in 1954 to share these and other treasures with the public.

Together and form
Together they also developed a new form of voltaic cell in which the wooden trough was replaced by one of copper, thereby producing stronger currents.
Together they form a structural totality of the differentiating abstraction process.
Together, communication content and form make messages that are sent towards a destination.
Together, these fields form a propagating electromagnetic wave, which moves out into space and never again affects the source.
" Together, they opened up the musical form, taking the film musical out of the studio and into real locations, with Donen taking responsibility for the staging and Kelly handling the choreography.
Together with the German National People's Party ( DNVP ), however, he was able to form a slim majority government.
Together, they form a comparison of creative power that does not work with nature and creative power that is harmonious with nature.
Together, the natural and man-made structures form a miracle of nature as they represent the mixing of opposites together, the essence of creativity:
Together with the connecting skin between them, they form the posterior commisure of the labia majora or posterior boundary of the pudendum.
Together, entertainment and media form the country's sixth biggest industry, with 3. 5 million people working in it.
Together with the electronic states, the vibrational states were also shown to form bands.
Together with the rhotics, which have similar behavior in many languages, these form a class of consonant called liquids.
Together, these elements form an " execution unit ".
Together, these facts show that the m-null sets of X form a sigma-ideal on X.
Together they form the upper branch of an ellipse of long semimajor axis that approximately orientates from west to east.
Together, they form a distinct physiographic province of the larger Alpine System division.
* Together with the identity matrix I ( which is sometimes written as σ < sub > 0 </ sub >), the Pauli matrices form an orthogonal basis, in the sense of Hilbert-Schmidt, for the real Hilbert space of 2 × 2 complex Hermitian matrices, or the complex Hilbert space of all 2 × 2 matrices.
Together they developed a more complicated form of ballet with show-elements intended to appeal to the general public, rather than solely the aristocracy.
Together the colleges form the second largest institution of higher education in the state, behind the University of Washington, to which many of their graduates transfer.
Together with nearby islands, all on Turks Bank, those two main islands form the two of the six administrative districts of the territory that fall within the Turks Islands.
Together, the pions form a triplet of isospin.
Together with other young artists, the group wanted to emphasise a research into form, in opposition to the Neo-Impressionist emphasis on color.
Together with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code FR, the numbers form the ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes for the metropolitan departments.

1.774 seconds.